View Full Version : I just bought 350 lb of lead because of my wife

05-02-2018, 10:13 PM
Bleave it or not my wife called me at work today and told me she found 250 lbs or more of lead for sale. It was on the internet on a site called sell it semo. It’s a local site where people sell old cars, garage sell stuff to anything in between. My wife ask if I wanted it. Well yes at .25 cents a pound. It’s wheel weights sorted about 200 lbs and about 150 pounds of range lead jacketed and lead. Total about 350 pounds. My back is already hurting now just to melt it all into ingints. My wife says you need to buy it your almost out . I said well yes I am. Can’t beleve she just gave me permission to buy gun stuff wow.

05-02-2018, 10:32 PM
Great to hear ya got such a grand deal. Congrats!

In my life after 38 years of wedded bliss, I would be thinkin' to myself...

Now I have to think of what I am gonna say & do when she says to me sometime in the near future...

"Honey, I want "this".", & then if I balk a bit, she reminds me of the "lead deal" she helped me get without any troubles & grief about it....

I will likely just say, "OKay Sweetheart, let's go do it."

What else can ya say?

Be prepared.

05-02-2018, 10:48 PM
Funny I thought about the same thing. She must want something. Been married 30 years

D Crockett
05-02-2018, 11:51 PM
going on 24 years in a week. when my wife says you can do this or that I know sooner or later it will be her turn. so remember this happy wife happy life. and at 25 cent a pound that is a very good deal D Crockett

Uncle Dave
05-03-2018, 12:17 AM
I’m a fortunate man. Over 25 years of marriage and she has never said no to any of my shooting or reloading pleasures and this is a woman who really dislikes guns. She goes the extra mile for sure. I’ll go ahead and keep her!

05-03-2018, 01:58 AM
I'd say "Put a ring on that one!", but it seems it's too late - LOL

Good one, that is a keeper, seems :)

05-03-2018, 04:54 AM
she's a keeper

05-03-2018, 08:22 AM
she's a keeper

Yeah, thats what I was thinking too! Whatever the motive you have more lead and thats good.

05-03-2018, 08:41 AM
She sounds like a bargain hunter like my wife of 39 years, and I have her looking for pewter. She called me from a yard sale once about reloading supplies and said it wasn't much
I asked if there was any casting stuff and she started asking and the guy wasn't ready to give that up yet and was selling the reloading gear for a friend.

A quarter a pound for lead is almost unheard of these days, the best deal I got was for 60 cents a pound last fall.
She did good.

Don Purcell
05-03-2018, 09:01 AM
It will be 41 years in a couple of weeks. Sorry bud, you're screwed. That .25 a pound is way less than what you have coming at you down the road. Get it all rendered down now because you will be busy later.

05-03-2018, 10:03 AM
My wife (33 years) lets me buy gun stuff, I promised her no more old cars.

Harry O
05-06-2018, 07:00 PM
I have taught my wife of 45 years to watch for solder at garage or estate sales. She has gotten VERY good at finding it. I used to buy everything she found, but I got so much that I have been buying only the best buys for the last 5 or 10 years. It is getting to the point (considering the amount of solder I have laying around unused) that I might not buy any more at all. But, when there is REALLY a good buy (solder for the cost of lead), I can't pass it up.

RedStar Raider
05-07-2018, 01:01 AM
You are a blessed man.....that's quite a find of lead these days!!!

06-05-2018, 10:15 AM
I am always looking on facebook for lead and never get that lucky. Im in your area if you ever run into more than you can use.

06-05-2018, 12:38 PM
She may need you to cast some boolits for her. Hopefully she'll give you boolits for your birthday and Christmas.

06-05-2018, 02:22 PM
Of course she wants something. She wants you to do something that makes you happy. Now, you’re job is to reciprocate and find something that will make her happy and give her permission to do it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-06-2018, 06:08 PM
Must have been a full moon last night. My wife came to me and told me "someone has 48 bars of lead on the local yard sale sight do you want it?" My reply was how much and where & when can I pick it up. So today my honey worked out the details and I picked it up on the way home from work. Isn't it great how they look out for us even though sometimes they think were over grown kids.

06-06-2018, 11:58 PM
Hey, if she gets you what you need to be both pleased AND happy, that's really smart on her part - Why would you look elsewhere for ANYTHING if she has you grinning from ear to ear, doing what you want most of the time (except when doing what she wants), and worn out enough that while other women may look pretty, you have NO energy to do anything but look, even if you WERE inclined to chase them? That's just plain a good way for a good woman to show that she IS good, and smart, IMO :)

06-10-2018, 08:10 AM
Bleave it or not my wife called me at work today and told me she found 250 lbs or more of lead for sale. It was on the internet on a site called sell it semo. It’s a local site where people sell old cars, garage sell stuff to anything in between. My wife ask if I wanted it. Well yes at .25 cents a pound. It’s wheel weights sorted about 200 lbs and about 150 pounds of range lead jacketed and lead. Total about 350 pounds. My back is already hurting now just to melt it all into ingints. My wife says you need to buy it your almost out . I said well yes I am. Can’t beleve she just gave me permission to buy gun stuff wow.

So what did SHE BUY at the yard sales ?. Hummmmmm
You have a keeper there. ( check the balance in your checkbook) ! Lol


06-10-2018, 08:52 AM
My wife is the same way. God Bless that Woman! A few weeks ago she talked me into buying my first lathe. The mini lather from HF. Woopie! And we have very little money. But with a wife like her money isn't that important. I love that woman.

06-10-2018, 07:26 PM
Nice. Some of those mini lathes can require a bit of work to get them running right (mine did!!) but they are a very nice thing to have.