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06-15-2018, 11:56 AM
Robocalls are out of control this week. So much for do not call list

Virus in Computer.

Windows 10
IRS has a warrant for my arrest
Credit cards
6 calls from Comcast- the guy barely knew English

Rick R
06-15-2018, 12:20 PM
My wife’s cellphone number ended up in the call queue for US Pharmacy, a bunch of Indian/Pakistani shysters trying to sell prescription drugs on line. For several months they would call and ask for “Marilyn” (not my wife’s name). They didn’t care that it was the wrong number, they would call multiple times a day. My wife would hand me the phone and I’d go to work:
1. Tried to get a physical address. They hung up.
2. Tied up the guy for a half hour ordering then tried to get address to send the check to. “We don’t accept checks” I replied “that’s good cause we don’t have any money”. They cussed me for “wasting their time” then hung up.
3. I asked to speak to a manager. When he came on line I got his name, “Fred” or something. Told him to quit calling me, he cussed me and hung up.
4. Asked for “Fred” everytime they called and tried to ruin his day. Sang The Star Spangled Banner loudly. He hung up.
5. Said stuff about sacred cows I won’t print here. They hung up, my wife said “if we go to war with India it’s your fault”.
6. Started crying when they asked for “Marilyn” and told them she died due to bootleg drugs. I hung up.
7. Sang the Star Spangled Banner so they couldn’t get a word in several times. They hung up.
8. They finally gave up

I’m now getting weekly calls from companies wanting to “help” me with student loans. I never borrowed a cent for tuition, never finished college. Now I’m spending my retired days lecturing them to quit their sinful ways get a decent job. :D

It aggravates me that they can spoof a local number or the phone rings once then I get a voice mail with a sales pitch. Their punishment should be locked in a room listening to me sing the national anthem badly for days. IMHO...

06-15-2018, 12:23 PM
We still get calls, but our Public service commissioner has slowed them down a lot. He has an easy online system to report them, and once reported he does a good job prosecuting them.

06-15-2018, 12:26 PM
I'm retired now, so I take the time to report every call to the do not call registry. It makes me feel better.

06-15-2018, 12:30 PM
I get calls from local construction companies ; "We spoke to you last year,,,,,,,,yada,yada,yada?......... If all my Dr's, Insurance Co. & Phamacies could understand the CONCEPT of calling my cellphone, I'd just rip the house phone out a the wall.

06-15-2018, 12:37 PM
Be careful a friend of mine gave a caller a hard time. For 2 weeks they drove her nuts calling all hours of the nite waking her up. She had to finilly take the phone off the hook.

06-15-2018, 12:39 PM
we had 2 business lines .. were getting 20 to 30 auto dial calls a day. Switched over to VOIP lines (1-VOIP is the company we went with)
they have NOMOROBO service along with manual blocking , black lists ect .. Now I might get 1 day... most days none
I can go on their web site and see every incoming call number, location and length of call including all the blocked calls .. So far its been great. also saving over $150.00 a month verses the 2 business lines..

06-15-2018, 12:46 PM
I put the phone next to a speaker and turn on either rush, red state radio, or mark levin.

They don't call back.

One of these days I'll cue up hillary or obama speeches. See what happens.

06-15-2018, 01:05 PM
Got a call on my cell phone the other day. It was my cell phone number that was calling me. Obviously, I didn't answer. Mrs. smokeywolf got the call a little later (her number). It's a computer with the ability to spoof the number it's dialing.
I suspect they're just trying to compile a list of valid numbers to sell to marketing companies.

06-15-2018, 02:27 PM
ve their "No caal list" but it doesn't do much. Our elected officials want campaign contributions from phone companies.

country gent
06-15-2018, 02:27 PM
One thing to remember is these companies require xxx calls a day to be profitable. I keep them on the line as long as possible. ( I really like the ones that don't get there auto disconnects set correctly these Ive kept on the line and tied up for 45 mins or more). Other wise go to one of the choices and drag it out as long as possible tying them up and using up their time to make calls. Can you speak up I didn't hear you is good for dragging them out.
The ones that truly annoy me are the banks and credit cards calling and asking for my wife ( She was killed in an auto accident in 2002). These I drag out and then give them the cematarys street address to contact her.

06-15-2018, 02:42 PM
I have the most fun with the credit card / balance transfer ones; I say that my card is in my desk in the other room if they can wait a minute, then set the phone down for 4-5 minutes. If they're still on the line, I say I have the card etc. When they ask for the exp. date, I give one for last year; they point that out so I say, 'oops that must be the old card' and repeat the routine. Or give them a cc #, have them read it back to me, then correct them - again and again. Love this routine; if they end up losing it & swearing in Hindi at me, I consider it a job well done. :)

One guy was wondering why it took me so long to get the card; I told them it was in my desk at home, and I was driving that way. And added that home was 400 miles away, lol. Come up with a good script (that lets you spend most of the time w/ the phone down & doing other things), and you can drag them out for a long time.

06-15-2018, 03:08 PM
At the rate I'm going, I'll be on the state 10 most wanted list soon. There must be 20-30 serious warrants out for me by now.

If a name or recognizable number doesn't come up on the screen, we don't answer it. That's what voicemail is for.

06-15-2018, 03:11 PM
I am glad that we have the caller ID option on our land line phone. When the phone rings, actually not very often anymore, if we don`t know the number or the name we just let it ring till my `I`m not here` message comes on. Most of the calls ring about 4 - 5 rings then stop, if they go all the 7 rings to get my message they usually cut out half way thru my drawl about leave me a message. I used to tell the caller, if indeed it was a human, that there was someone at my door and hold the line till I return - I sit the phone down and come back about 30 minutes later to just a dial tone. Lately the Robo`s are political parties wanting to know who I will be voteing for this year, or what my party affilation is, none of their darn business how I`ll vote!Robert

lefty o
06-15-2018, 04:06 PM
the do not call list while a wonderful idea, like anything the gvmnt gets involved with, is worthless.

06-15-2018, 04:52 PM
I've been getting calls that say "This is Mary from the credit department", then she stops and the phone disconnects. I can't figure that one out.

06-15-2018, 04:59 PM
AT&T and Goggle Listing calls at least 6 times every day....I press the "take off the list" number every time...it must be broken!

06-15-2018, 05:07 PM
I don't have a land line, just cell. So i have my settings set that doesn't accept unknown numbers, it gets routed to voicemail. If its important, they can leave a message. Ill sometimes answer if im expecting a call otherwise you have to be in my phonebook or leave a voicemail. At a time I chose, my phone goes to the dont disturb mode where it won't make a peep to wake me other than for select people in my phonebook are allowed to wake me. I love it. Spammers can pound sand and I can continue to be interrupted.

06-15-2018, 05:27 PM
I talk to them, get them all worked up on a sale, and ask them to call me tomorrow at my work number-- then i give them the phone number to the local FBI office ;-).
Oh- and I use "Mr Number" app on my cell.
Greg in West Mitten

mold maker
06-15-2018, 08:02 PM
I got the IRS spoof today. I don't get as many since I started explaining that Mr & Mrs ----- are both in a rest home and I'm just the care taker.

06-15-2018, 09:20 PM

*Hello FBI field office*


Reverend Al
06-15-2018, 09:37 PM
If you have a phone with an integral answering machine have a look at the user manual. I only recently found out that our phone system with 3 handsets and an answering machine has a built in call blocker on it! We use the call display and caller log to jot down the phone numbers of nuisance callers and then block them on the phone. Works well so far and it has helped to cut down on the "spam" and "scam" calls.

06-16-2018, 01:52 AM
Is the head of the household there? I answer "No, hes dead. Do you know how to get blood out of the carpet?"

06-16-2018, 07:36 AM
I answered a call a couple of years ago when they first started spoofing the numbers to look like cell numbers. I was informed that I had 4 warrants out for my arrest and that a swat team would be at my house in an hour if I didn't send several thousand dollars to some address. I politely told the guy that there probably would be another warrant out pretty soon after I reached through the phone and chocked him. They went from speaking broken english to doing a bunch of jabbering and hung up.

I hate those suckers! My Wife downloaded an app on my phone that screens most of them but a few still get through. If a name fails to show up on caller ID I let the call go to voice mail. I have to return a few calls like Dr offices and things but this works pretty well.

06-16-2018, 08:18 AM
What I do is pick up the phone and do not say anything and then press 999999 and then 11111 to cover all the calls that is done by computers and then it cut down on alot of calls. Also see what the number is and if I do not know any after I let the phone pick it up it self and see if there is a message. But the 99999 helps to cut down on alot of calls after. I have only a land line no cell phone.

06-16-2018, 08:57 AM
I only have a cell phone. If I don't recognize the number calling, I don't answer it. When it goes to voice mail my message is "If your call is important to you, leave a message. If it's important to me, I'll call you back." The ones that matter leave a message, the others hang up.

06-16-2018, 09:26 AM
I keep getting an 800 # that never responds when I answer. Think they want me to call back that number. Gonna try the answering machine block.

06-16-2018, 03:15 PM
Guess I'm missing out on a lot of fun. Those on the land line get an answering machine, they never leave a message, except the IRS one a couple of times. My cell if I don't know the area code I don't even bother. Those that have spoofed a land line--local--I do answer then hang up. All got to the call blocker, the number of calls is down to almost zero. Wouldn't mind taking a cruise, tho, but even they quit calling. GW

Big Tom
06-16-2018, 04:04 PM
I am not friendly to these criminals anymore and educate them how bad of a head injury a .500 caliber 500 grain XTP bullet could cause and ask for the address to showcase it....

06-16-2018, 06:06 PM
I've been getting calls with the same area code and first three numbers of my cell phone number - just the last four numbers are different. I got so irritated that I did a reverse search of the number on the internet and it went back to a Sprint account somewhere in Texas - Spring, TX IIRC -my area code is for Michigan. I don't know how they do it but I suspect that my reverse search may have been in error and somehow, whoever is calling has the ability to put in whatever number they want to?

The robot calls are driving us nuts - home phone and both my wife's cell and mine - and we have all of the numbers on the "do not call" list. When I get a call soliciting or selling something - and there is a "real person" on the other end of the line, I usually interrupt them and then ask "what are you wearing" or "are you naked". That stops them in their tracks and then I just hang up. Or, when I get a call from overseas that my computer is infected . . . I put on my best "Indian accent" and ask if they think their sister . . . mother . . . grandmother would go out with me. Lately, it has been "Hello, my name is Carl, I'm a highly trained technician . . . . ". When I ask where they are calling from, I get the reply "Texas". I then answer that I didn't know there was a "Texas" in India.

06-16-2018, 06:16 PM
I'm having the same issue. Wants to sell me windows.
1. Gave him the sheriffs address in Harlan Co,Ky.
2. Told him I only wanted 1 window. He asked if I was the homeowner,no..I'm just an inmate..click.
3. I got cussed on this one. He asked what I needed for home improvement. I said well, I have mexicans on one side and yankees on the other. What could he do about that. He got mad, starting yelling and hung up. I think I won that one.

Geezer in NH
06-16-2018, 06:43 PM
UH why do you NEED to answer??


06-16-2018, 07:05 PM
Geezer, it has actually gotten to the point that I don't. If I don't recognize the name or number, I don't. Thing is, everyday, all day long. Sometimes I just don't even turn on my phone. The do not call is a joke.

Geezer in NH
06-16-2018, 07:46 PM
That is what you should due in a week or three they will go away do not acknowledge any of them.

Reverend Al
06-17-2018, 01:47 PM
Some days I actually pick up robo calls just to mess with them a bit. Since I'm retired if I keep some scamming idiot tied up on the phone for 5 or 10 minutes before he catches on and hangs up on me then he wasn't calling someone else who still works for a living and doesn't have time to waste with these numbskulls.

mold maker
06-17-2018, 03:20 PM
The only way to totally avoid the annoying calls is to get rid of the phone. Remember when there were no bells ringing to disturb your dinner/peace. Who needs the aggravation?

06-19-2018, 12:51 PM
caller ID and voice mail. if you don't recognize the #, don't pick up.

06-20-2018, 07:42 AM
Mold Maker, I ask myself daily what did we do for entertainment back in the day before some jackazz invented the cell phone? GW

mold maker
06-20-2018, 10:09 AM
Mold Maker, I ask myself daily what did we do for entertainment back in the day before some jackazz invented the cell phone? GW

During simpler times we conversed with each other any time conditions allowed. Now it's hard to get the attention of others without electronic connections. We've lost our ability to spell out thoughts without a special code. In the evenings we used to gather round the radio and wait patiently for the clock to announce the time for a favorite program. Since it required batteries (way before transistors), we didn't dare waste minutes except to at the last minute, tune it in and adjust the antenna.
And they call what we have today "Progress"???????

06-20-2018, 06:25 PM
I just got me a whistle, they don't seem to like it much.

mold maker
06-21-2018, 11:37 AM
Don't forget to whisper something to get them to listen intently before using the whistle.
Don't most phones and such now have noise limiter circuits that even out volume levels? I used to use an claxton (auguaga for you young folks) horn to disuade party line snoops. One older lady even had the nerve to fuss at me for it.

06-21-2018, 12:36 PM
Friend of mine claims that the world trade towers in New York were hit because of our giving the robo callers so much trouble that they had to retaliate somehow.

06-21-2018, 01:00 PM
If in front of the TV, I see who/what is calling, and if I don't know them, it rings 4 times and quits. If on the computer, I answer, say 'Hello', and if I get no response in about 2 seconds, I hang up...

06-21-2018, 02:25 PM
I just got me a whistle, they don't seem to like it much.

I have a whistle for the same reason. Funny thing is a buddy once asked why I needed a 'rape' whistle. I said the darn thing was broken. Kept blowing it, and it's never happened. :)

06-21-2018, 09:44 PM
Modern phones have volume limiters...

06-21-2018, 10:22 PM
Was discussing this with a guy one time. He said if he thinks it will be a spammer he answers speaking Latvian. They seam to think they called Latvia by mistake.

06-21-2018, 10:38 PM
Just throwing this out into the wind... I have heard that all these robo-****ers are getting paid even if the call isnt actually answered. If it goes to you voicemail (or you answer) THEY GET A FRACTION OF A CENT. Either way the technology aspect is costing us a lot of cash. If I dont know anybody from the state that is calling me, I let it go to voicemail. Period. Better safe than sorry. Once these guys know you actually exist (by answering your phone) they will add you to a LOT of their lists. I have pissed into the wind in my youth for the record. Max

06-22-2018, 01:42 AM
I cancelled the house phone because of nuisance callers................now everyone complains I never answer my mobile,and I cant be contacted............I say the mailbox is still nailed to the fence ,last time I looked.

06-22-2018, 08:32 AM
I put an app called Mr Number on my phone. One of the options is to block anyone not in your contact list.

I went from 4-8 robo calls a day to none. No stupid calls interrupting my naps.

Gives you a list of all blocked calls you can scan once in a while. If you see a number you wonder about it is easy enough to google search it and see who it is.

Now my phone almost never rings, which is the way I like it. Works for me, YMMV.

06-22-2018, 06:07 PM
it was on the local news that the irs calls were running heavy in south central pa.

06-23-2018, 02:18 PM
Works don't it ?