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08-09-2018, 09:44 AM
I am unable to load images to my file manager, anyone else experiencing this?

08-09-2018, 10:13 AM
I have had some strange things happen while posting responses to threads this morning but have not tried to upload pictures. It may all be connected.

fast ronnie
08-09-2018, 10:16 AM
Had a little trouble posting a response to a thread a little while ago but it finally went thru.

08-09-2018, 10:40 AM
You are allowed only XXX amount of memory to store pictures and the pictures have to be under (apr) 200K to upload.

Try an image hosting site

Posting pictures using IMGUR
1 Go to https://imgur.com/
Select sign up
Fill out information or register with: facebook, twitter, Google+ or Yahoo account
Log into your account
Select new post, upload image, browse, select your image from your computer and click open
Hover mouse over your chosen name (top right toolbar) and select images
Left click on the image you want to post
Then click on COPY next to [BBCode (message boards & forums)]
Go to the post you want to put the image in, either right click and select paste or hit [Ctrl + V]
Save your post and you're done.

08-09-2018, 10:42 AM
Thanks for posting that. I have been looking for a new photo site since Photobucket went bad.