View Full Version : George left a bundle and a box back in December Today he really shined

04-24-2018, 08:42 PM
Last Christmas, during the Tumbleweed Christmas, I mentioned I have a friend, Roy, who was wanting to learn to reload; an injured vet with a high school age son. Both love to hunt and Roy wants to continue that heritage. The problem was he could not afford the ammo for his rifle. George stepped up and several of his minions responded. Gradually as the packages were opened all the necessary tools and brass became available. A trip to buy primers and powder followed soon after. Early in April we got together and Roy learned to reload brass. Today he really shined and practically did it all on his own,with me looking over his shoulder periodically. A little coaching and he knew what to do and why. Yes there was the double load, caught by inspection and the shoulder of one case was pushed too far down causing a bulge, corrected by correctly adjusting the die. Other than that Roy left with his chest just busting out. He loved adjusting the powder measure to drop just the right amount time after time and checking the case length then trimming them was even enjoyable. The best was seating the bullets! Pretty exciting day that could not have happened without George.

Now onto the range. WooooHoooo

04-24-2018, 09:01 PM
Good on George. He is a great guy.

04-24-2018, 09:43 PM
What joy!!!

04-24-2018, 09:46 PM
Glad you got him going Brad! You ever find a mould?

04-24-2018, 10:09 PM
trails4u I did find a mold. We have not done any casting yet, however we will soon. I did also get a sizing die for my lubesizer. So we are really good to go, go, go.

04-24-2018, 10:15 PM
Isn't that what being a "Christian" is all about ? We need more George's in the world !