View Full Version : looking for respirator recomendations

07-20-2018, 07:32 PM
hey guys, i melt a lot of flashing and wheel weights the tar and nasty stuff makes horrible smoke and the wind seems to always bring it my way. i can still smell it through my current respirator so im looking for recomendations on something that will keep me safe in the preasence of this terrible smoke.

07-20-2018, 08:13 PM
Normally this would be a fitment issue. If you have a beard, you are SOL. Try some vaseline to help the seal.

Geezer in NH
07-20-2018, 08:18 PM
SCBA with a good seal will work. Expensive though you can buy them custom cast cheaper.

07-21-2018, 03:55 AM
I use a 3M full mask with filters for dust and organic vapors, among other things.

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07-21-2018, 03:59 AM
The 3M rep that I talked to on the phone said this was the one that was for smelting and casting bullets/weights. I like mine, it cuts out the smells.

07-21-2018, 06:55 AM
I use a respro bandit face mask.its a cloth bandana with activated charcoal filter build in ,sold in motor bike shops .I've been behind a big diesel truck on my bike and can't smell any smoke same when I use one smelting etc.

07-21-2018, 12:16 PM
If you are concerned about lead poisoning try this. It may alleviate your fears...http://www.buygasmonitors.com/saint-gobain-onesuit-pro-2-level-a-suit/?_vsrefdom=adwords&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzILcksuw3AIVWLXACh12-A6_EAQYBCABEgKQvfD_BwE

07-21-2018, 04:58 PM
If you are concerned about lead poisoning try this. It may alleviate your fears...http://www.buygasmonitors.com/saint-gobain-onesuit-pro-2-level-a-suit/?_vsrefdom=adwords&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzILcksuw3AIVWLXACh12-A6_EAQYBCABEgKQvfD_BwE

not worried about lead worried about the black smoke from burning off by products

07-22-2018, 07:44 AM
In my line of work, now retired, I was called upon to travel in and out of the US to appraise the structural condition of buildings that had incurred major damage usually due to fire, but also any other catastrophic events. In some special cases I would be asked to act as Project Manager and oversee the reconstruction of the structure.

My major was Industrial engineering, but as a structural appraiser, restoration specialist, project manager and Federal/State certified lead risk assessor, I can tell you what I have used to protect myself and hundreds of my workers from lead, asbestos, mold and numerous other toxins they could be exposed to. My recommendation is a properly fitted Honeywell North line of respirators fitted with organic vapor/HEPA cartridges.

If you are smelting there are an unknown number of toxins coming out of that pot, just trying to stand down wind in my opinion is fool hardy. As I used to tell my workers just because you breath out does not mean what you breathed in is gone! I wear and recommend a full face respirator in that kind of hazard. Yes, I know they are hot, but I am protected. The next recommendation is a half mask with same cartridges, but realize your eyes are exposed.

Depending on your financial situation a respirator may appear expensive, but in most cases the price won't break the bank. And yes, I come from a long line of Texas Rednecks and have worked with many more who "Know" a real macho man laughs at safety precautions. They also know that somehow they are magically protected from all harm, which explains why their last words are usually "Look at Me". But for me when I take a real look at it, if I don't have my health, the guns, casting and the rest of it has little meaning anyway. Just my 2 cents.