View Full Version : Prayer request

07-25-2018, 07:47 PM
I had a bad 4 wheeler wreck a month ago and the body went down from there. Please keep Me in Your prayers and the Dr to have a steady hand. C6 C7 is the bad disc.

The surgery is set for Friday and We need to be there before 12:30 PM
The procedure is called ANTERIOR CERVICAL FUSION.
Please keep Me in Your Prayers.

07-25-2018, 07:52 PM
Praying it works.

07-25-2018, 08:02 PM
Praying for you Charles .

07-25-2018, 08:18 PM
Charles I will start praying this evening brother . You have my number .

07-25-2018, 08:31 PM
I understand the pain of not being able to do what your accustomed to. I can say a prayer..

Pine Baron
07-25-2018, 08:41 PM
Praying for you now Charles.

07-26-2018, 07:02 AM
Thank God that you survived the crash. Heavenly father bless Charles and bring him healing and relief of pain. Amen


07-26-2018, 07:04 AM
Thank God that you survived the crash. Heavenly father bless Charles and bring him healing and relief of pain. Amen


Amen to that. Prayers being offered.

07-26-2018, 09:45 AM
We are adding your situation to our prayer list.

07-26-2018, 05:14 PM
You got it, Charles.... I've had a bad back for years....wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.....

Greg in West Mitten

07-26-2018, 09:15 PM
Welcome to the wonderful world of back problems! A lot of us here have those, to one degree or another. Just keep trying to maintain your flexibility when the operation is done, and CHECK OUT your doctor - get the BEST available!!! We'll be praying for you - and many from knowing what you're going through. I've had two operations on my back, and one on my neck (old football injury), and they were all very successful because I chose my surgeon wisely (kind'a a new one for me!). You're probably about to learn the true meaning of "determination." Good luck with your choices and results!

Preacher Jim
07-26-2018, 09:37 PM
Charles I have added you to my church prayer list.
May the Lord guide and direct your healing, my he use you in mighty ways and His name be glorified in your healing. My he relieve all your pain.
In Jesus name we pray

07-26-2018, 11:03 PM
Father please be with Charles and his family as he undergoes this back surgery. Please guide the physicians and the medical team that will work on him. Please grant Charles comfort and reduce any fears. After his surgery please be with him and allow him heal and returned to his family and friends. AMEN

07-27-2018, 05:38 AM
Father God I lift up Charles to you this morning. I pray that you will give him healing and comfort. Be with the doctors and guild their hands as they preform this surgery today. I praise you for what you have done and what you will do. We put this in your hands. You are a loving father and a great God. In the name of your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

07-27-2018, 05:41 AM
Lord today Charles has his surgery . Work through his doctor and medical team to effect healing and relief of pain . Give him the comfort of your presence with your guidance to him and his family . Please speed his recovery to resume his life and be in your service . I know him to be faithful and a good steward Lord . Thank you for all you have done in his life and continue to do . Amen

Pine Baron
07-27-2018, 08:26 AM
Lord today Charles has his surgery . Work through his doctor and medical team to effect healing and relief of pain . Give him the comfort of your presence with your guidance to him and his family . Please speed his recovery to resume his life and be in your service . I know him to be faithful and a good steward Lord . Thank you for all you have done in his life and continue to do . Amen


07-27-2018, 10:26 AM
Prayers lifted to the Great Physician.

07-27-2018, 10:46 AM
prayers sent. I had the same fusion 2 years ago and had no problems since. Just follow dr's orders during recovery and all should be well.

07-27-2018, 06:44 PM
Praise GOD !

I just walked in the house from work and Charles called me . The operation is done but he hasn't talked to the doctor yet . He has been on my mind and in my prayers . He wanted me to thank all who have given prayer for him .

I will be praying more for a quick recovery . Charles is an active guy and I hope and pray our Lord puts him back in service quickly ! I hope others do also .

07-27-2018, 07:22 PM
Praying for our brother

07-27-2018, 08:36 PM
Charlie thanks for posting......Lets keep those prayers flying boys!

07-28-2018, 09:57 PM
Just got home from the surgery, they kept Me overnight.All went well and God answered prayers.

Thanks for the Prayers.

07-29-2018, 06:02 AM
Really glad to hear your home Charles ! Prayer continues .

Pine Baron
07-29-2018, 09:02 AM
Charles, thanks for the update and good news. Keep at the PT brother. God is good, Praise Jesus!