View Full Version : Social Anxiety...

05-27-2018, 05:51 AM
I have social anxiety related to my PTSD and depression. I'm not confident with how I look these days due to all the weight I gained after the cancer surgery. I could use some prayers. I don't know how to get past this social anxiety, it is so bad that I literally can't leave my own house to walk to my grandmother's 80 yards away 99% of the time. This is the woman that raised me, and she deserves better in these later years of her life. I trust her with my life, and anything I own, and I still have heck just walking outside and going that far. We live out in the country, there isn't anything but grass and a couple of trees between my place and hers. Certainly not the person I once was.

God Bless, and One Love


05-27-2018, 07:16 AM
Here is a start you have friends here lean on them. Take my PM to heart those folks are moved by God. And I'm just up the road from you. Shoot me a PM and I'll come down there myself. The only cure is to slowly start geting back into the public the longer you stay out the worse it will get

05-27-2018, 08:24 AM
Prayers sent.

05-27-2018, 08:53 AM
Ronnie gave sound advice, We are praying for you.

05-27-2018, 08:54 AM
I would come help but I am in TX but a longway from you but prayers know no limits. One sent

05-27-2018, 09:41 AM
Richard Ronnie is right . Give him a call , my son is agoraphobic and I understand how hard it is . I'm praying for you and would be glad to just meet you on the phone , just pm me. I have thought that if I ever get out to East Texas I'd try to meet up . Thoughts and prayers for you .


05-27-2018, 09:51 AM
Prayers sent.

05-27-2018, 09:52 AM
The world is a better place with you in it. Don't hide yourself from it.
Best wishes.

Love Life
05-27-2018, 09:58 AM
You have to overcome it. Life will continue on. You can either be a part of it, or let it pass you by.

I’ve been in two wars (well, undeclared wars), seen the elephant to many times, and other undesirable experiences. I hate crowds. I hate being in dark rooms. I hate meeting new people.

However, I force myself to do all of the above. I have to. I refuse to miss out on memories and experiences because of things I’ve experienced in the past. I say this hoping maybe it’ll help you. Don’t be nervous about going out. Don’t miss out on life. Screw what others think of you. They can go pee up a rope. Understand that anybody who may look at you odd, or say something hurtful, is a douche bag and probably has so many issues bottled up that they have to be the way they are just to make themselves feel better about their own perceived shortcomings.

I’ll pray for you. I’ve helped quite a few friends through similar circumstances and wish you the best.

05-27-2018, 10:24 AM
Lot of good advice and caring comments in this thread. Will pray for you Brother. Focus on what you can do to help your grandmother. Sounds like she is a great lady.

05-27-2018, 10:53 AM
I have social anxiety related to my PTSD and depression. I'm not confident with how I look these days due to all the weight I gained after the cancer surgery. I could use some prayers. I don't know how to get past this social anxiety, it is so bad that I literally can't leave my own house to walk to my grandmother's 80 yards away 99% of the time. This is the woman that raised me, and she deserves better in these later years of her life. I trust her with my life, and anything I own, and I still have heck just walking outside and going that far. We live out in the country, there isn't anything but grass and a couple of trees between my place and hers. Certainly not the person I once was.

God Bless, and One Love



Life is a battle to be won.
Your human body is just a vessel that carries us in this world.
Do not stress about your physical appearance. It is only temporal.
Depression is a wicked thing. Understand that you can cope with it and win.
On your worst day, reroute yourself to a sink and wash your face with cold water.
Start anew. Regardless of the time. Dress for business or business casual. Even if it's just to get coffee. Nobody ever looks down on a well dressed gentleman. When wearing a tie, people think you're in charge. Sometimes I go to a box store when I'm dressed up.
People think I'm in management and ask me questions. It's fun helping where I can in those situations.

In the game of life, breakfast is the past. Lunch is the opportunity for healthy choices.
You're not alone. We all struggle in some way.

Keep fighting. Keep winning.

Best wishes.

05-27-2018, 11:46 AM
I am sorry you are having so much trouble with this. Trauma affects people in a lot of different ways; this happens to be yours. I have found in my experience that when I have troubling thoughts or feelings, as long as they stay inside me, they have great power. Getting it out by just talking to someone else, takes away that power. Phone calls work fine for that purpose. If you ever want to talk, shoot me a PM and I will send you my phone number. I have had my own difficulties that I have had to work through, so I think I understand where you are coming from.


Pine Baron
05-27-2018, 06:54 PM
Richard, you have a lot of caring people here rooting for you. Don't be afraid to ask anyone of us for help. I will add my prayer for you.

05-27-2018, 08:10 PM
Richard, you have more help here than you can possibly imagine, the power of prayer is so great that it is almost scary. My problems are not the same as yours, but they are just as real. The brothers here have pulled me out of the hole of depression several times already. As my neighbor stressed to me the night I lost my wife, don't crawl under a rock and pull the hole in after you. You and God can overcome all of this. I am praying for you. GW

05-27-2018, 09:22 PM
Every one of us meets his or her own personal challenges. It's simply up to each one of us to care more about how God sees us, than how other humans see us. This won't win you any popularity contests, but life in this world is not, and SHOULD not, be a popularity contest! It's a testing and proving ground, where we get to show what we really care about, and what kind of courage and determination we have. I often think that those who are tested the most, are the ones God has given the best to. It's just up to you to realize just what kind of strength and courage you truly have inside you. You cannot measure yourself by what you see in others - only by what kind of response you choose to give to the challenges you face personally.

Why does God let some face more challenging situations than others? I believe He wants the very Best from us all, and some of us get to show just what we can do in the face of serious challenges. Never forget to have a little genuine satisfaction in the way you handle these things. What do we have when we leave this world? It's not money or fame or notoriety. It's what we put INSIDE ourselves in meeting the challenges we face. That's all we really get to take with us, except of course for our faith.

Keep battling. Even in the fiercest battles, we always get better as we gain experience and earn our own confidence. What's that worth? Who could possibly put a price on that?

05-27-2018, 10:08 PM
like lovelife said: don't miss on your life ,in real, people barely see you. most don't even notice you're there . you may feel ''judged'''' by others you don't even know or haven't even met ; it,s something, a misleading feel you get via your body who send you hi stress signals because you feel bad about yourself for no reasons other than the not so joyfull experiences you've been submitted to at ''work''. you must overcome all this little by little with the help of people who had to go through the exact same path in the past.

wish you a full recovery,and i'm sure in a year from now things will resorbs and get much better.will say a prayer to give you a kick of mental strenght and positive vibes.

05-28-2018, 02:42 PM
Thank you all. I'm still trying to try... I'm not givin' up.

God Bless, and One Love.


40-82 hiker
05-28-2018, 03:23 PM

God Bless! Saying prayers of aide and comfort for you.

I was crushed under a car (thrown out in an accident) when I was very young. While growing up I was always very insecure in social settings (quite petrified really) due to my injuries, but eventually discovered others were NEVER thinking what I thought they were thinking about me, and they NEVER saw the person I thought I was. I then started seeing myself through their eyes and hearts. What a breakthrough! I pray you can see this yourself. Others truly are NOT thinking of you what you think they are thinking! It took me some time to learn this. I will say prayers for you that you can gain the confidence in yourself to show others who you truly are. Visit your grandmother, she already knows who you are.

We're not in this alone, and the joy of togetherness that our God gives us is a very powerful healing medicine.

God Bless