View Full Version : Apricot Jam

07-18-2018, 09:25 PM
This is not a recipe post, but a heads up to let you all know I made my first batch of apricot jam,while the wife is away. So if this turns into my last post, it means I poisoned myself, or dear wife killed me for not cleaning up my mess before she gets home, and you folks can divide up my mould collection. :grin:
If this stuff turns out edible, my next attempt will be chokecherry jelly, my favorite.

07-19-2018, 08:44 AM
I made pepper jelly yesterday, second batch. This is my first year to make jelly. Did you "can" yours, or just place it in clean hot jars? I think if they're canned and the lid seals, they are good and won't make you sick. For that matter, as long as they remain with the vacuum on the lid, they should be safe even if you didn't can them. If the vacuum is broken, I wouldn't eat it if it wasn't just made, and kept in the fridge. As far as the second possibility, - can't help ya!:grin:

07-19-2018, 12:12 PM
I just filled hot jars with the boiling jam, and screwed on the lids. All the lids popped and sealed, but I will not use them if they don't hold a good seal. Next batch I'll do it the more proper way and use the water bath method, but I remember eating a lot of jelly that Grandma sealed with wax,and I turned out somewhat normal. Jim

square butte
07-19-2018, 12:18 PM
If any don't seal properly, Put them in the fridge and use them first before you start using the sealed jars. Unless you see something you don't like in the fridge jars they will be OK to use. My wife has been doing this way for decades.