View Full Version : Dog opened dove season!

06-18-2018, 03:58 PM
My Sch-weenie 14# can jump 48" the dove was caught in mid air. She wasn't happy to give it up ether,:bigsmyl2:

06-18-2018, 08:11 PM
Did you add jalapenos to the 'lonesome dove'?

06-18-2018, 09:16 PM
She got the Brest before we got it away

06-18-2018, 10:44 PM
Good girl! Dove shouldn't tease a dog like her!

06-19-2018, 07:50 AM
I opened the season the other day with my truck! Really hated it, feathers went everywhere!

06-19-2018, 08:43 AM
Is a Schi-Weenie a Chihuahua and Daschund mix? Oughta be a fun little girl to have around.

I've been seeing an awful lot of doves lately, I've never really hunted them before, but I think I'll give it a try this year when the season opens up.

06-19-2018, 09:26 AM
I think man started hunting doves not because they taste good, (too little meat) but because of the repetitive, constant, never ending, all day calling that can drive you nuts!!!! Whew! Got that out of my system for now.

Doves all over Denver this past two years. The pair around my house never left for winter.

06-19-2018, 10:03 AM
IMHO they are socialists, have to stay where they 'goodies' are free with no work needed. Wait - they are descendants of pigeons. Had to make that comment, but the wife has been bringing home Snickers lately so maybe it's just my attitude.

06-19-2018, 05:35 PM
Schtisu - Dachshund mix forgive the spieling.

06-19-2018, 05:39 PM
I have two large pine trees in the back I have flocks of dove, and three kinds Morning, White wing, and french ring neck. the French is not a game bird but an invasive dove according to Texas Game and Wildlife.

06-20-2018, 08:44 AM
We just had to put down a Shi-Tzu we had for almost 15 years and he was an adult when I got him, no telling how old he was. In his day, he was a very spirited good little dog, but I never noticed much in the way of predatory instinct like that.

I've always liked Daschunds. When I was a kid, the town gunsmith and my dad used to hunt ducks together occasionally and he had a big lab he was real proud of. On weekend, he called and asked if we wanted to go down to the river and put the lab though some retrieving drills, so dad piled us into the station wagon and we met him and his dogs there, the big lab and he brought his wife's two little house dogs, a very old, spoiled Chihuahua and a female daschund who I knew to be a nice, calm little dog. Anyway, the little dogs sat and watched while Ed threw a decoy out into the river and the lab dutifully retried it, eventually getting a little slower and less motivated to do so. Eventually, he threw the decoy and the lab was having none of it, was tired I guess. Anyway, while he was scolding the lab to go get it and the current is carrying the decoy away, the little daschund ran from her spot, jumped in, swam for all she was worth and grabbed the decoy which was almost as big as she was and swam back to shore. It was the darnedest thing we'd ever seen, she had learned by watching.

Thin Man
06-21-2018, 08:26 AM
I have always considered the opening day of dove season as my "New Year's Day", the first day of legal regulated game hunting. This is the day all our old friends gather to enjoy each other's company, show off our new (or new to us) shotguns, chow down on lunch together in the field and have one really fun time together. On opening day our season opens at 12 noon but the birds don't fly in any great numbers until the evening. By that time most of have sweated out more fluids than we have taken in. With the excitement of the first few shots all the heat and exhaustion are forgotten. After opening day we have occasional dove hunts but my chore is to impatiently wait for deer season to open. That is when I really come active. I can remember missing only one opening day of dove hunting. It was 5 years ago that a very close friend passed away in the late summer. He was a regular in the dove fields and one of the best wing shooters I have ever known. That year I skipped out on dove huntingentirely, the fields just would not have been the same without his being there. Still miss that old cuss but went back to the dove fields the following year.