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Love Life
05-28-2018, 03:01 PM
It’s a beautiful day down here in Georgia with off and on again rain. Reckoned I would go sit in the woods and see if any hogs needed killing today. Sure is peaceful out here with the birds chirping, squirrels scurrying, and the soft patter of rain drops. Plus I get to read Cast Boolits as well, lol.

What is everybody else up to?

Calamity Jake
05-28-2018, 03:31 PM
Shot an indoor bench rest air gun match this morning, dropping 5 points
on a 15 point shot put me in 2nd place.
When the competition is that close it's fun!!!!!!!!! :D

Tom W.
05-28-2018, 03:51 PM
My wife and I took her sister out to lunch. She stopped here on her way up from Florida, where the storm was hitting...

05-28-2018, 04:05 PM
Hope your able to connect with one LL. I’m just recovering from a long night shift and getting ready to go back in. Not looking forward to the drive in the rain.

05-28-2018, 04:14 PM
my day?
Gardening, then I took in the local Memorial day service, then back into the garden.

Love Life
05-28-2018, 04:31 PM
I watched a coyote walk by and took pictures!

05-28-2018, 04:52 PM
Ran errands. Bought a HF 1 1/4 cu ft cement mixer to use as the motive power for my trommel im going to mine my berms with. Went to sams club. Forgot to go to home despot i guess ill go tomorrow.

I would love to hunt feral pigs. They haven't made it to Co. All the places I have heard about in Texas charge.

05-28-2018, 05:09 PM
I rode my bicycle 54 miles with a friend of mine, tiled the middles in the garden got soaked by a storm. Setting here drying out!

05-28-2018, 05:10 PM
I'd rather sit in the woods than about anywhere else I can think of. I spent today sitting out listening for turkeys. They got off to a little bit of a late start this year and they're still making up for some lost time. I got one on the second day of our season and now I'm carrying a gun but not shooting anything. I saw two gobblers strutting in front of half a dozen hens this morning and didn't even shoot. Guess I'd rather just look and listen at this point. I must be getting old, I'd rather look than shoot anymore. Just nice being out.

05-28-2018, 05:27 PM
Burned a brush pile that's been needing it for some time, then cleaned out the garage so my wife can park her car in there. Man, the things I do for that woman. :) Good Luck LL.

05-28-2018, 05:39 PM
I watched a coyote walk by and took pictures!

Now that is a coyote with a charmed life!

05-28-2018, 05:48 PM
sit on the back porch watching a pair of Blue Jays feeding their young in the big pine tree. We got some rain last evening first real good rain since last September.

Love Life
05-28-2018, 06:22 PM
It was pretty neat. It walked up and stopped about 30 yards away and stared at me. I stood up, took my phone out, took pictures, and put my phone away and it just stood there. I drew my Vaquero and aimed in, and then lowered the hammer and put the gun away. It finally trotted off when it got bored of looking at me. I guess they don’t get much pressure put on them around here.

05-28-2018, 06:35 PM
Sounds like a great day, LL. Sitting in the woods for awhile is one of my "Reset" buttons. I feel better just reading your posts! Funny that the coyote let you move around that much. Never seen one that curious, suspect you're right about the lack of pressure.

05-28-2018, 06:57 PM
I BBQ'd some baby backs yesterday, not gonna let any rainstorm spoil my holiday plans.. Today, just chilled and let the rain have it's way..

THANK YOU to all current service personnel, all veterans, and all gold star family members who may read this post, here is my message this Memorial Day:

http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb374/DougGuy/LandOfTheFreeBecauseOfTheBrave_zpsutwhlg4w.jpg (http://s1202.photobucket.com/user/DougGuy/media/LandOfTheFreeBecauseOfTheBrave_zpsutwhlg4w.jpg.htm l)

05-28-2018, 07:00 PM
Saw some turkeys, we have quite a few on the property. Got one of my P89s race-tuned. Ready for most anything. Lot of colorful birds chirping away. Time for a pipe on the porch.

05-28-2018, 07:05 PM
Sent 30 powder coated Lee 310 gr boolits down range from my Ruger SBH 44 Mag. My wife accompanied me at the range for the only the second time in our 20 years together. She fired a couple of my .22’s. Afterward she actually said that she found it relaxing. Maybe there is hope for having her as a shooting partner now and then.

05-28-2018, 07:05 PM
Spent a few hours shooting paper targets at the gun club.
Mostly .357s and 10mm.
A few .270 rounds after my son sighted his new to him M700 in. Nice rifle.
Next range trip will probably be a .45Colt kind of day.

Love Life
05-28-2018, 07:20 PM
I was carrying 45 Colt today. Lyman 452423 over a stiff dose of unique is good medicine for everything I’ll come across down here!!

I was hoping to see some pigs as I have seen a lot of sign on the property, and I drove past a 10 pig sounder about a mile from the property last night. Two big sows and a mess of little pigs.

05-28-2018, 09:08 PM
Cleaned up my uncle's grave site(and my grandparents). He was killed in Korea in 1953. Helped ID a Sioux Uprising unknown grave today also. It is an ongoing project we help with every memorial day. Local name so there may be surviving family who will be glad to know where that person is laid to rest.

Got home, removed a mouse hotel from my Traeger smoker, burned off mouse stink for an hour then made a sirloin roast to slice thin for sandwiches.

05-28-2018, 09:22 PM
Friday morning my wife and I were both up and wide awake early. Grabbed a couple of rods, threw some flys and jigs in a box, couple of cold drinks, some ice in the cooler. Went for a 30 mile drive and sat for 4 hours on a public access dock fishing.

Anytime we got bored there was always a flock of little bluegils, perch, crappies hanging out around the dock.

We brought home just enough to have a fish dinner. They were not big, but they were very fun and very fresh. Very good eating.

Spending a morning watching the sun come up over a northern minnesota lake, light breezes, a couple of boats and a canoe launch. Well that was pretty prime IMO.

Was feeling lazy did not feel up to messing with boat, kayaks or canoe. Maybe next time. Soon as the weather settles a little bit.

05-28-2018, 09:38 PM
Nice looking rig you’ve got there

05-28-2018, 10:32 PM
Got two shotguns, two CF rifles and a smokeless muzzleloader ready for a range trip in the morning. Played with the dogs and stayed inside to miss the mid 90s heat.

Cancelled bbq at my son's place, his mom got called into work. I cooked her food for when she gets home at 2 or 3am.

I thought about all the folks i have known who served this country in the armed forces. There are several of them that I never thanked for their service and now it is too late to do so.


05-28-2018, 11:51 PM
Simply cooked sous vide pork chops for my family with grilled asparagus and baked potatoes on the grill. 96 degrees here today so was a chore to get grilling done but worth the effort. Thanks to all who have served to keep this country great!

05-29-2018, 07:32 AM
Among other things I did yesterday, the most interesting was getting dive bombed by a robin, as I checked on the babies in the nest. Mama robin made a nest right between the intake and exhaust pipes for our furnace. It is about 4-1/2' off the ground, safe from predators. The robin actually smacked me on the head.

05-29-2018, 08:47 AM
Got ticks? Chiggers? They often want to give you something to remember the day this time of the year! That Wilkes Co. or down south?

05-29-2018, 10:15 AM
Yesterday, met friends at a local BBQ restaurant for lunch. Then He and I went to a local minnow farm to ride the levees, shoot snakes and sip on a few beers. The Wives went back to my house and got into a few margaritas. Afterwards we sat in the shop door, watched the sun go down and shared a nice barrel aged stout. Actually two!

Thanks to all of the Veterans that made this possible.

05-29-2018, 10:18 AM
I always loved sitting in the woods. I have a couple of stands in the bottoms. The trees have not been cut, yet, and I see and hear lots of interesting things. Love to get there 30 minutes before daylight and hear the world as it wakes up. I just wish that I could get around like I once did!

05-29-2018, 09:17 PM
I always loved sitting in the woods. I have a couple of stands in the bottoms. The trees have not been cut, yet, and I see and hear lots of interesting things. Love to get there 30 minutes before daylight and hear the world as it wakes up. I just wish that I could get around like I once did!

I was often the first out on the lake in the mornings, barely light, mist rising from still water, glass smooth, loons calling, and so quiet you can hear cabin doors slam from 3 miles down lake... never feel closer to god than times like that! After people wake up the noise level out on the water actually rises to a low background of lawnmowers, doors slamming, boat motors...

05-29-2018, 11:16 PM
Hey there Love Life ... sounds really nice since we all need these moments to stop , look around , my favorite past time in this area with it's history also .
Hope you are doing well these days , went out with a friend that lives in your old "neighborhood" , we went up the side of the mountain to the transmitter tower area on top .
Roughly 7000 ft give or take , aspen tree groves amoungns't the pines and pine nuts ...not a soul around , Sierra beautiful ! , just west of Holbrook junction, the zig zag road up the mountain.
Set up a couple targets and let loose a few rounds , stopped for a bit and had a grateful moment for those that sacrificed all .... with that , we can enjoy our freedoms and this country we have.
Grabbed a pic or two of your ex neighborhood .... just as we stopped to take a pic , a 3 or 4 year old brown bear stepped into the road in front of us, trotted down the way and off down the low side of the road.
Topped off the day with that as mostly see them around the Tahoe country , taking advantage of the tourist.
Any how ...
Maybe spot your old house ? .. got a better shot but could not download for some reason .. Topaz lake also , could have gotten better.

05-29-2018, 11:49 PM
Had friends over today after 6:00 pm ( after work for them) a did a knifemaking session # 2 (#1 was last week) . The family consists of husband an wife two grown daughters and Taylor, the older girl's friend. The two guys wanted me to teach them how to make a knife. We worked until about eight oclock with very good results on their part then quit to have supper that was furnished completely by the wife and girls. main course was a potato/beef casarole with salad and fruit in a half watermelon shell. Fine way to finish the day with good friends. We have been friends for about fifteen years. Showed them all the reloading stuff and made an impression. Showed Taylor a couple of pistols, 9mm and 45 acp.