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View Full Version : A nifty E-Bay deal. Must have slipped past them :D

11-27-2005, 08:26 AM
............I was scrolling through the "Gun parts-Rifle" section, you know in that kind of deal where your brain is kicked ito neutral and you're just coasting along?

So I'm





and this header goes by: "Springfield rear sight and breech". Kind of an odd descriptor. In the photo is this smallish rusty looking lump in front and a larger thing in the background. The smallish deal in front is a rusty looking Springfield M1861 rear sight.

The larger lump behind it looks for all the world like a Snider action viewed from the lock side. Obviously not just a 'Breech'. Bidding at that time was at $4.50 and I wondered just what was going on. The auction ended at 0630 that AM. I get off at 0600 so I hung around to use the T-1 connection at work.

I bid $65.89 with 8 seconds to go while the auction still showed $4.50 with 3 other bidders. I won the deal for $61.00 even. It arrived yesterday and sure enough, the sight is a 1861 musket rear sight. A bit rusty, but cleanable and useable.

The other though is an almost perfect BSA & Co Snider MkII** complete action :D! It looks as though it might not have ever been on a rifle, but I doubt that. In any event it's sure in nice shape. I was under the impression that E-Bone didn't allow that type of stuff? Whatever. I'm glad I got it.

I have a 3 band Snider but with this loose action I won't have to disassemble the other one. I'll use this loose one for measurements and as a model for the ones I want to make. I have two pieces of 2" dia by 20" long pieces of 4140 I bought just for that purpose.

I'll have to get a couple photos up. Neat!


11-27-2005, 09:47 AM
Buckshot, a month or so ago, I saw a K31 parted out and sold on there. The whole enchilada. Anti gunners aren't too smart about such things.

11-27-2005, 10:14 AM
Yeah, I've seen a cylinder in one auction and the rerst of the gun in another 2 auctions down. I don't dare bid on stuff like that for fear of the BATFE coming after me.

11-27-2005, 12:18 PM
You felllows know you can buy parts like that. Look at the Gun Parts Co, that's what they do is sell parts. Yes you do have to have a license to buy the serial numbered parts like the receivers. In Buckshot's case it sounds like that receiver falls under antique and requires no license. The only other parts that are restricted are full auto parts for machine guns, silencers, and other destructive devices. There's certainly nothing wrong with seeing a cylinder or a barrel, hammer, trigger, etc. for sale.


11-27-2005, 02:17 PM
True Joe, but Federal law says you can't ship whole frames or handguns between individuals. Yes, I'm paraphrasing, but you know what I mean. Plus Ebay has a policy against selling what amounts to whole guns. They let you do that over on Guns America, which I think is Ebay in disguise.

11-28-2005, 08:19 AM
"............In Buckshot's case it sounds like that receiver falls under antique and requires no license."

In actuality that IS the case. It is for sure an antique, however to the nimrods at E-Bash I 'll bet they'd have bust a gasket if they knew a complete action was going through, legalities aside.

I've never bothered to check, but do they even allow complete ML'ers? Tonight I saw a Winchester M92 stripped frame (the 'gun' part) and a 1892 Marlin frame. Just slipping through I suppose?


11-28-2005, 09:40 AM
I have seen several muzzle loaders sold in two auctions. One being the stock and lock and the other the barrel or some other such nonsense. Just wonder what happens if you win the lock and not the barrel.

11-28-2005, 07:53 PM
Trp. Bret...Under Federal regs, individuals can ship firearms between each other if;

1. They are blackpowder, which are not considered firearms under Fed laws. Can be shipped inter and intra state.

2. Fall into the antique catagory. Can be shipped inter and intra state

3. Are shipped by common carried between residents of the same state (intrastate).

However all state laws apply, whatever they might be in the particular jurisdiction.

11-29-2005, 01:31 AM
...........Here's a few photo's of the action.




That hole in the bottom rear face of the breechblock is for a spring plunger to go into. That keeps the breechblock from flopping open at in-opportune times :D


Most all those speckles are little rust spots. There aren't any real pits or anything. In the bottom photo you can see the II with the 2 **'s below it.

You can't see it in the very top most photo, but on top of the breechblock it's stamped BSA & Co. A pretty nice Snider action.


Four Fingers of Death
11-29-2005, 07:26 PM
Interesting. I couldn't get over the number of guns for sale. I looked at 3rd Generation Colts thinking it might be a good place to pick one up cheap and they all seem to be nib, unfired, unturned. Was I on the nib, etc page or what. If you didn't know better, you would think that Americans dont shoot their sixguns, but just sock them away. There were a couple of used New Frontiers, but the rest seemed new.

There was one excellent set up on one of the pages I looked at, it was the Ruger-Lyman Centennial No1 in a box with the 28" and full length 4x scope. It was $1495. This converts to a bit over $2000aud. Boy I started at that page for awhile. A No1 costs at least $1300aud here. If Ihaven't spent so much on guns recently, I would have plonked my money down. Still tempted.

ps: here is the link, buy it and save me from myself..........
