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View Full Version : Might need a new drivers liscense

09-19-2008, 12:31 AM
I was at the gunshop tonight helping out

I was reading the do's and don't and how to sheet the owner prints out for buyers , so they don't mess up their info on the 4473

Most of it was old

But I saw one I didn't remember seeing before

If your State issued photo ID ( drivers liscense ) address dosn't match your current address
It is worthless to buy a firearm

And untill you get a new one
No gunshop should sell you a firearm

I guess the BATF is being pricks about it

I had to turn away a lady that had just moved and her liscense listed her old address


09-19-2008, 04:35 AM
I'm think'in that your address on your license should match the address of where you live, regardless of whether your buying a firearm or not. The problem I sometimes have is my mailing address is a POB in one town but my"physical ST." address is in another.

09-19-2008, 05:25 AM
Yup, das' how it is in SC, too.

09-19-2008, 07:22 AM
Same with NYS law. Supposed to change it within 30 days or something. "Simple" form avaialble at the DMV.

Wayne Smith
09-19-2008, 08:03 AM
In VA it's within 90 days. Same for moving from out of state.

09-19-2008, 12:06 PM
In WA, you just notify the DMV, and then print the new address on the back of your license. They're too lazy to give you a new one.

09-19-2008, 08:11 PM
In WA, you just notify the DMV, and then print the new address on the back of your license. They're too lazy to give you a new one.

Same in NY.

09-20-2008, 09:36 AM
I had the same problem recently, the owner allowed me to use my tag receipt which had my physical address on it.

With the DL which had my PO Box and the tag receipt which had the physical address, I was able to buy the firearm.

BTW....he made a photo copy of the tag receipt and kept it with the 4473.


09-20-2008, 10:03 AM
In VA it's within 90 days. Same for moving from out of state.

My oldest girl and hubby along with the young uns moved to your fine state a month ago. BOY you should hear her ....NOT. I guess since 911 and the Patriot act there is a LOT of paperwork to get residency established...like a birth certificate and marriage license for her plates and drivers license. She is coping with it but I have to snicker at her frustration...she isn't a patient person. BTW she was amazed at how courteous and helpful people are there.:-D I told her the warmer temps produce warmer people.:-D One question though, my son-in-law has a few guns stored here with me until all is set-up there. What special laws are in place in VA for handguns? I'll pass any info back to him. He's a good man but I sometimes wonder about his "logical" thinking.[smilie=1: Thanks,


P.S. They've moved to Newport News.

09-20-2008, 02:40 PM
In my old state of Idaho you can subsitute any State or Federal issued document with your current address. Most people go and retrieve their vehicle registration. Works well.

09-20-2008, 11:13 PM
One of the cool things about VA is that they have a pretty solid open carry
law and have been teaching the public (and more than a few LEOs, too)
that the law is there and that open carry is OK. Apparently it started
out a bit rough and some restaurant owners called the police, who were
not informed in some cases and arrested the 'perps' - only to have to
apologize and release them later. Of course, VA is a 'shall issue' CCW
state, too. They have a pretty strong grassroots gun lobby.


bruce drake
09-21-2008, 04:40 AM
I am a Federal Employee (US Army) so my residence stays to my home state no matter where I get assigned. So I keep my Driver's license in my home state. My Driver's License is from Indiana. I currently own a house in New York. Federal Collector's License is for my address in New York. I usually use my FFL as current address for rifle purchases in New York. If the gunshop has an issue with accepting my 03 FFL (There are a few in NY) than I pull out a copy of my Transfer Orders assigning me to New York and that usually seals the deal.

I save my few pistol purchases for my home state of Indiana for consistency and they've stayed in a lockbox in my In-Laws in Indiana for the last four years (with a heavy coat of oil put on each year when I visit the family). I'm moving to a gun-friendly state next summer and the lockbox will be reunited with my rifles.


Wayne Smith
09-21-2008, 08:37 AM
One of the cool things about VA is that they have a pretty solid open carry
law and have been teaching the public (and more than a few LEOs, too)
that the law is there and that open carry is OK. Apparently it started
out a bit rough and some restaurant owners called the police, who were
not informed in some cases and arrested the 'perps' - only to have to
apologize and release them later. Of course, VA is a 'shall issue' CCW
state, too. They have a pretty strong grassroots gun lobby.


Another cool thing about VA, at least at this time, is that the NRA says they have no choice between our two Senate canidates, they would be happy with either one. Both Webb and Gilmore are solid on the firearms issue.

bruce drake
09-21-2008, 10:57 AM
Unfortunately, Webb has other issues that I don't agree with.

Personally I think he's bitter that after his time as Reagan's Secretary of the Navy ended in 1987, he wasn't picked for any further Republican political appointments under Bush I or Bush II and that is why he flipped to the Democrats when they came looking in 2005 for a Veteran to run in VA.

ACLU gave him a rating of 71 out of 100 so I guess he's stuck it to them a couple of times.

Sounds like you'll have to decide between the two on another issue than. Webb is Pro-Life and loves the Unions according to the VoteSmart.org report on his political activities

09-21-2008, 12:24 PM
Is that the same James Webb who wrote "Fields Of Fire"? One of the best Viet Nam War books I ever read. "The 13th Valley" by John Del Vecchio is another.

09-21-2008, 07:22 PM
Yep that's the guy! I agree about both books you mention, good stuff!

09-21-2008, 08:43 PM
NE has a firearms permit card so there is no waiting period, but if your drivers license doesn't have your correct home address you have to get it changed before you can get the permit.

Old Ironsights
09-21-2008, 09:39 PM
They gotta know where you physically live to be able to go get your guns.