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04-24-2018, 05:11 PM
A few weeks ago I had to stay in the hospital 4 days and ended up getting taken off my arthritis medicine . I was taking 10 mg of meloxicam per day and they stopped it with 2 other medicines saying I had taken they too long and my body went toxic . My organs were shutting down , soon as I got off the meds I started getting better .

They will not give me ANY arthritis medicine and it's a bummer . Do you have any 'homeopathic' , home remedies , over the counter medicine or thoughts on the subject ? Thanks !

04-24-2018, 05:37 PM
The best medicine is a change of mind. I took arthritis pain meds for 30 years and quit them due their effects on my kidneys. Once we decide that pain can be lived with, things change pretty quickly. Pain reminds us that we are alive because the only people that don't feel pain are dead people.

These days, I will take a couple of Tylenol to help me get so sleep on days when the pain is keeping me awake. I only use them once or twice a week. I never take anything during the day.

04-24-2018, 05:43 PM
Nobody understands arthritis more then the person with it.
A person can say they do, but unless you live with it everday you don't understand how it feels.

Preacher Jim
04-24-2018, 06:10 PM
Charlie I feel your pain. My doc said 2 ibprorpren with food in morning and 2 with supper. He will not prescribe that poison stuff they call arthritis medicine cause they kill you.

04-24-2018, 06:20 PM
Heavenly Father, I ask you give relief from pain to Charlie. I pray for the health and welfare of my friend and brother in Christ. In the name of our Savior and Redeemer Christ Jesus I pray, amen.

Charlie, I know what you are going through. Just before I had my knee replaced, the doctor put me on a prescription medicine Naproxen, supposely like a super ibuprophen to help the arthritis. immediately made me sick. Extreme dizziness and nausea. Had to quit the pills.

04-24-2018, 06:54 PM
I FEEL YOUR PAIN! I'm in the same boat. The two best homeopathic remedies I know of is taking a hot as you can stand it bath with two cups of Epsom salts and two cups of Apple Cider Vinegar in it. It seems to help me. The second is eat a few Almonds several times a day. They contain a natural anti inflamitory. Both of these were recomended by an MD. I hope you get feeling better soon!

04-24-2018, 06:59 PM
Charlie I feel your pain. My doc said 2 ibprorpren with food in morning and 2 with supper. He will not prescribe that poison stuff they call arthritis medicine cause they kill you.

Long term (5 or more years) use of Ibuprofen will severally damage your kidneys and put you into renal insufficiency (Chronic Kidney Disease). It restricts the blood flow to your kidneys. Any NSAID will do this even aspirin. Tylenol is the only over the counter pain reliever that won't damage your kidneys, but it can do a number on your liver if you take it long enough on a daily basis.

Arthritis is the curse of my family and I have been fighting for over 30 years. It is every joint in my body and my lumbar spine. My only option was start taking opioids or take life straight up. I chose to take life straight up.

After I stopped taking pain meds, the pain increased sharply for about three weeks and then it leveled off. Then it seemed to diminish, but that is probably just me building up a tolerance to pain.

We live in a time, when nobody wants to hurt and pop pills to avoid it. Sooner or later those pill chickens come home to roost and you have to face the issue of living with pain, killing off some of your organs or becoming and addict. It is a heck of a choice, but there it is.

04-24-2018, 07:04 PM
Dsmo check it out

04-24-2018, 07:14 PM
I've been living with severe arthritis for seven years now. Mine is related to a shattered heel, that fractured into the ankle.

I've taken about every NSAID I can think of. I'm currently on 800mg Ibuprofen X 3 daily. That's a max dose, and I still had trouble walking today.

I use a topical NSAID that helps, 1% Voltaren Gell. I recommend it for SOME relief from arthritis that won't tear up you kidneys and liver.

I have a surgery scheduled for the middle of next month to perform a number of tasks, including removing broken hardware, fusing a joint and scraping the ankle for arthritis.

04-24-2018, 08:12 PM
The best thing I find to keep uncle arthritis happy is a ot 15-30 minutes in the hot tub! Feel great and sleep like a baby afterwards.

04-24-2018, 08:24 PM
Ask your doctor about Diclofenac Sodium Topical Gel. It is an NSAID, so he may not approve it for you. It provides me with a good deal of relief.

04-24-2018, 08:35 PM
I take a half a shot glass diluted in water of Braggs apple cider vinegar twice a day and it helps my shoulder pain a lot. Before I couldn't hardly lift my right arm up to put a shirt or coat on in the morning and now I can.It takes a good 2 to 3 weeks to kick in . It helps me,I keep a couple of extra quart bottles so I don't run out. Its worth a try.

04-24-2018, 08:36 PM
Turmeric really seems to help for me.

I hate to think that long term use of arthritis meds will kill you. My son has been on heavy duty arthritis medicine (Humera) for most of his life (he’s only 12). We’re concerned about the long term side effects, but without it he’s at serious risk of crippling arthritis and blindness.

Wayne Smith
04-24-2018, 08:43 PM
It really depends on the kind of arthritis. Osteo arthritis is what I have - severe in my lower back and hips according to the MD. It slows me down some, hurts when I get up in the AM but the more I move the better I feel. Sometimes I have to take a NASID to get moving but it's worth it to get moving because I feel better after exercise. I won't speak of other types of arthritis because I don't suffer them.

lefty o
04-24-2018, 10:34 PM
i think many of us are in the same boat. i have osteo and a wicked case of RA, and dont function well at all without meloxicam and humira. if i were in your shoes id be looking into the antiinflamatory diets. i really dont have good advice, because we are all affected differently.

04-24-2018, 10:41 PM
Dsmo check it out.

Smoke means dmso. Yes, look it up. Curcumen as well

04-24-2018, 10:51 PM
my wife is training to be a clinical herbalist, I will see if she will put together a care package. do you have any allergies. do you want some firecider for your next cold as well.

you will need to pm me your current meds and other pertanant details so she does not give you something that will react with them.

I hate to admit this but she goes to boulder of all places for classes.

04-24-2018, 10:51 PM
I have heard that bee stings can help treat arthritis. I read a few studies a couple years ago about it, and it seemed to help the patients. If you aren't allergic to bees, you could always look into that.

As to finding bees, ask around for a local beekeeper, I bet they would help. People selling honey in farmers markets are beekeepers usually, or they know some.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-25-2018, 07:39 AM
Voltaren or Diclofenac gel. ( same thing) It is an NSAID but only 8% gets into the blood. I am on blood thinners and my doctors let me take it.
Go see a pain specialist. I have bad arthritis in my back and neck. They have done nerve ablations in the right side of my neck and right and left lower back. All neck pain is gone, and the pain that I got in my back when I lifted things in front of me are gone. This will only last for 1 to 2 years and then has to be done again. Back was redone several months ago, neck is still fine.

square butte
04-25-2018, 08:12 AM
Dietary modification is a good starting place. Get on the computer and look at articles on " anti - inflammation diet " and " naturopathic treatment of arthritis " . There are classes of food types that tend to cause inflammation. Most of us have food sensitivities that tend to fall into these classes. Common culprits are sweets, dairy, wheat, coffee and so forth ( sadly most of the culprits are what we seem to enjoy the most ). Plenty if information out there on the computer for arthritis. I suffer from it too - No problems though until Lyme - which can also cause arthritis to. Just some thoughts which may or may not get you a bit farther.

04-25-2018, 09:08 AM
My wife and I have tried 2 remedys. Neither really helped my wife. She just could not stand the taste of one. And I don't think she stuck with the other long enough.

Concord Grape Juice and Certo Pectin. Mix, drink a glass daily.

Raisins (some say golden, I use plain old sun maid dark raisins) and gin.
Take a plastic container that will hold a cup or more of raisins. Cover it with Gin, get them raisins drunk. I add a couple of spoonfuls of honey.

Let it sit for 3-4 days, shaking once a day. Then start having a spoonful of raisin's and raisin flavored gin once a day.

For me, when my hip or shoulder flares it takes 2-3 days of heat and drunk raisins to knock it back out. If yours is bad it may take longer. But you should start seeing some changes after a week.

Mostly mine sits on the breadbox. But when I get a twinge I take a spoonful. One more the next morning and that ussually chases it away. Caveat this works for some people, not for others.

This will BURN in your mouth, it will light a fire. I chew those raisin's up well and swallow it down.
Chase it with a cold drink to get the taste out.

Some people I have heard use sloe-gin with success. I just bought a pint of cheap phillips gin and have half left after 10 years.

I added the honey because Honey is good for almost everything, and it seems to cut the fire down some. The longer it sits the smoother it gets. That first week can be pretty rough.

The last 3-4 years my arthritis has been mostly hiding. When it does flare normally its in my right hip. I'll spend a day or 2 sitting on a heating pad, eating drunk raisin's at least once a day, twice if it is bad.

I think on average I have seen only a single flare up each year for the last several years.

I don't know why it works, I just hope it works for you.

Google is your friend.

Take care brother Boaz!

04-25-2018, 09:21 AM
10 mg of Mobic (Meloxicam) daily plus two 50 mg tramadol three times a day with some 7.5/325 Vicidon on an as needed basis but the Vicodin gets used sparingly. Been living with that arthritis devil for over 20 years now. I was a welder and heavy equipment mech for 40 years and it's no telling how many millions of time I flipped that danged welding hood using a quick jerk/nod of the head and neck, I simply wore out the vertebrae in my neck flipping that heavy old fashioned welding helmet. We didn't have those fancy lightweight electronic gizmos until I was ready to retire and it was too late for me by then.

I have taken everything from Percocet (got hooked on that junk once but never again) to most of the NSAIDS some of which were taken off the market due to causing health issues. I tried, and still use, some of the natural methods and while MSM/Chondroitin seems to have at least some benefit I never saw any improvement from anything else, but then that's was my experience and that type of treatment may very well help others so it's worth a try anyway. Give the MSM/Chondroitin a try for sure.

04-25-2018, 05:46 PM
I have been given a lot to think about from this thread . I will try to use what you have provided , I thank all who commented .

04-25-2018, 06:42 PM
Private message me, I won't put this one on a public forum.

04-25-2018, 07:35 PM
my wife has had ra sence the age 6. Voltaren is on of the med she and i use. she has 7 joint replacements I'm going for my first. its going to get bad with the government reg. real soon

04-26-2018, 07:30 PM
Ask your doctor about a infusion of Remicade.
Ole Jack

04-27-2018, 12:23 PM

Smoke means dmso. Yes, look it up. Curcumen as well

so are you saying I am Lisdexic sometimes :)

04-27-2018, 06:41 PM
I was involved in a bad car accident 2 1/2 years ago since then I have been on bruffen and various pain meds from opioids for 18 months now on tramadol, I have been slowly weaning myself of all of them, the existing Arthritis reacted reacted well to the anti inflammatories but I decided to go off them because of the long term side effects, the only non med relief I get now is hot baths, I also use a lot of Turmeric in day to day cooking and that seems to help.

04-27-2018, 07:08 PM
:-( Hi guys and guys.I know where you are all coming from.Ole Arthur showed up in me when I was 16.I`m 72 now.So 1/2 to 1 7.5/325 hydro for me a day.Seems to work pretty good.Wishing you all the best.

04-28-2018, 09:02 AM
My uncle got me taking collagen. Really helping me and my father even tried it and is seeing results. Good luck.

04-28-2018, 09:59 AM
I was on Vicodin for over 20 years, had 5 sets of nerve ablations in my neck, 4 joints replaced. Got off the Vicodin, on 200mg of Celebrex a day and take 600 mg of Motrin at night to help me sleep if needed. Do have Voltaren gel and Lidocaine but use them sparingly.
I was a heavy equipment mechanic early in my life and retired at 55. I have to keep actively working on vehicles, house, etc. or the pain increases greatly. I think the wide range of movements needed to work on and under things helps to lessen the pain. Someday the pain will be gone.

04-28-2018, 12:29 PM
Aleve works well for me but I don't take it more than three times a week to protect the liver and other organs. I like that cider vinegar idea.