View Full Version : TC Contender and +P loads

04-19-2018, 08:29 AM
Will the TC contender take the +P loads listed in the Handloader magazine?

The write up says only for Redhawk and Super Redhawk revolvers.

04-19-2018, 09:10 AM
You don't make known what cartridge or chambering you want info on. It matters.........

04-19-2018, 09:12 AM
It seems as though it would, as + p loads are only really “common” in the 38 special 9mm and 45, though this may not answer your question directly let’s look at it from this stand point, my first contender barrel was in 44 mag. So the frame and barrel had to be strong enough for that at least, now I’m in the 357 maximum kick, I also have a dedicated 38 special barrel and a 357 mag barrel and of course all three can be fired in the maximum barrels. So as long as what ever round you plan to fire is within the pressure specs of the contender frame I’d say no worries. If the frame can and does handle 357 max pressure than the hottest 38 or 357 mag loads would still be under those levels.

Preacher Jim
04-19-2018, 09:31 AM
I shoot full house 30 and 357 herret in my contenders your +p are no hotter if close

04-19-2018, 09:51 AM
Some of my older reloading manuals list loads for "Ruger and T/C Only". This was before the Encore was developed. Having said that, the advice to not start with max loads, and work up is still good a good rule of thumb.

04-19-2018, 10:17 AM
You don't make known what cartridge or chambering you want info on. It matters.........

My guess is he's referring the April 2010 issue for 44mag. Buffalo Bore lists the T/C Contender as a suitable option for their +P+ 340gr ammo. So I think it's safe to say the Encore will handle the loads in that issue. Of course, work up to those loads to be safe.

04-19-2018, 10:23 AM
Will the TC contender take the +P loads listed in the Handloader magazine?

The write up says only for Redhawk and Super Redhawk revolvers.

The T/C is included with "Ruger only" in most manuals.

04-19-2018, 10:29 AM
Take a look at ol' J.D. Jones' load data for his SSK Contenders. Some of it's been toned down a bit from the original levels but some is still on the scary side. Trust me on this, back in the day I shot a couple of SSK wildcats for IHMSA. If a typical T/C Contender will stand up to those, it should handle anything available over the counter.


04-19-2018, 11:49 AM
Incomplete question!!!!!!

04-19-2018, 12:50 PM
Yes they will.

04-19-2018, 12:57 PM
I live in Rochester, NH where the guns were made before S&W bought them and moved the manufacturing to Mass. I used to talk to the guys at the Custom Shop quite often and they said when pushed beyond factory loads the frames will stretch causing headspace/ignition problem. The biggest offender was the .45-70. It is also the reason that the original Contender was beefed up to the G2...

So yes the frame will take the loads without "blowing up" but the longevity of the frame is going to suffer...


04-19-2018, 01:15 PM
OOP's --Sorry guy's I forgot include caliber-- Yes it is a 44 Magnum.

I do have a Super Redhawk in 44 and wanting to try the RCBS 300 grain SWC bullets with H110.

But was wondering how the Contender would fair with those heavy bullets, it is a much lighter gun than the Ruger.

Thanks for all the comments.

04-19-2018, 01:20 PM
I have shot the Lee C430-310 out of mine with W296, so you should be OK with the RCBS boolit and H110. I wouldn't start at max though, and be sure to have a good grip on it!

04-19-2018, 01:27 PM
Pre G2 Contenders should be held below 40Kpsi in 44 magnum. This includes 45 Colt and all 30/30 and 35 Remington case head sizes.

04-19-2018, 01:52 PM
The 45-70 is suggested to be held to 28K psi. The guys at TC considered JD Jones to be the single biggest headache to their repair department that ever existed.

04-19-2018, 02:56 PM
I noticed MGM is making Barrels for the G2 frame only in calibers not recommended for the original Contenders such as the 224 Valkyries, 6mm Hagar and others so the G2 frame should certainly handle the loads listed in the +P sections.

04-19-2018, 06:03 PM
The older Contender frames can handle small diameter cases at higher pressure like .223. It cannot handler larger diameter cases at higher pressures.

04-19-2018, 08:50 PM
Pre G2, Contender. Anything prior to a G2 is a Contender, no such thing as a G1 either.

I won't knock the fact that the G2 may be a bit stouter frame. But the Contender will handle a lot more than folks give it credit for, not that it makes it right. Those with stretched Contender frames, I really have to question.
I know of a Contender that had a 309JDJ barrel on it. A 44 mag was fired in it. It did not blow up or rupture the frame. The frame was sent back to TC and was found to be with in specs and was not cracked or stretched.
Details contact JD as he has the rig the last I knew.

There are loads out there from early data that is pretty hot. I have seen some questionable chambered barrels. 7BR in a factory barrel comes to mind. Had a warning to the effect only factory ammo should be used.

I have seen guys wind them up pretty hard to the point of the trigger guard just tearing their knuckles up really bad. As the saying goes, ya gotta be tough if your gonna be stupid.

04-19-2018, 10:07 PM
Steady diet of heavy loads will stretch the frames. Like anything cyclic overloading will cause failures.

The 44 as long as they are within the pressure specifications for the caliber you are fine.

What the heck is a +P for the double 4...?????

One more thing a 44 300 grain bullet traveling 1000 FPS will run through a deer lengthwise.

I am huge fan of the 270 Grain GC WFN around 1000 FPS easy on me harvests game cleanly 1:20 twist shoots it very accurately even the 1:38 will put them in the bullseye.

Lyman has dedicated section for the TC guns use the data you will be fine.

04-19-2018, 11:27 PM
If kept to book pressures, the original Contender in 44 Mag will be fine. If run extra hard, they can and will stretch the frame, I know because I did it. T/C graciously replaced my frame with a G2, something that is not likely to happen under current management.

04-20-2018, 12:41 AM
It is not terribly hard to run the 7-30 Waters or 35 Remington to levels that give notice the original Contender frame is being abused. If you pay attention to what the gun is telling you and back off the original frame can do decently well. Ignore it, or not recognize it when you see it, and problems will make themselves evident.

04-22-2018, 08:35 AM
Well after having shot tens of thousands of rounds through my half dozen frames with loads most would question today, with only replacing springs, I must have been shooting fairly soft loads.
The IHMSA circles I was in, I never once recall anyone having a frame issue. Maybe I just didn't hear about it when it did happen.
Carry on gentlemen and be safe.

04-22-2018, 11:31 PM
Groo here
I have some JD barrels.
If you use HIS loading data, all is well.
Some thought you could get a "little"more but JD already did that!!!
All mine [309jdj,411jdj, and 45-70 will do just what JD said and in most cases that was more than enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The big problem is the standing breach on the frame , it can take only so much "push" based on the psi in the case head.
The bigger the case head the more the square inch [the si in psi] and the more the "push" [ the pressure in psi ]