View Full Version : Future Lead Score.

04-27-2018, 07:50 PM
Just had my plumbing buddy over to help install a new hot water heater at the house. I told him I was casting lead and am always looking for supplies. He works in Boston and informed me that his team just tosses lead in the dumpster. He told me he only gets about 32 cents a pound at the scrapyard and isn't worth the effort to drag it all there.

So...he told me he'd get me some lead whenever I wanted it....it looks like I'll have an endless supply of plumber's scrap in my future.

I also stopped off at Salvation Army and GoodWill and scored some Pewter bowls and candle sticks (I've come to the conclusion that candlesticks are not really worth the effort since they are packed with camel dung). While I was there I also picked up a heart shaped aluminum candy mold. Each heart (read as ingot) is 3 oz of pewter (95% tin). Easy to cast them and small enough quantities that I don't have to cut up 1/2 or 1 lb ingots for mixing in a 10 lb casting pot.

The lead pile is starting to grow again...ever since I bought the 45-70 (heavy boolits)...I've been going through my 1 ton supply pretty fast. Good times ahead...and cheap too.


04-28-2018, 09:25 AM
That sounds like a good steady source. Make it easy on your buddy and arrange to pick it up at his shop. Congratulations on the pewter score!

04-28-2018, 10:34 AM
Yeah...that's the plan...I usually see him once a week. I'd imagine the lead supply will "trickle" in...10-20 lbs at a time. Depending on the job he's done during the week. He did ask me if "dirty" lead was ok. Hey...the smelter won't care...the neighbors might...but the smelter won't care...haha


Walter Laich
04-29-2018, 01:55 PM
he's the guy that should get a turkey at Thanksgiving/Christmas.

I was lucky to be able to cast for the guy that got me WW (back where they were lead). those were the days . . .