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04-25-2018, 05:43 PM
The wife want a Mace stun gun flash light any thoughts

RU shooter
04-25-2018, 06:27 PM
The wife want a Mace stun gun flash light any thoughts
Do they make an all in one gadget like that ? IMO a taser would be a better option least you don't need to be in contact with a bad guy for it to work . I believe they make a taser with a built in light . Forget mace get a good brand pepper spray .

04-25-2018, 06:47 PM
Do they make an all in one gadget like that ? IMO a taser would be a better option least you don't need to be in contact with a bad guy for it to work . I believe they make a taser with a built in light . Forget mace get a good brand pepper spray .

Mace is the manufacturer no pepper spray It has a Flashlight and a stun gun the goes through clothes.

04-25-2018, 06:52 PM

04-25-2018, 09:54 PM
I have several, have bought others for my wife, her friend, 2 neighbors, one an elderly woman.

A Not lethal.

B If someone approaches that you are unsure about, about the 10 foot mark trigger a short burst.
Any sane person is going to pause, backup, and explain themselves.

C Anyone who keeps coming has you in his sights. He/she intends to hurt you, dominate you, steal your stuff, identity, vehicle, kill you, rape you or otherwise do bad things to you.

D Do onto them before they do onto you.

Night watchman does sell a combo kit of led light/stun gun and a small canister of pepper spray.

Personally I would be leary of using the pepper spray. Some places they can call that assault.

I don't carry a stun gun, but I made a holster for mine at my door. Where it is under my right hand, out of sight as I open the door. And yes I have practiced drawing it, arming it without looking at it.


This is what I bought for my wife's friend at work. Now she picks my wife up every morning, drives her to work, brings her home every night. Won't take gas money. Says she drives by the house anyway. So when she expressed an interest. 3 days later this was dropped into her car window.

I like it because

A plugs into 110 vac wall socket to recharge. My one by the door I do once a year. If I ever test it and it does not zap it would get charged, but it has not happened yet in 4 years.

B has wrist lanyard. Slip your hand into it. It has a socket like a stereo headset jack. Jack pulls out, stun gun can not be used against you.

C Inexpensive

D non lethal

If that does not work I have more lethal options nearby.

Anyone who tries to break the glass in my door and unlock my lock is going to get a surprise.

Do I want to use it? No, of course not. But better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Personally I would rather disable someone, secure them and sit on them with the stun gun till the police arrive than have to kill someone.

That is what I think. YMMV.

04-27-2018, 01:49 AM
only cops can have them here.
I still see them around, but not with all that stuff on it.

04-27-2018, 07:25 PM
[smilie=s: A friends wife had to use hers about two years ago.Got the mugger right in the family jewels.Hehehehe.:bigsmyl2:Oh yeah.Something better than Mace.50/50 Granny Parsons ammonia and water.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

04-27-2018, 10:13 PM
i would suggest carrying the strongest deterrent she feels comfortable with if that is mace then mace it is.

04-28-2018, 07:56 PM
[smilie=s: A friends wife had to use hers about two years ago.Got the mugger right in the family jewels.Hehehehe.:bigsmyl2:Oh yeah.Something better than Mace.50/50 Granny Parsons ammonia and water.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

I bet that was a real shocking experience! When I was a kid someone dared me to pee on a wire fence, turned out it was electric. I forget who dared me but I'll never forget the shock!

04-29-2018, 11:34 AM
[smilie=s: Yep.From what I was told,the perp was laid out in the parking lot and screaming when the cops arrived.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

05-04-2018, 11:49 PM
Might as well get a can opener on it too. Honestly those old two pronged tasers that cracked really loud would probably do the trick. That and a strong stance with situational awareness should work well for opportunistic predators. If I was up to no good and I saw/heard that thing popping in the hands of somebody ready to advance I'd just keep on a huntin'

It's a felony to point a gun at somebody, but not to crack a taser

William Yanda
05-05-2018, 07:24 AM
The wife want a Mace stun gun flash light any thoughts

Just that you had better mind your P's and Q's!

05-06-2018, 02:13 AM
I'm not going to say do or don't, other than recommending that she carry the most effective tool she feels comfortable with. I will give you my experience and hope it may help you. I have been shocked with stun guns in training, and never been impressed. It hurt, a lot, but never incapacitated me. The upside can be the clicking as a deterrent and possibly looser legal restrictions in many places, but as has been said, the downside is that she has to be within contact distance. If you're willing to pony up the money for a Taser, it does away with the contact distance concern, but it trades it for the sake of only having one shot with most models. Being a police officer, I have been tased a "few" times, some in training and more often when things just got hairy and another officer tased me either by directly hitting me with the darts or just coming in contact with the leads. Now I may just be odd, but the Taser has never incapacitated me either, even with direct hits. It HURTS, has caused twitching in one hand/arm when my arm got tangled in the leads one time, but not incapacitating. That lasted about 15 minutes til the twitching went away.

Now on to the using side of things. I have never used a stun gun against anyone except one time when a friend asked me to shock him with one he bought his wife to see how well it worked. So that doesn't count as real experience in my book. As to Tasers, I have used them at work, but never liked them. Or I should say never really trusted them. Here is the way I see them. They are a tool to use when you are fully justified in shooting, but are trying to give the criminal one last chance to live. Even Taser itself in the required course specifies to NOT use a Taser without a second officer providing cover with a firearm, in case the Taser fails. In my experience, most of the times I have used a Taser, it worked just fine. However, there have been plenty of times when it failed. Loose clothing, thick clothing, etc, can make it fail because if you don't get a connection, you get no effect.

I no longer carry a Taser on duty, and it is because I have had them fail twice with severe consequences, and refuse to put myself in that situation again. The first time, a man pulled a knife on me, I tased him, he grunted, and charged me. The second, a guy was walking toward me making threats and ignored commands to stop. I tased him, he smiled, and then he drew a pistol. I came out on top in both situations, and both situations were in the summer in Texas, so the leads made good contact, but these were just two men who just aren't affected by electricity as the general population, just as I am not. Well, I don't think it's that some aren't affected, just that some can ignore it long enough to do what they set their minds to. Ever since then, I have quit carrying a Taser because if I am justified in tasing someone, I am justified in shooting them, and I do everything I can to not do either to anyone.

05-06-2018, 10:00 PM
I had a flashlight/taser thingy in my glove box. I was rummaging around looking for something and managed to taze my finger. It hurt like he....

05-08-2018, 12:24 AM
I have never had a taser, but I have been hit with a cattle prod, and That’s one experience I don’t want to repeat! Having said all of that, I recall reading a humorous story about a gentleman who bought a Stun gun for his wife, and decided that he needed to test it before he gave it to her. I cannot tell the story like the story was told, but I was laughing to the point of tears by the time I was done reading it!