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View Full Version : Phone question.......again

08-09-2018, 03:41 AM
So I got all the phones, except one, working again.
I think that one was the problem.
But I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with that one phone line.
What's happening, is that if I connect it, and call the house, it will ring one time and ring continuously.
Nothing happens on the caller side. Ring one time, and nothing.
I tested the phone by plugging it into a working plug.
I replaced the line from the main box to the wall plug. About five feet long.
Narrowed it down to the wall plug box. i think.
It's a new box. Old one had corrosion on the terminals.
Old box had six wire connectors, on the female plug side.
New one had only four.
Could this make a difference???

08-09-2018, 07:01 AM
Mice caused my phoneline problems.

08-09-2018, 07:14 AM
You should only need 2 wires tip and ring. What I would do is plug the phone into the jack and find the 2 wire como that gets you dial tone. Then you only need to figure out the polarity. I have all the equipment to test including a head set.

08-09-2018, 07:42 AM
As nyfirefighter357 said, except strike the word should.

Since you don’t have a test set, cut the RD-11 plug off an old patch cord, strip the wires, plug it into the phone and use the stripped wires to see what connectors give you dial tone. From those wire straight through to the new box and test again.

Your current problem sounds like you’re shorted to ground in one box related to this connection, could be at either end, or could be that you mixed up a couple of the white/xxx wires.

I haven’t wired a residential box in 20 years, thankfully!

08-09-2018, 10:29 PM
I thought I got them working.
They worked yesterday.
Had to disconnect half the phones.
May just look for someone to redo all the lines.

08-10-2018, 09:23 AM
Probably cost less to buy a multi-extension cordless phone setup.

The problem is most likely in the terminations and not with the wires, although I’ve certainly seen wires pulled apart and penetrated by nails or staples plenty of times.

08-10-2018, 03:55 PM
Just a few suggestion to do. to avoid service fees if its your side.
1 unplug all phones and any thing online with system
2 find one phone that works, then check it in all jacks
3 if a jack does not work, found cause
4 if jack ok check all phones one at a time to find if one is bad
5 add up total ring value of all phones, computer, answer machine and any thing else like security dialer and ems dialers. the phone company has a total max ring value and if you are over it there system will do many things to attempt a correction including full disconnect.
Hope you find your problem with lowest cost.

08-10-2018, 05:44 PM
I've had all the phones working before.
In fact I remover two phones long before this problem started.
I have a feeling it's the line to the half that is not working.
It's a speaker wire, not phone line.
I'll try the remove all phones test and see if I can find if it's one phone or the speaker wire.
I've had cordless phones in the past. Don't like them.
Once when I got a new cordless phone, I turned it on, without plugging in the base, and heard my neighbor's daughter talking to her friend.
When that one died, I've never gotten another cordless.