View Full Version : Thank you for today

08-07-2018, 06:32 AM
Lord thank you for another day . Be close to us Lord and guide us through your Holy Spirit to do what you would have us do to glorify you through our words and acts . Help us to strengthen our families through your guidance and seeking to stay in your light . Let us be an example to others lost or strayed . Show us to confirm to others your love and mercy . Thank you for all given . Amen

Pine Baron
08-07-2018, 08:13 AM
Thanks Charlie. Amen.

08-07-2018, 08:19 AM

08-07-2018, 08:31 AM
Yesterday I was in Aldi's buying grocery's. As normal I was carrying my little folding chair with. When the fatigue got bad, unfolded it and sat down. Pain and fatigue starts melting away.

Nice older gentlemen looks at me, says "Heart?"

No, adrenal glands, I go so far then I have to stop and sit a spell.

We had quite a nice little talk. Everthing from health and getting old to grandchildren.

He had been through 3 heart operations.

Yes Boaz, thank you for today indeed! And Yesterday too!

Every morning we wake up, with a fresh day in front of us. Up to us what we do with it.

Thank you for today Lord.

08-07-2018, 08:13 PM
Charlie, the day is winding down when I got to read your prayer....thanks brother! Paul

Preacher Jim
08-07-2018, 09:03 PM
Charlie I read your prayer and knew God had answered it. I made it through the day and his help solved many problems. Every day With Him is a day filled with grace no matter what problems we face.
I just tried to offer him to a young lady who told me she was fine as she was, homeless, on drugs. And now she is on her way to follow her boy friend to some place.
Charlie thank him every day we have the Holy Spirit guide us because with out him and our Savior Jesus we would still be drifting looking for something to give meaning to life. Jesus is the only answer but folks still try to do it themselves.
Thank you Jesus for loving us.

08-07-2018, 09:05 PM
Amen Preacher Jim, Amen.

08-07-2018, 09:32 PM
Charlie I read your prayer and knew God had answered it. I made it through the day and his help solved many problems. Every day With Him is a day filled with grace no matter what problems we face.
I just tried to offer him to a young lady who told me she was fine as she was, homeless, on drugs. And now she is on her way to follow her boy friend to some place.
Charlie thank him every day we have the Holy Spirit guide us because with out him and our Savior Jesus we would still be drifting looking for something to give meaning to life. Jesus is the only answer but folks still try to do it themselves.
Thank you Jesus for loving us.

Amen Jim .
People are searching for something to make them 'happy' or 'fulfilled' . GOD can give you that and more .

Pine Baron
08-08-2018, 08:29 AM
"I just tried to offer him to a young lady who told me she was fine as she was..." Ah, but you may have just planted the seed.

08-10-2018, 04:34 PM
Amen to all the above! We tend to take the momentum of our lives for granted, and seldom stop to thank the Lord for yet another day on this lush, wonderful planet! But if and when we do, it kind'a puts everything in its rightful perspective. After all, some who went to bed last night didn't get up this morning, and there's not one thing that guarantees us we won't be next. Truly, God loves us and wants us to be happy. He proves this in so many, many ways!