View Full Version : Todays events

country gent
04-26-2018, 09:25 PM
Good evening gentleman, Had a full day today. Had a MRI scheduled to check up on the MS. Drew blood and both with and with out contrast. Was there for a little better than 3 hours in the tube. Waiting now for the results. Got up and had some breakfast and rode with daughter to take number 2 grandson to pre school, then to the imaging center. Got to stay in pajamas all day to boot. Killed an hour at the local Harbor freight while she did some other running. Brought home a small anvil and shim punch set from Harbor Freight. Then since it was dinner time and I was a good boy we stop at a Toledo land mark. Tony Packos for supper 2 dogs with the works, a cup of chilli with cheese and onions, and a side of Mac and cheese for me. Couldn't talk the grandsons into the pickle and pepper relish onions or mustard though. They did have cheese and ketchup on theirs though. Last stop was at the ice cream shop to get the grandsons dessert. All in All a pretty great day

04-26-2018, 09:29 PM
A full day in pajamas can be either a really good thing, or a really bad thing. Sounds like yours was good!

04-26-2018, 10:15 PM
Hope all is well I recently had my first dinning experience at Tony Packos always wanted to try it;wasn’t disappointed!!!! Remember how many times it was mentioned on MASH!

lefty o
04-26-2018, 11:56 PM
3hrs is a long time to listen to one of them things grind, whine, clatter and clink.

04-27-2018, 09:15 AM
I have had to gave a few MRI's myself. I bring my hearing protectors since they are non metallic and are formed to my ear canals. Great for reducing noise but no good for conversations. Luck!

04-27-2018, 09:39 AM
I have had to gave a few MRI's myself. I bring my hearing protectors since they are non metallic and are formed to my ear canals. Great for reducing noise but no good for conversations. Luck!

They have headphones with your choice of music where I get mine.
They have improved the MRI machines a lot in the last 20 years. My first back MRI took an hour. They now take 20 min. I will probably be getting one after my neurosurgeon appointment week after next.

fast ronnie
04-27-2018, 10:17 AM
Two day old news now, but the East Side Rapist was finally caught a couple of days ago in Sacramento. In the 1970's and 80's this guy killed 12 people and raped 51 women. He is now 72 years old. Good day for law enforcement.

Bent Ramrod
04-27-2018, 10:23 AM
Hope the tests go well, CG.

Whenever I revisit my childhood haunts in Sylvania and Toledo, a friend and I go to Tony Packo’s for lunch. They must have 1000 hot dog buns with celebrity autographs, (but they haven’t asked me for mine, yet).

As I recall, the place became notorious when an episode of M.A.S.H. was devoted to the crew linking military and civilian radios and telephones across the Pacific Ocean and the continental US so they could order take-out from Packo’s, sent to Korea. There are pictures of the cast all over the walls. Most interesting hot dog joint in the country.

04-27-2018, 10:57 AM
Sounds like a good day. Its hard to beat time with the family. I hope your MRI shows that there is no new damage. I'm scheduled for one in June. I hate that copper taste that the contrast drug leaves in your mouth. Kind of like licking your fingers after handling brass shell cases! Wishing you the best!

04-27-2018, 05:37 PM
I have a better way for an MRI> Propopal! Not sure I spelled it right. The Mikael Jackson juice. I knew I was somewhat clasrtophibic but never knew just how much. Two trips into MRI machines convinced everyone that I needed to be knocked out. Daughter took me to the hospital and I got all dressed up and a shot of the joy juice. Passed out being pushed down a hall to the MRI machines. Wolk up with a nurse telling my daughter about my after care. Two weeks later I found out that I hadn't had 11 heart attacks. Cardiologist says I am weird. Still carry nitro and i I have serious chest pains I go to the ER.

country gent
04-27-2018, 05:53 PM
The Disney Princess Klinger put Packos on the national map with his mentioning it on the various Mash episodes. For many years it looked like a dive bar outside and in the bar area there was a bulge about 12" in the floor. Supposedly all those buns were signed in the resturaunt over the years. We would go Friday nights for dinner the band and cake walks. Saturdays they sometimes had magicians and other entertainment for kids. Ole Jamie Farr really put them on the map

04-27-2018, 07:05 PM
So,what are you gonna do with the anvil and punch set?

My middle boys(all grown now with babies of their own)will never forget me picking them up from pre school everyday,I'd stop at the little country store near home.Would buy them candy .... they would have to decide on the trip,EXACTLY what they wanted.I wasn't fooling around, haha.They would have long,drawn out discussions during the trip,comparing this vs that pce of sugar.Now,they go ballistic at the mention of giving their kids candy,bwaahaha.

mold maker
04-27-2018, 08:21 PM
My grandparents gave me anything I ask for including a stovepipe and a 4' ice cycle, so I figure I owe it to mine. It's a family tradition now. We often take a family friend with us to push SHMBO in a wheelchair.
Since Mama and I see the same Drs. at several clinics, we get consecutive appointments. Usually in the late morning so lunch out at a favorite is common. It is usually fast food, chicken, or fish, but it sure beats "peanut butter samiches". When ya maake a social event out of it, it takes on a whole new deminsion.

country gent
04-27-2018, 10:16 PM
I do the same Mould Maker schedule Doctors appointments so luch or dinner is a "reward" after. When my wife was alive the nuerologists visits were followed with either Out Back or Ahmeds. Occasionally Dolly and Joes. Grocery shopping on Saturday the 2 grandsons get a match box car and candy if there good< the youngest (#3) gets a stuffed toy. Here lately the oldest (6) has been wanting magazines. ( Daughter hit me a couple weeks ago for trying to talk him into Sports Illistrated swimsuit edition LOL). He likes car mags and hunting mags for the pictures.

04-30-2018, 08:31 PM
We have to travel out of town, 30-50 miles, for most of our appointments. We usually coordinate them to make a shopping run or a dinner date. Sometimes my Wife has blood drawn and has to fast before the appointment. We'll usually do breakfast on those mornings after the appointment. Our favorite is a little hole in the wall place that caters to the working man. Its real close to home cooking and is fairly inexpensive.

country gent
04-30-2018, 09:31 PM
I like those reasturaunts also. Little family run operations. On appointments where Ive had to Fast the meal after gets expensive quick. We had a little family run restaraunt here that offered a 5lb hamburger ( Its was meant to be sliced for a family) with a homemade bun.

mold maker
05-01-2018, 04:59 PM
There was a time not so long ago when I saw only one Dr. a month and It was a fasting appointment because of lab work. He found out there was more ins. money available then he could siphon, so he recommended sharing it with another Dr. That Dr. in turn, recommended another professional and thus it began. I am now getting fat Just eating after Dr appointments. Between myself and the Wife, there are several appointments a week for each.

I was accustomed to only eating out on special occasions, and had good control of my weight. Now we both need new clothes and I need new shoes. I have to say it's the original Dr. that is responsible for my sad state of affairs as he is the one that started it all.

At least, that's my story, and my belt is left holding the bag.

05-02-2018, 12:44 PM
I've got the same tightening clothes problem! Can't blame the Dr. as I only go there once a year (most years). Nope, not the Doc, rather I blame the low water use washing machine. See my theory is that with so little water my cloths shrink down so they can get at least fully wet and when they dry---- Either that or wifey is buying smaller cloths for me just to mess with my head.