View Full Version : A turkey leg and a view of the ocean

06-29-2018, 09:43 PM
I'd like to report that today was a good day !

Today I woke up and was still alive to begin with and it didn't stop there ! I went to rehab for my brand new knee and it didn't hurt near as much as two weeks ago ! I went to the shop and seemed like all the enjoyable customers came in today and believe me ..that is a rare occasion . I had supper with my son this evening and we had good conversation and orange sherbet for desert . I didn't have any big problems to solve and no fires to put out . It was a calm day , a simple day .

I don't stop enough to count my blessings and apricate all GOD has given me . Maybe it might have been better if he had put me at a table on a tropical island with a big glass of sweet tea , a giant smoked turkey leg and a view of the ocean . But I think not because I enjoyed what I was given .

Hope everyone enjoys tomorrow ! I'm going to try .

country gent
06-29-2018, 10:11 PM
Just enjoying waking up in the morning and what each new day brings is a big blessing. Seeimg the clouds sun and feeling the sun warm my shouders makes a great day.

06-30-2018, 06:06 AM
Just enjoying waking up in the morning and what each new day brings is a big blessing. Seeimg the clouds sun and feeling the sun warm my shouders makes a great day.

Amen .

I woke up bout an hour ago and just sitting here drinking coffee and thinking . Waiting for the sun to rise . My three spoiled house dogs are gathered round me wanting to get fed . One is asleep at my feet snoring . I have been praying for many here that are having trouble ...we all have trouble .

Maybe one day I'll wake sitting in that chair with that turkey leg , tea and the blue waves rolling in on the white sand but for now my portion is sufficient .

06-30-2018, 06:16 AM
I'm glad to hear your knee is progressing in the proper manner.
And as you have discovered, progression in measured from week to week, not day to day.
4-5 months from now, your knee will feel as good or better then you can remember.

06-30-2018, 06:49 AM
It is good to be thankful and praise the Lord for all our many blessings.

Yes at times the beach and giant turkey leg would be nice.
Hoping I can perhaps have both someday.

Pine Baron
06-30-2018, 07:03 AM
Thanks for the good report Boaz. God has given us this day with all His wonder, all around us. Tomorrow is unwritten.

06-30-2018, 08:23 AM
Amen Charlie, Happy to hear your praise for God.

06-30-2018, 09:24 AM
Charlie, I am happy to be happy with ya!:bigsmyl2:

Sure would be nice if we could get together and go set off some metal detectors with our new knees! :lol:

country gent
06-30-2018, 07:23 PM
Boaz, When I wake up I need to sit on the edge of the bed take meds and exercise legs a little to get ready then get dressed and start the day. Its amazing how much thinking and planning can be one in that time LOL. Im on the process of getting ready to take down a small old garage and put up a metal building ( pole barn) a little over twice as big. Its goig to have an enclosed room inside for a shop and storage on top of the shop roof. This way I lose very little square footage to the room. room is going to be 18'x30' x10'. I have already got the deal on a friends hobby shop a 13x40 lathe and 9x32 J2 bridgeport with x power feed and digital readout x and y. would like a 18-24" shaper and doall rolling saw. Im doing a lot of the thinking planning in the morning and while on trips. Its more outlook or mindset. I still do pretty much everything I did before the medical problems, just not always the same way as before.

07-02-2018, 07:08 AM
Glad to hear your new knee is functional. Blessings on you, Boaz!


07-02-2018, 07:39 AM
Last Thursday I carried some toys to the house from the shop that my daughter had there when she was little . They were in the passenger floorboard of the truck as I went through the commercial drive thru at my bank to get shop change . I put a check for cash in the drawer when the lady pushed it out saying Hi Charlie !!

I told her what kind of change I needed and she was getting it ready . As I sat there I looked at Becky's old jack-in-the- box sitting on the seat beside me I was taking home . When the lady pushed the drawer out with my change I took it and said ...Hold on a second !

I set the Jack -in- the -box on the window frame and the other two ladies walked over looking through the glass at it . I started cranking the handle and a sock monkey popped up after the ..Pop goes the weasel song was done . They smiled and two of them clapped laughing . I said ...I just wanted to see ya'll smile ! GOD is with us ! and drove home .

07-02-2018, 07:46 AM
A very good friend and forum member sent me this verse on my phone about 6;30 this morning

Romans 10;14
How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?

07-02-2018, 09:00 AM
Well said brother Boaz.

Good to see you feeling better.