View Full Version : Just a question

05-14-2018, 09:37 AM
Just a question meant for thought and not requiring a response .

It is an awesome truth to realize that God himself, in the form of the Holy Spirit, lives inside me as a believer. Am I taking full advantage of this gift to learn more about Jesus and to live a God-pleasing life?

Wayne Smith
05-14-2018, 01:57 PM
Very few of us do - and it takes practice both to think of God first and then to listen.

05-14-2018, 05:25 PM
I fall short verry short

05-14-2018, 10:28 PM
Most times I read these forums the Holy Spirit is there reading with me.

Some thread titles kind of get "bold" type, they jump out at me.
That is stuff he is interested in, threads it wants me to read, reply to.

Some get "grayed out" Nothing to see here, move along.

Prayer requests seem to be about a 3 way mix. One third "Pay attention" one third "Moce alongs" and a third where it shows no prefernce either way. So if any of you were wondering why some threads don't see me, that is why.

Some threads maybe see more of me than you'd like.

Just trying to follow his lead.

Once in a while I get a gem of information. In one case a person was dieing. I got told "The Lord is dealing with that one right now.

Once I asked why pass over a particular thread. I got told we reap what we sow.

I've spent 40 years arguing with the Lord. Trying real hard not to do that anymore.

Yes it is possible. I think you have to be humble, I think you need to have a pure heart, not be holding grudges, hate, ill will towards anyone. And I think you need to listen.

If you can get to that place in your head, where all is still and quiet. No thoughts, no noise, no talking. Quiet like a Minnesota Lake a half hour before dawn. Not a wrinkle on the lake.

If you can get there. Sometimes stuff will fall into that quiet. Stuff that maybe did not come from you.

I can't prove it. All I can say is this. Listening to what drops into that quiet, has never once steered me wrong.

My track record is nowhere near that good. And I don't believe it is the devil. I've been tempted. That stuff that drops in never tempts, never causes harm. Always helps someone, always comes with love, through love.

Try fishing and when the action slows down. Just say to yourself. Ok Lord, its just you, me and the fish. I'm listening.

And then listen.

05-16-2018, 02:21 PM
Good question, Charlie. IMO, as far as I've been able to take it, I think the Lord knows our weaknesses and lackings and shortcomings, and mostly just tries to steer us as gently as will work with us, towards where he wants us to be or go. We can never truly understand Him and His ways, but we CAN trust and obey Him, when we know what He's driving us toward. If we do that, we're probably satisfying Him, I think? We just stay so confused by our own will and wants and desires, that it's very hard to "hear" Him sometimes. Heaven knows, our world today is full of all sorts of chatter, noise and diversions! But we muddle along, and do our best (?) to walk where He wants us to go.

I sometimes have whimsically and humorously likened how He works with us, as with our trying to train a young puppy. Sometimes the pup just doesn't "get it" and the training gets difficult. But He NEVER gives up on us, like we can sometimes do with training a new pup. Truly, He is our Master in so many more ways than just one!