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07-20-2018, 08:52 AM
so the wife and I are on vacation this week and 1 of the things we had to do was take our dogs to the vet to update there shots and for a wellness checkup . so were getting onto interstate 99 with the dogs in the car were driving my wifes Mitsubishi outlander sport that we bought new 3 yrs ago and that she takes immaculate care of . this idiot in a dodge ram is behind us while were going up the onramp and i guess i wasn't going fast enough for him so he whips out around us long before the onramp ended across the rumble strips and straight to the passing lane i just shook my head and muttered what an ******* under me breath . so a couple miles down the road he is still in passing lane but slowing down im in my lane maintain speed i was running almost 60 mph in a 55 zone . he decides to whip over in front of me no signal never looked nothing it was close enough i had to slam on the brakes and whip the steering wheel to the right or he would have hit me for sure . so by this point im super pissed off and i know this is how road rage starts but i went out around him pulled up beside and yelled what the hell is your problem he looks up from his cell phone and says what ? he was totally oblivious to what he just did then the wife says you almost hit us and partially ran us off the road . i just left it go at that and drove away . how many accidents is there gonna be till people learn to stay off there phones while there driving ? i see people texting and driving pretty much on a daily basis and it needs to stop . i realize that by pulling up beside him and yelling that my actions weren't exactly the best thing to do either but im so sick of idiot drivers , ive spend a fair amount of time on the road in or on anything from 2 wheels to 18 wheels ive seen my share of idiots .

07-20-2018, 09:32 AM
I think the problem really started when they began calling them "accidents" instead of "collisions." An "accident" is not my fault. It just happened!
Technology just helped add to the toll! The attitude is the real problem!

07-20-2018, 09:39 AM
Somehow there should be a motion detector installed in ALL cell phones that shuts off calling and texting after 10-12 mph. It would save a lot of lives. My Harley collects dust in my garage because of this very reason. IMO the majority of the offenders I've seen over the years are young kids...mainly girls.

Thin Man
07-20-2018, 09:42 AM
No joke about the dangers of texting & driving. A few months ago I was stopped for a red light waiting for it to change. Had one of our daughters in the car with me. The light on the cross street went from green to yellow to red and a car to our left stopped in the curb lane for the light. As I started out to make a left turn I checked both sides of the cross street for incoming traffic, just as a matter of habit. Then I HIT THE BRAKES!!! A young female driver came through the intersection from our left (MY side of our car) without slowing down or attempting to stop for the signal. As she passed through the intersection her face was buried in her cell phone. If I hadn't checked the cross traffic that day I would not be here to write this message. Defensive driving at it's best involves responsible driving on your part and keeping an eye open on all other traffic on the roads. It saved me that day.

07-20-2018, 09:50 AM
Yep it happens far to frequently, sitting to turn left at busy intersection with arrow only on for like 5 sec. guy in front texting, get arrow have to honk they get woke up and go while you have to wait for next cycle. We have laws just passed here to write tickets for this completely unenforceable. Glad I’m retired.

Don Purcell
07-20-2018, 10:02 AM
But you don't realize these idiots are special, they each think they are the most special person on the face of the planet and no one else matters, we should all adjust our lives for them. Flipping morons.

07-20-2018, 10:12 AM
My wife has an auto response set up. It might be her car that does it.

lefty o
07-20-2018, 10:32 AM
texters are worse than drunks.

07-20-2018, 10:42 AM
Cell phones have GPS, so it shouldn't be too hard to shut off the talk and text functions above, say, 15 mph (911 would still be active), but it would cost the carriers money, so I suspect thats why it isn't done. Gotta put profits over peoples lives, right???

07-20-2018, 10:46 AM
Hi. Remember that idiot in Texas that killed 13 people by colliding with the church bus in April last year? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-man-indicted-church-bus-crash-killed-13-n778206. I really hope he spends the rest of his life put away behind bars where he'll never be a danger to anyone again. Ed

07-20-2018, 10:59 AM
It is illegal in my state. It seems to help to make it illegal.

07-20-2018, 11:05 AM
I see it all the time on my way to and from work. 99% of the time it is young people, mostly young women.
People just need to leave their phones in their pockets or in the glove box while driving. If it's so important that you have to text the person just pull over to a safe spot and send the text.

07-20-2018, 11:13 AM
It is illegal in my state. It seems to help to make it illegal.

It is also in my state also. The law enforcement want to try put it hands free that way it will be easy to know who is not to be use of the phone driven.

07-20-2018, 11:21 AM
“Distracted driving” as they call it now out paces drunkenness as cause of fatalities on our road ways. Many states are making distracted driving illegal which includes texting, using your phone as a gps unless in a mount, etc.

07-20-2018, 11:29 AM
RedlegEd, One of the 13 people that this idiot( calling him an idiot is an insult to idiots) killed was my neighbor's wife. She was a super nice lady and almost had a smile all the time for everybody. If this guy wanted to kill himself I could have given him some suggestions that wouldn't involve hurting anyone else.

Stupid people are not new. Back in the late 80's early 90's if you would have said cell phone the answer would have been "What?" I was working for a company that caused me to live on Loop 410 in San Antonio. I have seen people reading the newspaper, doing something to something in the passenger seat or in general believed that the sky was brown. This was during rush hour. I blame seat belt laws and air bags for saving these idiots lives to be able to reproduce when Darwin should have been allowed to work. We have enough stupid people in government I don't need any more in my life.

07-20-2018, 11:33 AM
Somehow there should be a motion detector installed in ALL cell phones that shuts off calling and texting after 10-12 mph. It would save a lot of lives. My Harley collects dust in my garage because of this very reason. IMO the majority of the offenders I've seen over the years are young kids...mainly girls.

It is easy to detect if a cell phone is moving or stationary. Cell phone companies could disable the phones with a minor software change.

Now. You need a state or federal law.

Good luck with that.

07-20-2018, 08:31 PM
An idiot kid texting is why I have a 3 inch long titanium plate in my neck and constant neck pain now. Kid admitted to the cops he was texting, lost his license for 3 years except to drive to and from work. Kid decided that meant after work he could drive his buddies around town and he was texting again and ran a red light. Injured 3 in his car and 2 in the car he broadsided. No license at all now for 5 years and he has 12 months of community service to do including speaking on the dangers of texting and driving and how it ruins lives. Judge made him tell my story of how he almost killed me when he ran a stop sign texting and I slammed into the side of his truck at 40mph...


07-20-2018, 08:37 PM
Do you remember when you were 20? I swear, I could have split my torso from stem to stern with a corn knife and watched myself knit back together in the mirror.

Now days, a paper cut on the finger requires triple-antibiotic ointment and a band-aid or it'll get infected.

I'm not sure who's sense of 'humor' is responsible for this, but I am NOT amused.

Sorry to hear about your accident Mary.

07-20-2018, 08:57 PM
It's illegal here except for LEO, politicians, doctors, government workers, while doing work.
Friend of mine almost got killed a few months ago.
He had opened his door and a SUV almost hit him, taking off the door.
She was on her phone, she stopped looked at him, and then drove away.
He got the license and saw her face.
She used to be a politician.
First she said she was late for a very important meeting, and didn't know she had hit anything.
Then she said she didn't stay because she felt threatened.
I court she got no jail time. Had to pay his $500 deductible. Community service.
Never said she was sorry. Never admitted she did it.
She a trustee for Bishop Estate. Largest land owner in the state.
Different rules for different people here.

07-20-2018, 09:58 PM
About 8-9 years ago we lived close to Anchorage Alaska. The Anchorage chief of police rear ended another car while the guy was sitting at a red light. Yup, the chief was texting. Of course he said it was duty related, lol

07-20-2018, 10:15 PM
A couple months ago I was rear ended at a stop light for some bridge construction while on my way home from work. There are two bridges maybe a quarter of a mile apart from each other that are being replaced, and thankfully are almost done. My self and a truck that was in front of me were stopped at the second light around 11:30pm. I was hit so hard that my car slammed into the truck in front of me and bent the trailer hitch almost straight down on the truck. My car was completely totaled. Thankfully neither myself or my wife were injured. The guy driving the truck that hit us said he dropped his cigarette.

Tom W.
07-20-2018, 11:17 PM
In Georgia if you are driving it needs to be "hands free", and is illegal for the phone to even touch your body. The only exception is an emergency. If you are parked then you can call. $50 for the first offence, and more as the offences mount. In Alabama the law is similar, but it hasn't been broadcast as much as the Georgia law is, probably because we get Columbus Ga. t.v. stations and maybe one from Montgomery......

07-21-2018, 03:38 AM
On the military bases here, if your in the vehicle, with a phone to your ear, they will charge you.
Had a fiend who was delivering on base.
He was sitting in the truck, talking to dispatch.
MP stopped behind him.
Gave him a ticket, escorted him off base.
He was banned for a month from driving on to the base.
Boss wasn't to happy with him.
I've heard the only people on base that were immune, was the commandant and his wife.

07-21-2018, 04:01 AM
It's illegal in CA too.


I've been driving SoCal freeways for almost 50yrs. Used to drive back & forth from the Harbor area to downtown every day BEFORE cellphones. I used to see woman puting makeup on, men reading newspaper's, and these WERE THE DRIVER'S.

Now every time you look over at another driver, most of them are using cellphones. Not hands free either. Age & Gender don't seem to matter either.

Lloyd Smale
07-21-2018, 06:26 AM
should be made a felony in every state. Even hands free cell phone talking. I passed a guy the other day that was doing about 50 in a 65 zone who was screaming so loud I could here him when I passed him. Im sure he was having a fight with his wife or a bad business deal but he was defineately distracted. Just because your not holding a phone up to your ear or are tapping a text out doesn't mean your not distracted. I say make them go back to pagers. If you get a page pull over and call the person that wants to talk to you. NO MORE blue tooth or wi fi hots spots in vechicles. If a call is important enough that you need to respond right away pull over and call. I shake my head at texting. My wife is addicted. She was trying to get ahold of the granddaughter the other day and sat there tapping messages on the phone. took longer to do it then if she actually called her. I swear some would rather text a person 50 feet away from them then actually walk up and talk to them. I hear business men all the time saying they HAVE to have phone capabiltys in there car. What the heck did they do before they had cell phones. I don't say take them away from them but make it a felony to use them in a moving vehicle. At least make it a mandatory 2k fine. In my whole life ive never had a SINGLE phone call that couldn't wait long enough for me to pull off a road. When we first got them in our trucks at work I too was guilty of it. Never gave it a thought. Today though its been proven to have killed people. The guys that work there now told me its a 10 day layoff if they get caught on the phone in the truck while its moving. They even made rigid mounts for the lap tops we got our orders from while doing storm restoration and power outages that face away from the driver. Get a message on it, you pull over and get out and go around to the passenger side and read your message. Kind of a pain but if even one life was saved its worth it.

07-21-2018, 06:54 AM
WA State has a law that they are creatively interpreting such that if you have the key in the ignition (even if in the "Accessory" position, with the car in Park, and the e-brake on) they count you as Driving, if you are texting. Seems a little much to me as I've never seen a car move much in that situation. And it's basically unenforceable - And not seen it enforced once, so far. Seems like I see 2/3 men driving while using their cells and 1/3 women, roughly. Could just be a local anomaly though.

Rick N Bama
07-21-2018, 08:26 AM
In Georgia if you are driving it needs to be "hands free", and is illegal for the phone to even touch your body. The only exception is an emergency. If you are parked then you can call. $50 for the first offence, and more as the offences mount. In Alabama the law is similar, but it hasn't been broadcast as much as the Georgia law is, probably because we get Columbus Ga. t.v. stations and maybe one from Montgomery......

Tom I think I've heard about the no texting law maybe one time from the Huntsville stations. April 10, 2014 I was broadsided at a Traffic Light in Cullman by a man texting. My Toyota Tacoma had some major damage to it. On Jan 19 of this year I was less than 1/2 mile from home when a young lady crossed crossed the center line and totaled our Toyota Venza, yep she was texting or at least I think she was. She was sited for driving while suspended and for failing to maintain her lane. The young lady was 24 at the time!

07-21-2018, 08:44 AM
I cross a long, narrow bridge on my daily commute. One day as I crested the high-rise portion, there was an oncoming, white Ford truck in my lane. The drivers' face was buried in a cell phone. I laid on the horn and the brakes. He reacted in time to avoid a head on collision. There was nowhere for me to go. I was shaken. About two weeks later, it happened again! Same truck!

Another time I was behind a yellow Jeep driven by a young lady. There are no shoulders on the roadway of this bridge, just a curb and a guard rail. All of a sudden the Jeep went up on the curb, bounced off the guard rail, swerved to the other side and bounced off the curb on that side, then was brought under control and continued on. My guess is a cell phone was at the center of the drama.

07-21-2018, 08:52 AM
Mothers against drunk drivers (MADD) got laws put in place to increase penalties on drunk drivers. If it is a concern to anyone anyone at all contact your state or federal representative to see if increased penalties and jail time might be an option for this serious and deadly crime!

07-21-2018, 09:32 AM
Mothers against drunk drivers (MADD) got laws put in place to increase penalties on drunk drivers. If it is a concern to anyone anyone at all contact your state or federal representative to see if increased penalties and jail time might be an option for this serious and deadly crime!

I wonder how many of the MADD people and members talk and text while driving. And likely feel they have a right to.

07-21-2018, 09:47 AM
I wonder how many of the MADD people and members talk and text while driving. And likely feel they have a right to.

I don't know.
I know this though, it scares me every time I ride my motorcycle.
I had two close calls in the last 6 years and have seen one texter go in the ditch after weaving all over the road.
It just scares me.

07-21-2018, 10:28 AM
In 2002 I was hit by a kid who was talking on his cell phone and suddenly realized he needed to be in the right lane to make his right turn onto a freeway on-ramp. I was where he wanted to be. In spite of the fact that his right rear wheel was just about even with my left front wheel and the freeway on-ramp was not more than 30 feet ahead, he whipped his little rice-burner (think it may have been a Mitsubishi) toward my left front fender, I stood on the brakes and cranked the wheel to the right and still caved in his right quarterpanel.

My 3/4 ton pickup had a rub mark on the rubber bumper trim.

Mexifornia drivers scare the daylights out of me anyway. Put them on a cell phone and they're nothing more than an accident looking for a place to happen.

07-21-2018, 10:32 AM
There are a lot of brain dead people on the road. It seems like Arkansas has more than their share.

07-21-2018, 11:00 AM
Somehow there should be a motion detector installed in ALL cell phones that shuts off calling and texting after 10-12 mph. It would save a lot of lives. My Harley collects dust in my garage because of this very reason. IMO the majority of the offenders I've seen over the years are young kids...mainly girls.

What about passengers? This seems to be similar logic to the nanny state gun ban pushers.

07-21-2018, 11:35 AM
My 14 year old son was hit while riding his bicycle 3 years ago by a woman who was texting while driving. He spent 39 days in Children's Mercy Hospital. The first 9 were in the PICU. She said she never saw him until he was coming down in her rear-view mirror. The police measured his point of landing at 27 feet from the point of the collision and his bicycle 70 feet away.

It still makes me angry any time I see someone texting while driving.

07-21-2018, 11:44 AM
As long as more people want to do it (text while driving), than to stop it, people will keep getting injured and killed.

07-21-2018, 09:49 PM
Cars should all be equipped with a cell phone jammer.

07-22-2018, 12:55 AM
I agree Mary, and if not, I would like to see the Fine for 1st offense be set at at least $500 or more. I want to shake these people up right now, not after their 2nd accident which might be a fatality.
Ole Jack

Love Life
07-22-2018, 05:49 AM
Texting and driving should be a right...just like owning Pit Bulls. To soon?

Lloyd Smale
07-22-2018, 07:59 AM
well at least they should ban putting options in cars that make it easier to use your cell phone. I like triplebeards suggestion. About all phones made today have gps so a auto shut off at say 10mph would be easy to program in. Add to that your suggestion of putting a jammer in every new car made. Youd still have older cars without it but eventually most cars would have them that are on the road. I could care less if it makes it so a passenger cant text or drive. If they want to send a message or make a call that bad they can pull over, get out and use there phone. I don't care if your business make a phone about mandatory. You still can pull over or wait until you can pull over to use your phone. they could even put a speed blocker in it that still allowed it to beep to let you know you need to pull over (if its really that important to you) and call back.
Cars should all be equipped with a cell phone jammer.

07-22-2018, 09:08 AM
I ride motorcycles,...… I don't even want to get started on drivers texting, females primping while looking into the mirror, cars in a hurry to pull out in front of me and then turning off 100 feet down the road.:roll:

mold maker
07-22-2018, 09:52 AM
Come on fellows. Owning something legally sold is a right. Just like the ownership of legal guns. It's the misuse that is bad on both counts. It angers me as much as you that the misuse has become so prevalent, but totally restricting all passengers is an irresponsible reaction. While hard to enforce it's the driver whose actions need refinement. Stiff penalties and the loss of drivers licence is in order. Making a TV and media promotion and then severe scrutiny by LE would flood the courts, but would have the desired reaction. Most here would recognize the loss of driving privileges as a severe restriction to our life style. A progressive mandatory fine and revocation of license with steep ins increases, would all but solve the problem. Although state laws would definitely help, it needs to be a universal federal law.

Lloyd Smale
07-22-2018, 12:40 PM
owning a quart of jack Daniels is legal too. Does that give me the right to slug it down driving down the interstate? Nope. WHY? because its been proven to cause accidents and kill people. Just having an open bottle in you car is illegal here even if your not drinking it. Why should phones that have been proven to cause accidents and deaths not be subject to the same laws. Laws the give a fine for using one while going down the road are about impossible to enforce. A much easier to enforce law would be that there not allowed in a vehicle period. If you got pulled over for speeding ect just like a search for alcohol or drugs they could do a search for your phone. Best answer ive seen on here is to make the cell phone manufactures put an automatic shut off and block when its moving more the 10mph. Wear a pager like in the old days and if the pager goes off pull over and STOP and return the call. Why would anyone be against this????

07-22-2018, 01:35 PM
Come on fellows. Owning something legally sold is a right. Just like the ownership of legal guns. It's the misuse that is bad on both counts. It angers me as much as you that the misuse has become so prevalent, but totally restricting all passengers is an irresponsible reaction. While hard to enforce it's the driver whose actions need refinement. Stiff penalties and the loss of drivers licence is in order. Making a TV and media promotion and then severe scrutiny by LE would flood the courts, but would have the desired reaction. Most here would recognize the loss of driving privileges as a severe restriction to our life style. A progressive mandatory fine and revocation of license with steep ins increases, would all but solve the problem. Although state laws would definitely help, it needs to be a universal federal law.

I'm going to have to disagree. Drunk driving/driving under the influence laws have not solved that problem, cell phones will be no different.
The stupid, young or those with little to nothing to lose will continue the behavior. As a general rule, I'm not for the restriction of freedoms, either. However, particularly with the younger generations, they have no self control. I've seen people get fired by my employer because they can't leave their stupid cell phone alone.
And no one is advocating a ban on cell phones. Just limits on how/when it works. And as for passengers not being able to use a phone while riding that is an unfortunate consequence.Perish the thought that the passenger might have to engage the driver in conversation or look at the passing scenery.
As for your legally owned firearm, you can't legally drive down the road waving that around, either. For obvious reasons. But watch the news, because folks still do that, too.

07-22-2018, 03:15 PM
owning a quart of jack Daniels is legal too. Does that give me the right to slug it down driving down the interstate? Nope. WHY? because its been proven to cause accidents and kill people. Just having an open bottle in you car is illegal here even if your not drinking it. Why should phones that have been proven to cause accidents and deaths not be subject to the same laws

Boy, this is a 180 degrees from the "owning certain dog breeds" thread, exactly 180 degrees from the same brain!

Love Life
07-22-2018, 05:31 PM
Yep. Don’t infringe on my preferred made up rights, but it’s cool to ban stuff if you don’t agree with it.

The hypocrisy made me laugh.

Lloyd Smale
07-22-2018, 08:28 PM
Dogs have much better character then some people. I love dogs. I don't love cell phones or drunk drivers.
owning a quart of jack Daniels is legal too. Does that give me the right to slug it down driving down the interstate? Nope. WHY? because its been proven to cause accidents and kill people. Just having an open bottle in you car is illegal here even if your not drinking it. Why should phones that have been proven to cause accidents and deaths not be subject to the same laws

Boy, this is a 180 degrees from the "owning certain dog breeds" thread, exactly 180 degrees from the same brain!

Lloyd Smale
07-22-2018, 08:42 PM
So you think there should be no laws at all. Should be ok to slug down that jd. Now we wouldn't want to infringe on your rights or make you out to be a hypocrite. You see, I have a right to my opinion on each subject and so do you. That's what we have laws for. To tell us what are our actual rights and what are our personal opinions and neither of our opinions are worth one penny more then the others. Id bet you my last dollar that texting and talking on cell phones while driving in this country has killed more people then all dog breeds combined in the last 5 years and that's just the cases that can be proved. Now throw in drunk drivers and the numbers skyrocket. Hypocrite? hardly. Just that a few here don't like hearing commons sense when it interferes with there "smart" phone. Don't like to see family's have to go to the cemetery because you want to tap on a phone while you drive. Pretty sad state of affairs in this country when dogs are hated and phones are loved. that some feel they have the right to take the life of someone elses dog but wow be to anyone that limits there use of a phone. Even when using it obviously endangers others. Ill keep my dog in my yard and you keep your phone turned off in your car.
Yep. Don’t infringe on my preferred made up rights, but it’s cool to ban stuff if you don’t agree with it.

The hypocrisy made me laugh.

Love Life
07-22-2018, 09:29 PM
But, but, but being able to do a dangerous thing should be a right just like owning a dangerous animal.

You lambasted several members over stepping on your rights, and for being just like those nefarious gun grabbers blaming the object and not the character.

Now you are doing the exact same thing, blaming objects and not people and wanting to ban something.

07-22-2018, 09:46 PM
Having the phone disabled while moving more than 10mph isn't a ban. It is a limitation. ALL rights have limitations, can you yell fire in a theater? NO! Brandish a pistol to scare someone? NO! etc etc etc...

Love Life
07-22-2018, 11:30 PM
I believe it can be agreed upon that owning a phone is not a right. Da’ gubmint can limit phones all they want. For drivers, passengers, bicyclists, etc. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy.

07-22-2018, 11:47 PM
If the phone is disabled by movement exceeding 10 MPH, you won't be able to use your phone on a bus, subway or any other rail car.

By the way; pretty sure the law in most states is, 'you can't intentionally incite panic in a crowded venue'. I don't believe the word "FIRE" is specifically prohibited.

07-23-2018, 12:18 AM
if a majority of people had just a decent level of common sens, a lot of problems would be avoided from the get go......unfortunately,common sens and simple logics these days....

to me driving a 2000lbs car in streets and highways filled with half good drivers is serious business ; how on earth adding a cell phone into the equation is reasonable?:roll:...

lefty o
07-23-2018, 12:35 AM
until we start to treat texters driving the same as we do drunks driving the problem will continue. caught texting, you can sit in a cell until you can see a judge and explain why you think its ok for you to endanger everyone else on the road, fine them the same as drunk driving too.

Lloyd Smale
07-23-2018, 07:19 AM
aren't you doing the exact same thing by wanting to ban pits but allow phones in cars? Must be different because its something you want! YOUR rights! Difference is I never condoned owning a pit or any other dog and not doing what was nessisary to make is safe for my neighbors. Show me once where I said you should let your pit or any dog run free if a neighbor is bothered by it. Show me where I said the government should take away your phone and destroy it. All I said is when it becomes dangerous (and it has) to others then regulations need to be put in place to protect others from stupid and they might even cause a bit of inconvience. Personaly I think treating someone who uses one while driving at about the same level as someone who gets a ticket because his parking meter is expired is a joke. Give them the same penalty's as a drinking and driving driver gets even if he isn't in a wreck. Your the one that wants banning. I just want logical controls put on phones. Whos the one that is for infringing on our rights?? Whos the hypocrite?
But, but, but being able to do a dangerous thing should be a right just like owning a dangerous animal.

You lambasted several members over stepping on your rights, and for being just like those nefarious gun grabbers blaming the object and not the character.

Now you are doing the exact same thing, blaming objects and not people and wanting to ban something.

Lloyd Smale
07-23-2018, 07:28 AM
I see no big deal in that. For the half hour your on the bus or subway the worlds not going to end if you don't answer your text or call. like I said get a beeper or even have the phones that shut off with motion automatically go into a beeper mode. When you get off the transport return the call. What on earth do some of you do when you fly and have to turn your phone off? How on earth can you sit in a deer blind for 3 hours with it turned off? Do you tuck it in your trunks when you go swimming? What about in church? Why would anyone even argue against having to pull to the side of the road to make or answer a call. Is your life so busy that you cant waste 5 minutes pulling over? Does anyone have a job that there phone is so critical that it cant be turned off taking the subway to work?? How is ANY OF THIS IMFRINGING ON YOUR RIGHTS OR FREEDOMS! Bottom line is driving a car is not a freedom or right its a privilege. One that can be taken away if your unsafe.
If the phone is disabled by movement exceeding 10 MPH, you won't be able to use your phone on a bus, subway or any other rail car.

By the way; pretty sure the law in most states is, 'you can't intentionally incite panic in a crowded venue'. I don't believe the word "FIRE" is specifically prohibited.

07-23-2018, 10:41 AM
All I said is when it becomes dangerous (and it has) to others then regulations need to be put in place to protect others from stupid and they might even cause a bit of inconvience.

Just like regulations on owning dangerous breeds of dogs. It's really just an inconvenience on those who choose to own these large dangerous dogs, to protect others from stupid.

See how that works? Is just what is in YOUR interest that you defend, that you defend!

07-23-2018, 12:17 PM
Lloyd, I hope you understood that I'm not stating that inability to use a cell phone on a bus, train, subway, etc. is a problem for me or my family. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I've been a victim of an idiot on a cell phone while driving. I was stating a side-effect that had not been mentioned.

Also, while I agree completely that driving and/or using a cell phone are not Constitutional rights. That's a slippery slope. It is also not a Constitutional right to ride a train or fly on an airplane. There are a whole raft of things we do or own or use in everyday life that are not Constitutionally protected.

lefty o
07-23-2018, 03:06 PM
im amazed at how many think a priviledge is a right.

Love Life
07-23-2018, 05:44 PM
aren't you doing the exact same thing by wanting to ban pits but allow phones in cars? Must be different because its something you want! YOUR rights! Difference is I never condoned owning a pit or any other dog and not doing what was nessisary to make is safe for my neighbors. Show me once where I said you should let your pit or any dog run free if a neighbor is bothered by it. Show me where I said the government should take away your phone and destroy it. All I said is when it becomes dangerous (and it has) to others then regulations need to be put in place to protect others from stupid and they might even cause a bit of inconvience. Personaly I think treating someone who uses one while driving at about the same level as someone who gets a ticket because his parking meter is expired is a joke. Give them the same penalty's as a drinking and driving driver gets even if he isn't in a wreck. Your the one that wants banning. I just want logical controls put on phones. Whos the one that is for infringing on our rights?? Whos the hypocrite?

I never stated I supported or wanted to ban pit bulls. You can go back and read for yourself.

All I’m doing is pointing out how hypocritical it is to have your current position on cell phones, when you argued so vehemently to protect a fake right (owning a dog).

States are currently working on the cell phone issue and it will probably be hashed out in the next couple of years.

DerekP Houston
07-23-2018, 05:51 PM
I don't know.
I know this though, it scares me every time I ride my motorcycle.
I had two close calls in the last 6 years and have seen one texter go in the ditch after weaving all over the road.
It just scares me.

Houston drivers and the stories from a coworker were enough for me to decide I don't really need a motorcycle that bad yet.

07-23-2018, 07:15 PM
the notion of a ''''privilege''' is ridiculous.

another libeeral trick to control people's life.

some laws are morally valuable, and some are immorale....to me , something labeled as '''privilege''' ,
when it's about MY
right of property ,
is immoral.

how the hell is that you can statuate on what i'm allowed to owns and what i cannot. via big brother's will ?

same goes with the supposed privilege given by '''our masters ''' ,so i can drive MY car?

i paid for my car,i pay my income taxes , so how is that that i have to pay again on top of having to jump through some implanted hoops to get a permit which '''loan me '''' me the privilege of driving MY VEHICULE i've already paid for ?? doesn't make sens when you think about it a little .

07-23-2018, 07:48 PM
Ohhh, boy. :popcorn:

Lloyd Smale
07-24-2018, 07:05 AM
your vehicle is your vehicle. Nobody can tell you what to do with it on your own property but when you drive it on the roads that are owned by the county state or federal government they can make up rules. With your train of thought you should be able to drive your car a 150mph down a county road. Or drink the booze you bought and drive the car you bought anywhere you please. For the safety of others theres laws. You cant pick and choose the ones you want to go by or make up new ones to fit your agenda. A drivers license is mandatory in any state. It proves you have at least a rudimentary understanding of the rules of the road. It can be taken away if you break those rules and laws. If I won the lottery I could go and buy a used fighter jet. Should I because its mine have the right to hop in it and take off in a rural area???

No country is completely free. If they were there would be chaos. If what your doing doesn't break those laws then I will totally agree its nobody elses business. Ill go back to the dog thing. IF its against the law to own a pit in your city county state ect then you don't have a right to own one. If theres NOT a law against it and I want one its none of your business. That is where liberal thinking comes in. People that think they can make up there own rules because they think you should live like they do. People that think they have a right to shoot a dog just because its barking at them. Now if the dog really does attack they have all the right in the world to kill it. Doesn't matter if its a pit or a beagle. You can have your opinion and so can I. But unless its a law its just an opinion and worth nothing. Sorry but I don't have a right to take away your cell phone and smash it on the ground because Im not addicted to them and think they can be dangerous and you sure don't have a right to kill my dog or tell me what breed of dog I must own to be your neighbor because you don't like them or think there dangerous. If you don't like it you have the option to move. If theres a LAW against it and I don't like it I have the option to move.

But bottom line is there are laws and even in a free country theres rules, regulations and laws you have to obey. What we do have is freedom to try to change them by voting. What you don't have is the freedom to control me when what im doing is within the law. Its no different then some wanting to control what kind of gun you have or try to control your hunting style because they don't believe in it. That is exactly the way liberals think. If what im doing is within the law then its NONE of your business. Yup id like this countrys law system to clamp down on cell phones usage. But todays society is so addicted to them it would be as hard as banning tobacco or bringing prohibition back. Making laws and obeying them IS NOT liberal thinking. Thinking your above those laws is liberal thinking.
the notion of a ''''privilege''' is ridiculous.

another libeeral trick to control people's life.

some laws are morally valuable, and some are immorale....to me , something labeled as '''privilege''' ,
when it's about MY
right of property ,
is immoral.

how the hell is that you can statuate on what i'm allowed to owns and what i cannot. via big brother's will ?

same goes with the supposed privilege given by '''our masters ''' ,so i can drive MY car?

i paid for my car,i pay my income taxes , so how is that that i have to pay again on top of having to jump through some implanted hoops to get a permit which '''loan me '''' me the privilege of driving MY VEHICULE i've already paid for ?? doesn't make sens when you think about it a little .

lefty o
07-24-2018, 09:27 AM
what others see..me,me,me,me. self entitlement just like all the *****s who text and drive, its all about them!

mold maker
07-24-2018, 10:25 AM
In the case of cell phones, technology has way surpassed our ability to self-govern. On top of that common sense has gone out of fashion.
Criminals will always be the ones breaking the laws they made necessary, and differences of opinion will always exist.
Adam and Eve had a problem listening to rules as did Cane and Able. Nothing has changed except the population count.

07-24-2018, 11:22 AM
MY opinion---a person should be able to own and use ANYTHING they wish---BUT---they should then be held accountable for what ever damage arises from their choice! If one were to run/walk/crawl down main street indiscriminately firing a gun, how long do you think he/she would be the proud owner of said gun?? Once apprehended by LE, anyone here think he/she would get just a small fine and their gun back?? Why should endangering others using a cell phone, reading a newspaper, eating your breakfast etc. etc. yadda, yadda, yadda---be any different?

07-24-2018, 07:26 PM
Tell me what the price is for a lifetime of pain for a ruined neck? Insurance has limits and I maxed his and my policy. After ponying up $50k for surgery it didn't leave much!

07-24-2018, 07:35 PM
I think the solution to a lot of this, drinking and driving, Texting while driving, USING MJ for that matter and Illegal drugs should be eliminating the laws Banning or restricting use while driving, walking, or otherwise using. BUT! Change the consequenses. If you drink and drive and cause damage, you pay, if you injure, you pay and potentially go to jail, same with texting and currently illegal drugs.
eliminate the stupid laws that don't do anything of consequence. Change the laws that make life miserable if you cause harm to others from YOUR ACTIONS! Drink, smoke, shoot up at your leisure at home, but don't get in a car or other motorized vehicle and cause damage.

07-24-2018, 08:21 PM
Handloader109, while I like the idea of making people pay for their mistakes. How do you get say, a half million dollars from someone to pay for the multiple surgeries, lost wages/earnings and ongoing medical attention?

07-24-2018, 08:34 PM
It is not anyone's right to behave in such a manner that infringes on anyone else's rights.
It is not your, my or anyone else's right to cause injury or damage to another individual. Pretty simple.

07-24-2018, 09:14 PM
cars in a hurry to pull out in front of me and then turning off 100 feet down the road That irritates the tar out of me. I've had people pull out like their butt was on fire and then dawdle to their driveway or turn off 50 yards down the road.

Lloyd Smale
07-25-2018, 07:31 AM
yup my buddy got hit in his pickup leaving work about 25 years ago. Broke his back and his neck. People that hit him had no insurance and no money so all he got out of it was his insurance company pays doctor bills. Hes bed ridden 20 hours a day and is allways in pain. So we have to let people have free reign with cell phones, let them cause accidents and pray they have some money? Money that sure doesn't stop pain! Id bet my house if you asked my buddy if he had a choice between a million dollars or being pain free there wouldn't even be a seconds hesitation. Id bet Mary would tell you the same. Drunk driver or someone texting while driving kills your daughter, what price tag do you put on that? Does it make the loss easier even if the guy goes to prison for life? I find it ironic that some will put helmets and pads on there kids when they ride a bicycle but will send them off in the family car with there cell phones in there pockets. You think some 16 year old kid isn't going to answer there phone if there girl friend or boy friend are calling??
Handloader109, while I like the idea of making people pay for their mistakes. How do you get say, a half million dollars from someone to pay for the multiple surgeries, lost wages/earnings and ongoing medical attention?

Lloyd Smale
07-25-2018, 07:33 AM
It is not anyone's right to behave in such a manner that infringes on anyone else's rights.
It is not your, my or anyone else's right to cause injury or damage to another individual. Pretty simple.
Ill give that an amen.

07-25-2018, 10:11 PM
yup my buddy got hit in his pickup leaving work about 25 years ago. Broke his back and his neck. People that hit him had no insurance and no money so all he got out of it was his insurance company pays doctor bills. Hes bed ridden 20 hours a day and is allways in pain. So we have to let people have free reign with cell phones, let them cause accidents and pray they have some money? Money that sure doesn't stop pain! Id bet my house if you asked my buddy if he had a choice between a million dollars or being pain free there wouldn't even be a seconds hesitation. Id bet Mary would tell you the same. Drunk driver or someone texting while driving kills your daughter, what price tag do you put on that? Does it make the loss easier even if the guy goes to prison for life? I find it ironic that some will put helmets and pads on there kids when they ride a bicycle but will send them off in the family car with there cell phones in there pockets. You think some 16 year old kid isn't going to answer there phone if there girl friend or boy friend are calling??

Pain free! I can always go back to work to make money! And you guys hit the nail on the head. Kid had $50k in coverage, I had another $50k... doesn't pay for the 5 years of neck pain I have suffered since...

07-25-2018, 11:47 PM

You can buy an airplane without having a license. Should you be able to fly it unlicensed?

07-26-2018, 07:35 AM
Been driving trucks around the Denver metro area now for 30+ years.
The last 15 have gotten real bad. See accidents, close calls and death about every day now.
Guessing about 60% of them are distracted drivers on the phone!
The others are those folks that just have to be first no matter what.

I see a lot of folks texting while driving and everyday I see someone so totally wrapped up in there phone while walking, they just walk off the curb into traffic, no care to the world other than that phone, some have paid dearly for that. Sad.

And those folks in a hurry, I don't get it? If your that late, start leaving earlier!
Our rush hours (whole day now) are like an undirected race course! If your doing the speed limit there doing 20+ over it weaving here and there!

They gotta be first, don't seem to matter if it's to 7-eleven or the grave as long as there first!

The mentality of folks anymore is horrible!

Good luck and stay safe!

07-26-2018, 06:24 PM
Pay is really not what I meant. Pay means being put in jail for injuries while driving under the influence, no license, etc. Monetarily your screwed excepting for your insurance. Consequences other than slaps on the wrist

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

07-26-2018, 06:39 PM
I can't speak for others, but in my opinion the point is once you have caused permanent damage, no amount of incarceration, loss of property or fines can ever undo it.

An accident is one thing. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes. But when one behaves with no reguard for anyone but one's self, that is no accident. It's like pulling a trigger. Once it's done, there is no taking it back.