View Full Version : 93 Mauser extractor prob

07-17-2018, 10:48 PM
I am trying to figure out a problem I am having with my 93 Mauser extractor. I was fitting the extractor, and discovered on the eject stroke the extractor binds before it ejects.

It is literally to large (swollen like) with a shell under it to withdraw far enough to eject, or remove the bolt from the receiver.

What am I missing? Do I need to thin my extractor? Thanks, Randy.

07-17-2018, 10:57 PM
Simple ,reduce the sharp edge of the claw (carefully) until it clears properly.Sometimes the ring on the bolt is also sprung,and IMHO,there is no more problematic repair on a Mauser than the bolt ring.

07-18-2018, 07:05 AM
john.k, the extractor never gets a chance to clear the sharp edge of the claw. It is the outside/right angle area/corner that is getting stuck. Randy.

07-18-2018, 08:11 AM

IDK what you did to "fit' it, so it seems a little clarification may be in order...……………...

The extractor does three things:

* Help guide/control the feeding of a round from the magazine into the chamber.

* Extract/pull the chambered round/brass out of the chamber via hooking the case rim on the RH side.


* Act as a pivot for the extracted brass when the bolt draws the case head back far enough for the case head to strike the ejector (on the LH side) hard enough to start the forward end of the brass rotating towards the ejection port & out of the rifle.
(The ejector acts on the case head through a slot in the LH bolt lug)

Ergo, there are three areas to check:

1) The inside of the extractor's forward claw/edge for burrs and/or built up gunk.

2) The ejector's action (it pivots) and if it's tip is broken off or worn down.

3) That the ejector blade has sufficient clearance to pass through the slot in the LH bolt lug when the bolt is drawn back.


07-18-2018, 10:57 AM
pietro, I was attempting to alter the claw so a round will fit under it and chamber. As I draw the bolt rearward with the extracted brass, the bolt draws the case head back, and binds because the extractor is literally swollen. The bolt cannot be moved enough far enough rearward, for the case head to strike the ejector due to the swollen extractor.

I also cannot insert the bolt with a round under the extractor. You can actually see the extractor pushed out. I need to know where to file to relieve the outward pressure when a round is under the extractor. Many thanks, Randy.

07-18-2018, 11:02 AM
pietro, as far as the three areas to check:

1) The inside of the extractor's forward claw/edge for burrs and/or built up gunk.
I have checked and polished area.

2) The ejector's action (it pivots) and if it's tip is broken off or worn down.
I have not noticed an pivot, no broken tip.

3) That the ejector blade has sufficient clearance to pass through the slot in the LH bolt lug when the bolt is drawn back.
No issues here.

Clearance is the issue here, but not ejector clearance. It's the extractor clearance that is the issue. Don't know how to combat. Randy.

fast ronnie
07-18-2018, 11:23 AM
Is it bent?

07-18-2018, 12:41 PM
Sounds like a blank new extractor that has not been fit to case head yet?

07-18-2018, 01:26 PM
Gentlemen, the extractor is not bent. I extractor seems to be fit to case head. I cannot find a "how to fit extractor" on the internet. It holds case fine. It ejects fine if I use a small FH screwdriver. I cannot test because the bolt binds just prior to eject point. I don't know what to file/fit. Randy.

07-18-2018, 01:30 PM
Gentlemen, is it the area where the arrow is that needs filed? Or, is it the outside edge of extractor? Randy.223836

07-18-2018, 02:19 PM
Yes that looks to high and is causing the bind I would guess, once you fit that correctly then the claw/ bevel will need fit to case head. Where did you get the extractor, one of Midways NEW blanks?

Texas by God
07-18-2018, 02:21 PM
Did OWS give you a 98 extractor by mistake? The extractor should not bow out noticeably with a case in it. Relief at the point indicated won't help if the claw is too deep. I had a bent one once and I made it work by dremel drum sanding the outside bend till it fit. It worked until I got a replacement.
I'll look at my SR tonight and holler back.

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07-18-2018, 02:24 PM
Did OWS give you a 98 extractor by mistake? The extractor should not bow out noticeably with a case in it. Relief at the point indicated won't help if the claw is too deep. I had a bent one once and I made it work by dremel drum sanding the outside bend till it fit. It worked until I got a replacement.
I'll look at my SR tonight and holler back.

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There's way to much clearance between bolt and bottom of extractor, there is not that much with a cartridge under the lip of one that's correct.

07-18-2018, 03:13 PM
Maybe this will help, maybe not:-) cell phone pictures not too good. SR extractor on bolt and with cartridge under extractor lip. You may have the wrong extractor or one that has never been fit, maybe even an extractor collar that is wrong?223840223841

07-18-2018, 03:24 PM
swheeler, the extractor never has been fit, It was purchase from GPC. How do I fit it? Randy.

07-18-2018, 03:25 PM
Gentlemen, is it the small tab that fits in the notch on the bolt that needs to be filed? Randy.

07-18-2018, 05:31 PM
Yes and then the bevel on the claw to cartridge head, the cartridge should slip under the extractor with enough force to hold the cartridge in place-CRF. make sure the collar wraps around the groove in the bolt as a slip fit also, especially if after market. I buy new manu extractor collars that are full circle, you have to cut between the tabs to make it a C to install.

07-18-2018, 05:46 PM
swheeler, thank you for input. When you say, bevel on the claw to cartridge head. Are you talking under the claw of the extractor. The whole claw, or only left? Randy.

07-18-2018, 05:48 PM
This is the best I can do with cell phone. Bolt is in same position as your picture, no cartridge under claw as yours, note the extractor to bolt interface, that is what it should look like. I hope this helps you223859

Texas by God
07-18-2018, 06:59 PM
Randy, I would try to find an original 1893 Mauser extractor and save that blank one for hard times.

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07-18-2018, 07:01 PM
Gentlemen, is it the area where the arrow is that needs filed? Or, is it the outside edge of extractor? Randy.223836


Filing that inside lug will allow the extractor body to lie closer to the bolt body, and thus not bind against the inside of the action - IF it's the proper extractor.

BTW, all Mauser extractors are factory designed to allow the cartridge case rim to rise upward as the cartridge is fed from the magazine (why they are referred to as CRF - controlled round feed), and should need no extra work.


07-18-2018, 07:14 PM
Look directly at the face of the extractor, head on if you will, you will see the bevel on the edge of the extractor. That bevel is what slips into the extractor groove on the cartridge. After you get the extractor to fit down in to the groove in the bolt, that bevel will need opened just enough to let a cartridge slip under it. With a new manufactured collar that has to be split, a new blank extractor it takes me maybe a half hour to fit it EXACTLY right. I'll see if I can get another picture of the bevel, but it is the only ground bevel on the extractor right on the edge of the claw.

07-18-2018, 07:27 PM

Filing that inside lug will allow the extractor body to lie closer to the bolt body, and thus not bind against the inside of the action - IF it's the proper extractor.

BTW, all Mauser extractors are factory designed to allow the cartridge case rim to rise upward as the cartridge is fed from the magazine (why they are referred to as CRF - controlled round feed), and should need no extra work.

I've done a couple from BLANKS and they needed extra work to be 100% To tight or not enough rounded off on lower corner, feeding issue, too loose and you are screwed, it can jump the extractor over the rim and you can run it like a push feed, not correct for CRF. One too loose may feed and extract perfectly in the standard firing position, but may not layed to right or left and almost never upside down over your head like one set up correctly.

07-18-2018, 07:36 PM
223875 The part of the extractor that folds down over the face of the bolt is the CLAW on a claw extractor, the bevel is the bottom edge of that claw that slips into the extractor groove of the cartridge, notice the shape, very very little at a time.

07-19-2018, 07:23 AM
Gentlemen, here is a better pic I hope. Randy.223902

Texas by God
07-19-2018, 08:17 AM
Liberty Tree collectors has original Spanish 1916 extractors for $22 a piece.

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07-19-2018, 08:27 AM
Texas by God, may have to order another. I believe I ordered from Numerich. It stated the extractor had been inspected, and was serviceable for a 1916 Mauser. Just to make sure I understand, remove material from the entire extractor on the underside. Then fit the claw?

The newest picture shows how far out the extractor sits with a cartridge, It does not without a cartridge inserted. It looks like the picture swheeler provided. Randy.

07-19-2018, 08:37 AM
Gentlemen, here is another pic. Randy. Please be explicit about where to remove material. Randy223903

07-19-2018, 08:43 PM
If the Bolt and extractor assembled fit into the receiver , Without a cartridge in the bolt head, and they slide in fine with No Binding.
But then Bind once you put the case in the bolt head, then the part that is Too Long , Is the part that goes up against the case in the extractor Groove on the Cartridge.
The cartridge in the bolt under the extractor is pushing the , End of the extractor out, and it looks like in your pictures the extractor is then no longer square to the end of the bolt ,and maling the Extractor Bind because it is too wide.
Do Not try to Thin the Extractor to solve your problem.
Fit the Claw to the case Head.
And that should be done By Hand with a Round Hand Stone, Not a Dremmel tool.

You can also use a M1903 extractor if you have problems finding a Small Ring extractor

07-19-2018, 11:50 PM
Gentlemen, as usual Larry knew exactly what the problem was. Took about 15 minutes with a slip stone, and a fine file to correct. I removed (cautiously) a little material from the inside of the hook/bevel. Thanks to all, and especially Larry. Randy.

07-20-2018, 08:08 AM
phoooeee! I was getting exhausted and losing sleep over this one. Glad its good to go!

07-20-2018, 08:20 AM
Thank you Randy for the kind words.
But the same issue was brought up by several of the other members if you go back and read the posts.
The only thing I can take credit for is, I pointed out a simple way to check and identify , or Isolate the problem.
The other members also do not know that I had Emailed you pictures of how to check and verify if this was truly the problem.
I wish I could have posted those pictures on the forum for all to see.
But the forum wont let me download and post more pictures to the threads, except the ones that are already downloaded.

Texas by God
07-20-2018, 08:51 AM
And now you have a custom fitted extractor. Pay yourself well, my friend.

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07-20-2018, 12:57 PM
Texas by God, I sure do have a custom fitted extractor. Thanks to all who have helped. Larry did indeed email me pics. Here they are. Along with a quote from him.

"Here is how you check to see if the case is pushing the extractor out too fat and how much.
The case should do in snug , but not push the extractor out.
You are taking about .001 to .005 expansion with the case in the bolt face."


07-20-2018, 03:11 PM
Thanks Randy.
But I need to start using Spell Check when I am Emailing after an all night concrete pour.
But you guys get the point.
I hope this helps others also

07-23-2018, 12:13 PM
Randy sorry about that thought you had one these, a blank extractor for mauser from Brownells or Midway.224183

07-23-2018, 10:12 PM
swheeler, no problem at all. I'll take any help I can get. Randy.

Texas by God
07-23-2018, 10:18 PM
Lags- are there any modifications needed to use a 1903 Springfield extractor on the 1893/1916 Mauser bolt? Thanks.

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07-24-2018, 07:18 AM
It has been so many years ago since I used on on a small ring Mauser,, but they fit pretty dang good.
And then I saw the same thing mentioned as a fix in Gunsmith Kinks 2.
I would go try it for you, but Small rings I still have, but sold off all of my 1903's before I moved here from California

Texas by God
07-24-2018, 08:51 AM
That is useful knowledge, thanks.

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08-03-2018, 01:13 AM
You have the wrong extractor. There are different Mauser extractors. You need one for a 93 is your problem.