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Lloyd Smale
09-16-2008, 07:14 AM
My best friends 11 year old daughter shot a 900 lb cow buffalo with a mini sharps in 45 colt. the load pushed a 255 swc to 1100 out of a handgun. I dont know what it was doing in the little rifle. the first picture is her the second is her, her mother, chuck smith and me and the third is me dragging the buffalo with my new polaris rzr.

09-16-2008, 07:38 AM
Great pictures Lloyd!
Are they going to tan the hide?

09-16-2008, 10:14 AM

If you do much of that draggin you need to find a piece of thick ply sheet or thin rubber conveyor belting. It will make life alot easier and the hide in much better shape when you get it to the loader.

Nice pics and a looks like she had a good time with the little sharps.

Red River Rick
09-16-2008, 10:55 AM
Cool! Not everyday a person gets to shoot a buffalo, especially a 11 year old hunter. Good for her. Nice rifle as well.


09-16-2008, 12:36 PM
I am reminded of a 'new member' who jumped up to show pictures of his buffalo. He had used his trusty Shiloh Sharps in 45/110 to make the kill.

I wonder what he would say if he knew that a pint-sized rifle, shooting a revolver round, is capable of the same thing...

09-16-2008, 01:40 PM
He would probably say he enjoyed it every bit as much as the 11 year old did. It is all subjective, not objective, unless you're in a competition of some sort...

09-16-2008, 02:35 PM
My father always told me when I first started hunting and was not big enough to shoot heavy recoil rifles, that shot placement was more important than the size of the gun used to do it. These photos once again prove what Dad told me 30 some years ago.

Best Wishes from the Boer Ranch,


09-16-2008, 02:52 PM
Great pics Lloyd, and good shooting on her part.

I think one of the Lil Sharps in 45 LC might be a good walking around rifle. What does it weigh?

Lloyd Smale
09-16-2008, 03:55 PM
id guess it weights about 7 lbs but dont hold me to it. I want one in 44 mag with a 22 inch barrel!!! As to the load. She placed 3 shots in the buffalo no small feat for a little girl loading a sharps. All bullets exited So i guess the load had enough power to do that anyway. Weve shot them with 500 linebaughs and 475s and a few rifles but the funny thing is the fastest we saw one go down was the one i shot 2 years ago with a 44 mag blackhawk using a 250 grain devestator hollow point. It took a step and folded and beleive it or not that bullet exited too. I would have never intentionaly hunted with that load but i decided after i got there that the freazer needed filling and i came armed to shoot a pig not a buffalo. Al didnt go there figureing on a buffalo with the little sharps either. I talked him into it. I though it was the only proper animal be the first killed with a litte sharps. Ive preached the killing power of a 250 swc at a 1000 fps for years and this certainly did reinforce my beliefs. She put three shots into it either of the first two would have killed the buffalo but the owner of the place wants them down and wants you to shoot till they drop. One shot went through the mid section and wouldnt have been a killing shot but it too gave complete penetration. Personaly though if i went with the intention of shooting a buffalo id carry a minimum of a 44 or 45 with a 300 at 1100 fps. I know how much bone those loads will break! If you havent shot a buffalo its amazing how bullet resistant they are. Weve had them continue to eat after having a 500 linebaugh shot threw there boiler room.

09-16-2008, 04:04 PM

What is the going rate for a buffalo hunt in Michigan? I would be interested...


09-16-2008, 05:34 PM
Got a link on the gun?

09-16-2008, 06:13 PM
What distance was this Buff shot at?

I didn't think a .45 LC had that kind of penetration at 1100 fps.



09-16-2008, 07:16 PM
memories that`ll last you all the rest of you`re lives!!!


09-16-2008, 07:51 PM

What is the going rate for a buffalo hunt in Michigan? I would be interested...



09-16-2008, 10:19 PM
Very impressive!

Also impressive that Lloyd has figured out picture posting!

09-16-2008, 10:43 PM
A rancher friend of mine will sell you a buffalo hunt for a year and a half heifer for $1300. The only time I ever saw a buffalo shot was one time when the Ponca Indians wanted one for a powwow, but they didn't have a rifle so Kennard shot one with his rifle; a cut down Jap 7.7 that must have been drug behind a pickup on a gravel road. No extra wood, original sights, never been cleaned, shells were a mix of someones reloads and three different factory rounds. One shot to the head. Call him up and book a hunt. 402 857 3850. Oh, yeah. His place is in northeast Nebraska.

Just Duke
09-17-2008, 02:49 AM
A rancher friend of mine will sell you a buffalo hunt for a year and a half heifer for $1300. The only time I ever saw a buffalo shot was one time when the Ponca Indians wanted one for a powwow, but they didn't have a rifle so Kennard shot one with his rifle; a cut down Jap 7.7 that must have been drug behind a pickup on a gravel road. No extra wood, original sights, never been cleaned, shells were a mix of someones reloads and three different factory rounds. One shot to the head. Call him up and book a hunt. 402 857 3850. Oh, yeah. His place is in northeast Nebraska.

Will call tomorrow.

Great pics Lloyd and thanks for sharing. I am very surprized the 45 Long Colt up-loaded had the much stopping power. Good to know though.
Can't wait for the wife and I to do our hunts. Lucky girl she is.

Lloyd Smale
09-17-2008, 05:33 AM
Hell i know, i was pretty proud of myself.
Very impressive!

Also impressive that Lloyd has figured out picture posting!

Lloyd Smale
09-17-2008, 05:39 AM
I dont have a link to the gun. A cow buffalo runs around 12-1300. He will gut it and skin it (properly for a mount) and quarter it. the head and skin are yours to keep if you want them. Her bullfalo was shot at about 50 yards. Ive shot them with handguns at ranges between 20 and about 90 yards. It isnt much of a hunt. More of a shoot. but for the price you get good meat at a price not much differnt then what youd pay in the store. you can shoot it with a handgun, rilfe or one of those stick flingers that 44man loves.

Bass Ackward
09-17-2008, 06:19 AM
She certainly looks happy. Nice when you can be a part of that memory for the rest of her life.

Strange how people don't think about how a bullet reacts as to how that affects penetration. Yet they understand BC and what that does traveling through air. Same thing really. And therefore how to get more or less penetration out of it. Any bullet will penetrate the farthest in it's origional shape. Once you begin to deform (widen) the meplat, the penetration drops. So going faster often penetrates less. A hollow point is designed to begin the expansion immediately, so it penetrates less.

Buffalo Bill Cody raved about the 44 Russian for killing Buffalo back in the early 1800s. That was 200 grains of pure lead @ about 650 - 700 fps.

09-17-2008, 07:40 AM

What is the going rate for a buffalo hunt in Michigan? I would be interested...


There's a place for Bison in Morley, Michigan, about 30 miles north of Grand Rapids. As of a month ago, cows under 900 lbs were $750, above 900 lbs were $850. I think bulls run between $1000 and $1250. It called the Super G Ranch.


Owner's name is Les. I've shot two of them out of there in the last few years. It's a fenced 1,000 acres that's about 65% woods/swamp. Cost includes skinning and quartering. There's a bunkhouse for out-of-towners that wish to stay over. Also an Amish farm acrossed the road that will cut and wrap for you. I had both my cows quartered and I cut, ground, and wrapped the meat myself. Out of a 900 lb cow you get approximately 350 to 400 lbs of boned meat. Takes one guy a good 6-8 hours to process one. You don't really want a bull for the meat. They're usually plenty tough. Even the burger. Cows can go either way. I shot a 1 1/2 year old heifer that was tough. Shot a similar sized 9 1/2 year old cow that was tender.

This place is not much of a hunt unless you use a bow or handgun. Even a handgun is pretty easy though. Bison can be pretty wary critters, but can also be plenty stupid at times. My first animal took about 2-3 hours to stalk. The second was about 4 hours. Both were one shot handgun kills. A bow can take you most of the day. I don't go for the sport of it, more just for cheap, excellent, meat and a bullet test. Will probably look to wack another one next Spring.

If you call this place, make sure that they have the size of animal your looking to shoot, on hand, when you get there. He has a real high turn-over. Easiest to get a hunt during the weekdays. He also has pigs, goats, sheep, deer, and elk. If you need help, a video guy, or whatever, give me a PM. I'm only about 35 miles away from the place.

09-17-2008, 08:02 AM
Here is the Link for Armi Chiappa's world wide distributor list. They are the makers of the mini-sharps.


Now, Here is the Charles Daily link. They are the only distributor in the US that sells the "little Sharps" They come in some interesting calibers. I think I would have to get one in a 38-55. There would be no reason why, with the strength of that sharps action, a person couldn't load it up some like we do the 45 LC in the Ruger Blackhawk.

http://www.charlesdaly.com/cowboylg.asp Be prepared for sticker shock.

Best wishes from the Boer Ranch,


09-17-2008, 09:02 AM
I looked at these at the NRA convention and they are quite petite. I think the full size Sharps actions are big and clunky looking (I know Blasphemy), but these are almost too small. Something in between would be just about right. The price is pretty steep probably because of the exchange rate. You could get a C-Sharps 75 for about the same price.


Lloyd Smale
09-17-2008, 07:33 PM
I get deals slightly better then this from dave but this would be alot cheaper for anyone else.
There's a place for Bison in Morley, Michigan, about 30 miles north of Grand Rapids. As of a month ago, cows under 900 lbs were $750, above 900 lbs were $850. I think bulls run between $1000 and $1250. It called the Super G Ranch.


Owner's name is Les. I've shot two of them out of there in the last few years. It's a fenced 1,000 acres that's about 65% woods/swamp. Cost includes skinning and quartering. There's a bunkhouse for out-of-towners that wish to stay over. Also an Amish farm acrossed the road that will cut and wrap for you. I had both my cows quartered and I cut, ground, and wrapped the meat myself. Out of a 900 lb cow you get approximately 350 to 400 lbs of boned meat. Takes one guy a good 6-8 hours to process one. You don't really want a bull for the meat. They're usually plenty tough. Even the burger. Cows can go either way. I shot a 1 1/2 year old heifer that was tough. Shot a similar sized 9 1/2 year old cow that was tender.

This place is not much of a hunt unless you use a bow or handgun. Even a handgun is pretty easy though. Bison can be pretty wary critters, but can also be plenty stupid at times. My first animal took about 2-3 hours to stalk. The second was about 4 hours. Both were one shot handgun kills. A bow can take you most of the day. I don't go for the sport of it, more just for cheap, excellent, meat and a bullet test. Will probably look to wack another one next Spring.

If you call this place, make sure that they have the size of animal your looking to shoot, on hand, when you get there. He has a real high turn-over. Easiest to get a hunt during the weekdays. He also has pigs, goats, sheep, deer, and elk. If you need help, a video guy, or whatever, give me a PM. I'm only about 35 miles away from the place.

Lloyd Smale
09-17-2008, 07:35 PM
price on these is suppose to be around 800 bucks but dont hold me to it.
I looked at these at the NRA convention and they are quite petite. I think the full size Sharps actions are big and clunky looking (I know Blasphemy), but these are almost too small. Something in between would be just about right. The price is pretty steep probably because of the exchange rate. You could get a C-Sharps 75 for about the same price.


09-18-2008, 08:19 AM
price on these is suppose to be around 800 bucks but dont hold me to it.

The ones at the convention were over a grand, but I don't remember the exact amount. That was probably full retail though. I'd consider $800, if I had it, which I don't right now.
