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View Full Version : Bad news this morn

07-13-2018, 12:01 PM
A bit much for one day. An older friend of mine lost his wife to cancer yesterday, I had no idea. Knew these folks for years. The morning shocker was that a friend's son had comitted suicide yesterday afternoon. Trying to make some sense of that one probably never will. I'm too stove up to go see them but have already mailed letters to both families. Can't really write what I want to say but it'll have to do. At least they'll know I'm here to talk to if I can help. GW

fast ronnie
07-13-2018, 12:33 PM
We just found out that our pastor from our former church has stomach cancer and is not treatable.
He has been at a church that had gone down to four people and him and his wife have helped turn it around. (to God's Glory)
He is still a close friend.
Manny and Laura need prayer. They are precious people and love God with their whole being.

07-13-2018, 01:36 PM
Goatwhiskers you can never make sense out of suicide....did much of my masters on that subject. Support and caring is the best medicine for this family. Just being there for that cup of coffee and listen, listen, listen....they will just want to vent so be there and be a sounding board brother.

Your older friend will understand why you cant be there physically....but once again be there when he needs to talk ..... losing a spouse is very hard and only time will heal the loss.....

fast ronnie, a prayer for Manny and Laura is coming.

Father, Please be with Manny as he deals with his cancer. Please give him comfort and a release from the associated pain. Please keep his mind sharp so that he can have maximum quality time with his wife, family, friends, and congregation. Father, I ask this and pray this for this family. Please be Laura as she tends to her ailing husband and be there for support as he deals with cancer. Please bring her family and friends unto her for support and help in caring for this man that is has been a faithful servant of Yours. AMEN

07-13-2018, 01:37 PM
Try to keep occupied. try to think of the good times..

07-13-2018, 01:49 PM
I will add both to my prayers.

big bore 99
07-13-2018, 02:17 PM
Prayers sent.

Pine Baron
07-13-2018, 03:54 PM
Praying for both families.

07-13-2018, 05:22 PM
Lord be close to those in need and help those mentioned here and their families . Give comfort and reassurance , guide them in their situation . Thank you Lord for peace provided . Thank you for all you do in their lives . Amen

07-13-2018, 08:46 PM
Goatwhiskers, I understand the heartache you must feel; sometimes when someone I did not know well had died, I felt the loss more keenly because I never had the chance to know them.

I believe that suicide is symptomatic of the pervasive and pathological individualism that is in our world. When the center of the universe (the individual) is at a point where he has lost control, there is a choice between turning it over to God, or abandoning life altogether. I think that the reason so many veterans commit suicide after a tour of duty, is that all their normal support is stripped away, and if there is no spiritual compass to guide them, life will have lost it's meaning.

Heavenly Father, watch over Manny and Laura, heal them and bless their whole family.


07-13-2018, 09:57 PM
I've known the young man's dad for many years, good christian man. His wife used to work for me when I ran the local grain elevator. My son knew the young man, told me he was deeply troubled. burned histruck, then his house, then took his life. in constant prayer for wife,mom and dad.GW