View Full Version : Man without a Country

05-12-2018, 09:26 AM
Man without a Country


Printed in 1922. Almost a hundred years old and nice condition for its age.

I found this book on FleaBay when I looked to see what else a seller had in addition to a 350447 mould. A little history and I suspect instructive of how patriotism is undermined in our country today.

I saw Man Without A Country as a movie in grade school. One of our younger members never heard of it. Our children are taught all the evil things our nation did long ago, both real and imagined. Are they taught about why our country was the best ever? Is there a rhyme or reason to this? I suspect there is!

05-12-2018, 09:40 AM
Fantastic book. I think a must read for every young man

Pine Baron
05-12-2018, 09:50 AM
Read that book in 8th grade Civics class (do they even teach that anymore?)

05-12-2018, 10:34 AM
I've never read it. Just ordered a copy. I think this may be one I try to incorporate into my program and have my cadets read.

05-12-2018, 10:45 AM
Good book. I remember reading it years ago.

Yep... Ya do not hear about youngsters loving their country like they used to....Less patriotism it seems...

That book looks to be a pretty good shape for its' age. Nice find!

Thanks for sharing your find here!

From the book:

"Remember, boy, that behind all these men ... behind officers and government, and people even, there is the Country Herself, your Country, and that you belong to her as you belong to your own mother. Stand by her, boy, as you would stand by your mother ... !"

05-12-2018, 12:47 PM
wonder if ships would do this today. if they used the big tourist cruse ships it might not be the punishment it was meant to be.

Texas by God
05-12-2018, 06:10 PM
I remember watching that movie in school as well. And the book. Magnificent.

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05-12-2018, 07:59 PM
Text of the book's available online for free, but there's something to be said for paper books :)

05-12-2018, 08:19 PM
:D Yep.That was taught to my class when I was in the 3rd grade.Father McQuewen(?spelling)was very clear about the history lesson it sent.He said don`t forget it.EVER.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

05-13-2018, 08:44 AM
Ron -

I remember reading it when I was a kid. I doubt that it is even on the shelves of most school libraries - it wouldn't be PC.

Someone mentioned "Civics Class" - I remember that well and I also remember that there were good discussions about all points of view, etc. History? Do they even teach it anymore? I spent over 30 years doing first person living history storytelling programs in schools, colleges, etc. - primarily on the Civil War. I retired from that about 9 years ago. It was getting painful having to put up with idiotic parents that objected to their children (usually junior high parents) being "exposed to war". It used to be fun to see students want to pick up a rifled musket and see how heavy it was and what it would be like to have to carry one - things like that instilled and interest in the student to want to learn more history and in turn, get them to read more. The last year I did my programs, I arrived at a school early only to be greeted by the principal - himself a Viet Nam vet. I had done programs at this school each year for over twenty years. They had the eighth grade class do "Civil War days" - teachers dressed in period costumes, they heard my program, we drilled them, they learned Civil
War dances and music, etc. For several years, I even arranged for our cannon to be there so they could see a 10 pound Parrot Rifle - artillery drill and fire blank charges. Year by year, it got whittled away due to PC. When the principal met me in the parking lot, he had the sad news that I could no longer bring my rifled musket in to the school. The previous Veterans Day, the local Legion put on a program in the Gyn for the students that included a marching drill and a twenty one gun salute. A mother got all bent out of shape because her little boy was "traumatized" but the guns. When she heard about my program that was coming up in the spring, she filed for a court order to prevent me from bringing an original 1861 rifled musket in to the school that the students could "touch".

Every morning when I was in school, we had a flag in every classroom - courtesy of the local American Legion. We stood as soon as the day started and said the Pledge. I can even remember starting each day with a prayer - yea, I'm old. We had kids that weren't allowed to stand for the Pledge due to their religion. That was fine. They sat quietly until it was finished. They respected us and we respected them. The same when a prayer was said - and I'm talking a public school.

There is no longer respect for others by many who are so far left that they can't see reality. I find it amazing that statues can be torn down that have stood for generations - if you don't like the statue, then don't look at it - ignore it and have respect for others that may want it. But I guess it's better to put up a statue for a mayor in the District of Crooks that was a crack addict?

Thanks for sharing a good book and bring back memories from the past when people had respect for each other.

05-13-2018, 08:46 AM
Text of the book's available online for free, but there's something to be said for paper books :)

Would you point me to it please?

Ballistics in Scotland
05-13-2018, 09:02 AM
Filing a court order to exclude guns from what amounts to history seems a bit silly. But the book is fiction, and the rest of the Civics class probably had something to say about the sort of countries where a military court can impost an original new penalty for words, and keep a prisoner incommunicado, without appeal or access to counsel, for several decades.

Flags in a classroom are a means of intensifying the national ethos, and can be as good as the national ethos is. But my wife's German family remember a thing or two about that. Freedom is about the law only penalising people for actually harming people.Which, I suppose, brings us back to letting them touch an original rifle musket, from which nobody will take any harm.

During Afghanistan's Russian war I gave a friend's son one of the Afghan rugs with Mil helicopters and Kalashnikovs, that were coming from Afghanistan to the Saudi market. On a later visit I gave him a piece of half-inch steel with the funnel-shaped holes I made with .300H&H softpoints. That sort of thing would probably turn kids off armed violence better than a teacher with a college credit in peace studies. I think the boy afterwards had other reasons for not staying long-term in the army.

05-13-2018, 09:57 AM
Would you point me to it please?




05-13-2018, 10:10 AM
Thanks JB!

05-13-2018, 03:07 PM
Good book , great reading for school age kids . Many have already said it but it is a shame to cheat our youth of knowledge and understanding of history .

05-13-2018, 03:35 PM
JB Beat me to it :)

05-13-2018, 04:08 PM
Yesterday I passed an elementary school with all the children lined up by the road with anti-gun signs. Even the little handicapped children had been pushed there in their wheelchairs. These are children with single digit ages. I'm concerned about what is going to happen when they grow up and realize their teachers lied to them. What value will they give their educations? What value will the hold for society when they know they can't trust anybody at all, not even their elementary school teachers?

05-19-2018, 06:57 AM
Maybe they'll realize that they can trust themselves, and have to get to really KNOW others before blindly trusting them? Might be an improvement on the current mess, unsure.

05-19-2018, 09:03 AM
Yesterday I passed an elementary school with all the children lined up by the road with anti-gun signs. Even the little handicapped children had been pushed there in their wheelchairs. These are children with single digit ages. I'm concerned about what is going to happen when they grow up and realize their teachers lied to them. What value will they give their educations? What value will the hold for society when they know they can't trust anybody at all, not even their elementary school teachers?

That is one of the reasons why I call them "Indoctrination Centers" & not schools. They are being indoctrinated in no different manner than is/was done in Communist countries, as well as done in "madrasas" in Islamic countries to indoctrinate children into Islamic sharia law & anti American/anti "Western" values.

Having teachers not teach what they are supposed to teach, like Reading , Writing & Arithmetic, including actual HISTORY & CIVICS/Soc. Studies, now they are teaching POLITICAL ACTIVISM with a bias toward LEFTIST values of the State. Like that the state(Gubment) should control the individual & not teach that in the USA (and why it was founded in the first place), that the PEOPLE control the state(gubment).

The reason the USA & the democratic republic governmental system we have had was established, has been twisted & I can assure ya that is was not done in the home by the parents telling the kids that the Gubment will take care of them & solve their problems, but in the "Indoctrination Centers" is where that Leftist concept is being taught. Not all in those Indoc. Centers are leftists, but there seems to be a majority & even in upper level Indoc. Centers some call "Universities & Colleges" have a majority of Leftists running them. Much of their research monies come from Gubment Grants, so it is in the interests of those Leftists to promote the gubment as the controlling entity of the people, rather than the People controlling the gubment.

It is a doggone mess & it is bad. It is also gonna take a lot of change to make it better. It is going to have to start with parents taking on the responsibility of changing how their children are taught & not just leaving the children to be instructed with the political agenda & biases of the indoctrinators. The indoctrinators should go back to being "teachers" & not a political arm of gubment pushing political propaganda(Politburo) as it seems to be with children who should be enjoying childhood & learning about those subjects I mentioned earlier & not lined up on the streets protesting. CHILDREN do not run this country, ADULTS who vote are supposed to do that & using the children as political "pawns" is shameful. Who do these "teachers" think they are, and can get away with using others children as a political statement against ANYthing?? Why are the parents allowing it? Who runs these "schools"?
{Now ya know why I call them "Indoctrination Centers" & not "Schools" for the most part...}

If I was the parent of one of those children on the roadside, I would be after the "teachers" & their Administrations jobs.

Apparently the parents of this generation of children standing on the street holding signs must have been raised by children & not parents, as well as do not have the same upbringing that I & many of my generation did.


Not all teachers are "indoctrinators" of those Leftist values & use children as political tools, but IMO a majority of them are Leftist & some are using the children. One last question...
WHERE are the true teachers who are allowing this to happen & not doing anything about it?

Maybe they are worried about their jobs if they speak out AGAINST the Indoctrinators using children as pawns & tools... I have a word for that sort of behavior. They ought to be ashamed of themselves as well if they do not say or do anything about this BS...

Enough from me. Thanks!, if ya took the time to read to here...

05-21-2018, 12:23 AM
JB, I agree 100%