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View Full Version : Anyone need any mutton tallow?

08-03-2018, 10:40 AM
Gonna have some mutton tallow up for grabs here as soon as I get it rendered off. Would basically need folks to pay shipping, let me know if you need some.

08-03-2018, 11:24 AM
I would be very interested in some to mix 1:2 tallow and beeswax for BP cartridge lube for my cowboy loads!

I have used Crisco for years, and more recently changed to Goya Manteca, to mix "Confederate Army Lube" because I could buy it at the local grocery, but mutton tallow is the real "stuff" of old and it would be wonderful to have some to compare.

If you would be so kind, could you determine a cost for an amount which would ship, wrapped in butcher paper, sealed in a ZipLok bag and mailed in a small flat-rate box? I think this would be a pound or more and would interest a good many people other than myself. I would expect that postage for a small FRB probably exceeds the cost of the tallow, so maybe working up a price for a larger 10-lb. medium flat-rate box would be useful, as we could then give the stuff out as awards at our matches to encourage our few true believers in Holy Black and maybe attract youngsters to the order.

08-03-2018, 11:55 AM
Does beef tallow work as well? I have way more than I can use up in the frying pan. Dozen quarts or so. Could easily spare ten pounds. Smk SHoe was kind enough to send me a handful of bullets for testing and he didn't even ask for shipping. I'll do the same if somebody could use that much tallow. I've been watching for an opportunity to pay it forward. Trouble is, I haven't been casting long, and nobody needs anything I have, except me.

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08-03-2018, 12:47 PM
Beef tallow will work in many applications but it has a higher natural salt content than mutton tallow and will oxidize to the point of becoming rancid. Mutton tallow stays solid at higher temp and doesn't go rancid making it a common component in older lubes.

Outpost this costs me nothing but the cost to render it "which I have to do anyway" and shipping cost. I'll see how many guys need some and split the take so to speak so that everyone gets some. If your the only guy on the list I'll just send you my extra for the cost of shipping. I have basically an unlimited supply punctuated by when my guy processes lambs normally three or four times a year. I'll just collect names and send it out as I get it. But your on the list outpost, pm me your address and I'll get sfr box out to you as soon as it's cool enough to ship.

08-03-2018, 01:23 PM
I would be happy to buy some /thanks Ed


08-03-2018, 01:32 PM
My daughter and I shoot BP in cowboy matches. Be interesting to see if this works better than my usual lube, so I would to try some also, please.

08-03-2018, 01:45 PM
Hi firebyprolong; How do you render the tallow out? I don't need any, but would be interested in
how you do it. I render venison tallow by simmering on the woodstove over night in a pot of water.
In the morning I set it outside to cool.
When cool I scrape the fat floating on top of the water, into a pot. When the pot is full of rendered fat, I melt it on low heat to drive out any water
then I pour it through a piece of window screen and cheese cloth to take
out the cracklings and any meat scraps. I store in plastic peanut butter
containers. Makes a much smoother grease that will keep and don't
stink. Great black powder lube. Anyone that hunts can make their
own lube. Just wanted to know how you processed your tallow.

08-03-2018, 02:12 PM
Beef tallow will work in many applications but it has a higher natural salt content than mutton tallow and will oxidize to the point of becoming rancid. Mutton tallow stays solid at higher temp and doesn't go rancid making it a common component in older lubes.

Aww, shucks. Thanks for the interesting bit of info there.

Sent from my XT1710-02 using Tapatalk

mazo kid
08-03-2018, 02:48 PM
I would be happy to pay shipping for some mutton tallow. PM me when ready if I qualify. Thanks.

08-03-2018, 03:02 PM
I have always rendered mutton tallow by chunking it out and setting it in a Dutch oven over moderate heat and allowing it to cook out. I do this OUTSIDE, nothing has the smell of sheep like hot grease from said sheep. It will leave your house uninhabitable for some time if you try it in the kitchen. After all the crackleings are "done" and I've driven off all the water, I pour it through cloth in a strainer to remove any particulates into a plastic tub. Wrap the brick in plastic wrap and set in a cool place.

08-03-2018, 04:53 PM
If I'm not too late I'd like to get on the list for a box of tallow. PM me shipping payment details at your convenience.

08-03-2018, 06:57 PM
Interested if you have enough. PM me with details.

08-03-2018, 07:23 PM
Interested if you have enough. PM me with details.

What he said /\

I'd be interested as well

08-03-2018, 07:35 PM
I'd sure appreciate some. I use it for BP patch lube. PM me with the specifics at your convenience.

08-03-2018, 07:45 PM
Very interested if you have enough.

08-04-2018, 04:48 AM
I would be interested in some if you have enough but don't short change the other guys that were the first to post a request.

08-04-2018, 05:00 PM
I would also like to try some. I am always interested in trying something new/old. Wonder ho it would do for soap?
Please PM when you get to me.


Texas by God
08-04-2018, 05:47 PM
Put some in your mouth and take a drink of iced tea- you'll be amazed. 50 years ago and I still remember that.......

08-05-2018, 01:11 AM
Count me in!

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08-05-2018, 10:15 AM
You can also buy it here:

Not as good a deal as this thread though. You have to buy enough to amortize the shipping. I did and sold the excess here a couple of years ago.

Wayne Smith
08-05-2018, 07:13 PM
Sure, put me on the list. Realize I am in Tidewater, VA, growing area 8A, so shipping in the winter is probably best!

08-20-2018, 09:18 AM
First batch rendered this Sunday, I'll try to get to town and get it shipped in a couple days. More to come in a couple months, should be enough to get every body a half pound or better to play with.

08-22-2018, 12:54 AM

Looking forward to it.

10-08-2018, 01:24 AM
Yes I would like some if it's not too late. Just let me know. Thanks!

10-08-2018, 02:09 AM
Please put me on the list. TIA....charlie

10-08-2018, 06:49 AM
Mutton Tallow is great stuff, my late uncle was a Barber he used it on his razor strops for years, back when they used real razors.

10-09-2018, 07:39 AM
I would like some. PM'ed you. Thanks, Bruce.