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06-07-2018, 04:39 PM
People that do not have the respect to treat firearms responsibly and safely do not deserve to have them.

LINK (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqKao5gbTBo&feature=youtu.be)

Why is it that certain people seem to have make a determined effort to give the opposition fuel to add to the fires of their campaigns against (in this case) firearm ownership?

I realize that we will always be saddled with the stupid, the incompetent and the idiotic, and there most certainly ain't edjakatin' sum peeple, but surely there must be a way to kerb these gormless morons activities??

It's always the few who give the many a bad name, but certainly "the many" have a vested interest in stopping and/or preventing this sort of behaviour?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

P.S. - I do not want to start a flame war, but rather a civil discussion on this phenomenon, and effective yet sensible ways to combat it.



06-07-2018, 07:12 PM
It's a shame that a few idiots can ruin it for the rest. They closed our public range last year because people were being reckless with their firearms. I would like to see these people removed from the gene pool.

06-07-2018, 07:15 PM
I can't believe a grown up man can shoot a port-a-potty he might need some day (not saying shooting roof is any better). Looks like you've had visitors with half a brain cell. Maybe surveillance cameras help identify those.

06-07-2018, 10:22 PM
You can’t fix stupid. All you can hope for is that they eliminate themselves out of the gene pool. Only problem is that they’re the source of stupid laws as well to protect us from ourselves.

06-07-2018, 10:53 PM

Same thing happened out here a week or so ago...


ASOTIN COUNTY, WA – Someone shot holes in the Shooting Range up Asotin Creek. The Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife is asking for your help to figure out who it was. They shot several holes in the shelter that covers the shooting bench over Memorial Day Weekend. It’s a popular location for people in the valley to practice shooting, so they’d like to find out who did it. They have some photos of people of interest. We’ve posted those below. If you know who they are, please call the Department of Fish & Wildlife right away. You can call 509-892-1001 or e-mail matthew.sabo@dfw.wa.gov


06-09-2018, 12:34 PM
Same type people that shoot up road signs. Or anti-gun people? Or maybe this type - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/06/08/florida-halted-concealed-permit-background-checks-for-over-a-year-because-login/
Was Hoog there recently?

06-09-2018, 01:07 PM
We have them in our private club. It's hard to believe someone would pay membership fees to belong to a club with a very nice range, and then shoot up the property.

06-09-2018, 02:49 PM
I belonged to a private range for 39 consecutive years. The same sort of stuff happened there too. I once replaced a 6x6 target frame post that had been shot in two with what appeared to be a .223. Holes shot in roofs, trash on range, stuff like TVs used for targets; it never ends. Most people like to blame it on non-members, but all this was behind locked gates. The first step to curbing it is to face up to reality and admit that it's either members or their overgrown children that have the key to the gate or know the combination, then get those members expelled with plenty of publicity in the club newsletter. If defamation of character is an issue, then do it anonymously, but by all means do it.

06-09-2018, 03:22 PM
some one shot five holes in the roof of our pistol range. of course nobody would own up to it. range owner has list of everyone on the range that day so might find out. happens every year one hole is bad enough maybe you were being stupid but five holes had to be on purpose nothing else makes sence. this is a wonderfull range just down the road. it is a shame that people would pay to destroy someone's property.

mold maker
06-09-2018, 06:37 PM
It's the same folks that dump their ash tray in the parking lot or toss their fast food trash out the window. Their parents failed them.

06-11-2018, 02:01 PM
Their parents failed them.

The function of the education system is to impart factual knowledge to students in a manner designed to assure maximum retention of said knowledge, and then to train students how to utilise such knowledge in various applications to obtain certain results.

The formation of character, embodying such traits as honour, integrity, honesty, ethics and respect (for oneself and others) is a parental function, and lack of these traits is an indication of failure of the parent, not the teachers or the education system.
In other words;

If your child is a disrespectful,
dishonest, obnoxious little ****…

It is your fault –
not society’s, not the school’s,
not television’s, not video games’ –

Sadly the current generation is rearing te upcoming generation as a bunch of self-centered "gimmes," who want everything their eyes fall on for free and immediately.

The results of this is unfortunately a double edged sword, on the forward swing, it is (fortunately) going to bite these parents in their ***, however on the back swing it (unfortunately) going to bite the rest of us in our collective *****

A terrible reality we all have to face, is the choice of paraying now for the upcoming generation to be "removed" from the equation through te advent of a great "cleansing," such as the depression years of the thirties & forties, where you either got off your backside and worked (at a real productive job), or you starved...

All these "administrive" and "bureaucratic" and "artistic" careers which do nothing but leech off of the real productive careers will soon come crashing to an end and all 58 gender identites will quickly pick a side of the fence to do their business on.

Sadly, due to human nature, mankind only flourishes and prospers under adversity. Good times makes them soft, and gives them too much time to get university degrees in such ridiculous subjects as "Beatles Music" or "How to Identify as one of 58 Genders."

I have a very thick black book that lays out just how adversity brings about humility and repentance, and creates Godliness within a nation...

06-11-2018, 07:10 PM
Saw that yesterday. The holes in the roof could be explained away as the careless act of someone who hopefully learned from them. I've had a (safe) negligent discharge and it left a heck of an impression on me. The port-a-potty? That's malicious vandalism and the perpetrator deserves to have the barrel of his shotgun shoved up a certain hole. This is why we can't have nice things.

06-13-2018, 10:51 AM
we had the same thing at our club. the would post their targets on the up rights of the target stands. then there is the trash paint cans bottles and plastic jugs. many times I have come home with a load of junk I picked up.

06-13-2018, 04:57 PM
I was taught that only idiots, morons and oxygen wasters commit wanton, pointless and purposeless destruction.

06-13-2018, 05:12 PM
A curious thing about our range vandals. People love cutting the target frames down with shotguns. On the numerous occasions that they have been caught, the weapon of choice has always been a Siaga semi auto 12 ga. There is something about those guns that seems to attract idiots. And yes, all our porta pottys have holes in them. I hate to think what happens when one is occupied and it gets shot.