View Full Version : Could use a few ears.....

06-11-2018, 03:04 PM
I've been on here a long time, since I was 17 I think. I will be 27 in July. I've met a lot of good people on forum's. Well, just about the whole gun community in general is full of good folks.

I live in Yuma, AZ. Just a few miles from Mexico. In the last couple months I have fallen jobless, my girlfriend left me and I am living with my grandparents with our 3 year old. Life is just a mess. I am very fortunate to have family like I do. Not a lot do. There's absolutely no opportunity where I live. Most folks my age are content with 10 bucks an hour, 12 if your lucky. I've been laid off, fired, hired, more times in 1 year than most people ever get in their entire life. If your not hispanic on paper, interviews are almost impossible to get.

I can't stand my generation. Millennial's are the most entitled, spoiled generation to have existed. I've met a few my age who have decent heads on their shoulders. But they are few and far between.

I don't do social media. I don't do drama. I try to apply some old school principals of living to my life, and it just feel's like a lost cause. I feel like there isn't room in society anymore for people like myself, and that in many way's the world is leaving me behind. It is getting harder to find the motivation that I used to have to get back up, and get back out there to try and build a life for myself and my son.

I am very high functioning, but I do have limitations. I tried the Military 3 years ago, that did not work well. I couldn't keep up with how fast things moved, I was too methodical to move quickly, and too stubborn to be told how something should be done. I am a social nomad, I like people and I want to engage with people, but I don't always know how. I have a great many talents, and am skilled in anything hands on, but I have nowhere to apply my skills here.

I see my situation becoming more prevalent in today's society. I feel like I am being left behind, and that there is no place in this world for people like myself anymore. I was not a sheltered kid growing up. I had a great childhood. I was taught right from wrong, respect, and given good values and had good role models. Though they were not always as involved, like a father should be (who I never met until I was 21). I did have a lot of dysfunction growing up, but I always distanced myself from it the best I could and tried to observe others and learn from their mistakes.

I am signed up for welding classes at the local college and hope to start in late August. I recognize that there is a major skills shortage in America as people my age shy away from any truly hard work. So I believe with certifiable skills, I will finally be able to create a decent living for myself and my son. Maybe even move out of this black hole of a town......

06-11-2018, 03:14 PM
You're taking the right path; community college is your friend. Get to know the teachers, not just the teacher in your class. Show them you will make the most of an opportunity, and you'll probably get an opportunity.

Reloading Rod
06-11-2018, 03:18 PM
Nothing wrong with taking up the welding trade. It will always be in demand, I have several people I know that make a decent living at it. Good luck.

06-11-2018, 03:33 PM
I believe if a man is honest and hardworking he will be rewarded in life although it takes time . Your on the right track keep moving forward putting yourself in a position where things get better .

country gent
06-11-2018, 03:50 PM
From what Ive heard the manufacturing trades ( welders, electricians, machinists, tool and die makers, mill wrights, machine repair, and some others) are in demand. These are usually aprenticable trades and may take a few years to reach full pay scales, but there is usually a set raise time depending on classes completed and grades. Get the schooling in and get some things going for you then more classes and keep bettering yourself.

Knowledge is one thing no one can take away from you.

06-11-2018, 04:20 PM
Electricians are in demand around here and the company's are more than happy to send their helpers to school if they show some initiative . It seems to be hard to find a young man that can pass a drug test , show up to work on time , and do their job .

country gent
06-11-2018, 04:38 PM
Another plus to the electricians trade is a lot of the meters gages and expensive things are supplied by the company, unlike the other trades.

06-11-2018, 07:45 PM
I too was a member of the Disaster of the Week club, and I can tell you it doesn't last forever. Be open to God's leading and you will end up right where you need to be. Trust me on this one.


06-11-2018, 08:08 PM
Welding is a honorable trade. I know a gentleman who makes well over $150K a year at it. He's a master welder. Don't know the story of your Military service, but there are plenty of opportunities for former military. Especially in the local Junior Colleges. Stay focused on your goal. You'll do fine.

06-11-2018, 08:34 PM
Finding a sustainable job is much easier with having a skill . Welding is much in demand in my state and many others . I think you would profit yourself to learn a trade . I will pray for your situation and hope things get better for you and your child .

06-11-2018, 08:42 PM
You are on the right tract, continuing education in a field you enjoy will only benefit you in the future. Wish I knew that at an earlier age.


06-11-2018, 09:05 PM
Welding or any trade that involves your hands, sweat will work in time. Thing is to stick with it. Keep working at mastering people skills. Don't give up.

I've been a jack of all trades most of my life. Everything from making windows to apartment maintenance.
The more you learn, the more you can do the more employable you are. There is ALWAYS a need for people who can do skilled and semi skilled jobs. And always a need for people who can learn, who don't spend all day on their phone, who are always there 15 min early, and dependable. It is hard to find good help these days.

Stick with it.

You may want to consider moving to a better area job wise.

Best of luck to you.

06-11-2018, 09:07 PM
"I am very high functioning, but I do have limitations. I tried the Military 3 years ago, that did not work well. I couldn't keep up with how fast things moved, I was too methodical to move quickly, and too stubborn to be told how something should be done. I am a social nomad, I like people and I want to engage with people, but I don't always know how. I have a great many talents, and am skilled in anything hands on, but I have nowhere to apply my skills here."

Son take a good hard look in the mirror. Then be honest with your self. You have a SON. You sound depressed go get some counseloring. Send me a PM with your phone # if you need to talk. Last get right with GOD


06-11-2018, 10:22 PM
I hear all that you said, have felt the same way about most of those myself. Thing is you need to stop and take a good hard look at yourself, have a talk with God about the situation, and turn the whole thing over to Him. You can't sit back and do nothing waiting for something to happen, you have to put it in God's hands and make a move on your own. It will all work out according to His plan. As far as the younger generation, they'll just have to figure things out on their own. GW

Ford SD
06-12-2018, 12:05 AM
If your math skills are ok to good, also look in to a welder/fitter position

I have worked in several welding shops and there are more fitters than welders/ and the fitters usualy on the bigger jobs had a helper

Welders have the hot (temp) jobs -- fitters get to take there helmets off every so often

Master class welders get the interesting/hard/ jobs (one place one of the guys had 8 tickets) (cs/ss tig/mig/stick, ??)
most of the welder/ fitters had 2 tickets cs/ss

the other place to look for a job is heavy equipment mechanic (if you can fix stuff)

06-12-2018, 12:59 AM
Im sorta in the same boat. I am 34, I only have really 1 other friend my age. Sounds like you're the type of person that, when hired at the right place will be the one that is indispensable after a while.

Round where, there are plenty of factory jobs that will start you at 12 or more an hour. Some of them will pay for your training in various fields. Factory job aint fun I hear (i've never worked one) But if you show up on time, and do decent they keep ya. Sounds like to me... jobs are scarce where you're at. They aint here. Come to ky and i'll offer you a free place to shoot and a coke.

06-12-2018, 02:04 AM
I agree with DCP about your depression and strongly suggest that you get counseling to help you cope. You might examine the stubborn streak part of your personality. All of us must learn to accept supervision. I know it's not always easy. At times we have to do things that we don't like or that we don't enjoy.You will persevere and succeed.

Wayne Smith
06-12-2018, 07:51 AM
Around here (the other side of the country) the shipyards are advertising on TV (!) for welders, riggers, and shipfitters. From what you are saying compared to that the need is localized. Once you get trained be willing to go where the work is, don't expect it to come to you.

06-12-2018, 08:12 AM
I will be praying for you and pray above all things for your salvation, Welders are paid very high wages here especially in the gas field where pipe welders are in demand.

06-12-2018, 04:59 PM
you will never go wrong with a certified trade. the oppourtunities that become available to you are almost non stop. when I was a much younger person and knew everthing I refused to go to high school so I was presented with a choice, school or work(like a rented mule, my father felt inspiration to return to school would be found in perspiration of hard manual labour) so work it was, but not just any work, my job was to wash out under stock trucks that were coming into the garage for repairs. One thing lead to another and I got certified as a mechanic which lead to other qualifications 40yrs later I'm still my own boss/self employed and going to work is still fun for the most part. DO NOT give in to the peers around you, stand up and forge on, you will be where you are because that's where you choose to be. Most people now would rather be lead than accept responsibility and lead themselves. YOU can do this, I did and I didn't even go to high school!!!! There is a HUGE skilled trades shortage world wide, not everybody is gonna be sittin in a corperate office, C of Q holders are starting to command top wages/salaries in their jobs and its only going to get better I'm seeing this everyday (the local car dealership has been trying to hire a journeyman mechanic for two years now) no one to fill the position available.

06-12-2018, 05:17 PM
Just a couple of thoughts, which may or may not help.

1. You are the wrong part of the country. I live just a few miles from Mexico here in South Texas and unless a person that does not speak Spanish or is Hispanic, is unemployable in this part of the world.

2. The parts about being methodical and slow and does not deal well with things that change quickly caught my attention. Also the part about liking people, but not knowing how to engage them is interesting. These are both traits of folks that are ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Folks with this, have a difficult time functioning in a society whether others do not have it.

There is a place for you in this society. One where you can be happy and productive. The trick is to know yourself and find the place where you fit. Learn a trade that plays to your strong points and not your weak points.

06-12-2018, 05:51 PM
I appreciate the comments fella's. Your a great group, and it helps. I am somewhat somewhat depressed as someone in my situation is likely to be. But my son keeps me moving. I do have an ASD, Aspergers syndrome to be exact. There are times I feel normal like everyone else and other times like i'm on the outside looking in. Arizona ranks the worst in the nation for mental health, and I just don't have the income to seek professional insight. I'm not a looney tune, thank god.

I agree my location is probably the single biggest issue in my life. I would honestly be willing to move anywhere that offered a career, had sensible laws and provided opportunities to have a better life for my tot. I am in no way emotionally tied to a place that hampers my abilities.

Just trying to keep my eye on the ball......thank you gentlemen for your insight.

Wayne Smith
06-13-2018, 06:47 AM
Your PM's are full. Hopefully that is a good sign, but you do need to delete some to make space.

06-13-2018, 07:06 AM
Sent you an email since your PM box is full.

06-13-2018, 10:47 AM
I cleared up some space just now. Tunnug, I received your email and will reply shortly.

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