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View Full Version : I’ve been MIA for a while

06-29-2018, 01:24 PM
I’ve been busy trying to get my new shop built, it’s been a nightmare! Seriously, if I’d have known I would have never even started it! I won’t get into all the details, but it came down to threatening the builders with a breach of contract lawsuit to get it built and the local electric company threatening me to pay to move their line that is 14ft outside of their easement, into my yard!
I need a break from it, my body needs a break from it and it’s 100 degrees here the next few days. But then I’ve got to get back after it. I’ll try to be around more soon.

06-29-2018, 01:30 PM
We have a happy break from it! Hopefully in the future when the shop is done you can enjoy the fruits of your efforts.

Outer Rondacker
06-29-2018, 01:55 PM
I hope you enjoy your brake and have better luck when you return to your project. I can say I do feel your pain. I have until the 31st of August to get a CO on my new house. I am miles away. No one shows up when they claim they will. I am 6 months behind. Then 23 days ago a drunk biker lost control going way to fast and totaled my truck that was parked on my land. He only has 10000 dollars coverage. Truck books for 13s and tow bill is 2100. If I take the money I can not sue. If I sue I will be suck in court for a long time and it looks like he is never going to work again. I have lost 9-12k income over this. Now with the heat the house workers will not come until after it drops below 92 so a week from now.

I really do wish you luck and once its all done be sure to post up some pics of the new shop. Deep breaths brother. It will all work out. Well that is what I keep telling myself anyway.[smilie=1:

06-29-2018, 04:32 PM
I feel your pain! I called six electricians, two showed up to bid it! I’ve called three heating and air contractors, none have even bothered to get back to me. I don’t know how these guys stay in business.
Then the cost overruns! My word, this thing is a broke down Jeep a really crappy boat and a trailer that can barely make it down the road! Every time I turn around I need a permit for this, this won’t pass inspection and it’s going to cost this to bring it up to code! It was supposed to be around $25k, we’re pushing $30k and still going! I need at least two loads of dirt, one load of gravel, right now I have three lights, main shop, bathroom and outside, then one outlet. In a 30x30 building. It was supposed to be 30x31, but that’s a whole other can of worms!
Good luck with your project as well and good luck not killing anyone!

06-29-2018, 04:49 PM
Unfortunately too many contractors and inspectors have minimal engineering skills and most say the job is 'finished' when you run out of money. Good Luck. My theory is once the walls are up and inspectors gone you can fix all the mistakes without being harassed.

06-30-2018, 06:15 AM
Good Luck! Hopefully you will have years of use and enjoyment from it, once its finished.

06-30-2018, 08:49 AM
I imagine a big part of the problem is the same thing we deal with here, and that is people who can work in skilled labor trades are hard to find. When you do, they're REALLY busy. With the recent heat wave, those HVAC contractors are likely weeks behind.
Good luck with your project. I wind up doing lots of things myself that I'd rather have someone else do because of the problems you've mentioned. Thing is, I'm gettin' too old to be messin' with some of this stuff.