View Full Version : Justin TX pewter alert

04-20-2018, 11:16 PM
I'm here visiting my kids and my wife dragged me to the local antique shop today. In the left, very back corner of the consignment shop they had a booth with four commemorative pewter plates priced at $7 each with a further 75% discount making the final price $7 for all four. Using the Mk I calibrated eyeball I'd say they were a pound or more each. I'm flying back home on Tuesday and I have plenty (yeah, right) of pewter at home and thought some of you Texas boys might be interested.

The shop is the Classy Cactus on Third St. and the people there are like most of the locals. Friendly and neighborly. Just like I like 'em. The burger place called Outlaw Burgers was pretty durn good too.

They had an interesting Fritz helmet in the next booth too but what the heck would I do with that? I'm way too old to join a MC club.