View Full Version : win 94 trapper .45 colt

04-30-2018, 12:48 PM
I bought one of these new about twenty-five or so years ago. I've shot it almost exclusively with 260 grain bullets cast from the Lyman #454424 (ww alloy) and 8.5 grs. Unique; accurate and no leading.

Has anyone tried 200 grain .45 ACP bullets like #452488, #452460 or the H&G #68 in these carbines? If so, how did they do?

05-01-2018, 02:25 AM
I used to have one. I used the Lee 200gr SWC and it fed like absolute ****, BUT shot into 1.5"@100yds with iron sights! I switched to the Lee 252/255(?) gr RNFP, and it started feeding much better, but groups opened up to 2.5-3"@100yds. I never could get the groups to tighten up like they were with the 200gr. I then got a Rossi 1892 in .45 Colt, and it feeds smoother than the Win 1894 ever did, so I got rid of the 1894 after not using it for a few years. I've always heard the 1894s in pistol calibers were either great or not, and I have had a few in various calibers, and my experience leans towards the not too smooth side of things. They've always been very accurate though.

Don McDowell
05-01-2018, 08:34 AM
Years ago when the grandevils were still young enough to want to come visit gramma and get spoiled for a week, I always made sure that I had 2-300 200 gr bullets loaded with 8 grains of unique on hand. That way when gramma got to the point she needed a little down time, the boys and I could go out with the trapper and they could have a grand ol time knocking the snot out of the various gongs and such in the back yard. Sometimes they would get the thing to running fast enough it almost sounded like full auto. Recoil was light enough they could handle it, and accuracy was good enough they kept smiles on their faces.

05-01-2018, 08:58 AM
I've used the H&G #68 in 45 Colt revolvers with satisfaction.

Larry Gibson
05-01-2018, 12:07 PM
I bought one of these new about twenty-five or so years ago. I've shot it almost exclusively with 260 grain bullets cast from the Lyman #454424 (ww alloy) and 8.5 grs. Unique; accurate and no leading.

Has anyone tried 200 grain .45 ACP bullets like #452488, #452460 or the H&G #68 in these carbines? If so, how did they do?

I've used most cast 45 ACP 190 - 205 gr bullets loaded in the 45 Colt (over 7.3 gr Bullseye) in a Trapper like yours, a couple M92 Rossi carbines and rifles and a couple Uberti M1873s. Velocity runs 1100 - 1200 fps and accuracy was very good if not excellent depending on the bullet.

05-01-2018, 04:59 PM
Guys, thank you for all the replies. I cast up a few of the different 200 grain bullets yesterday, but it will be a while before I can load and shoot them. If any shoot as well as the #454424, I'll be quite pleased.

05-02-2018, 04:16 PM
I have to ask if this is for plinking fun and to save lead? The only reason I am shooting a lee 200 RF in my replica colt burgess 45 is for cowboy action to save maybe a second or two on recoil recovery. Lyman 454190 250 grain works so well with 9 grains unique out to 200 yards that I am not going to try and fix something that isn’t broken. I currently am getting all the WW I need for cheap.

05-03-2018, 08:48 AM
smkummer- Just curious, not really trying to save lead. As mentioned, #454424 already does well in my carbine. Just wondered if lighter bullets would also be accurate.

05-03-2018, 11:05 AM
I had one of those Trappers in 45 Colt and I could not keep the rear sight elevator on it for love or money. It also shot the barrel band loose so often I had to file a slot in the barrel and fit a piece of key stock between the barrel and the magazine and drill it for the barrel band screw to keep it where it belonged.

05-03-2018, 03:40 PM
i long to have mine back. sold off many years ago.

05-03-2018, 10:36 PM
Never shot any light stuff but the LEE 255 monotonously breaks clays at 110 yards with open sights with my 45 x 24" marlin CB. Killed a bunch of critters with it too. Ww+tin drops .453, pan loobed and loaded with Unique.
