View Full Version : Christians are still being cruicfied

04-15-2018, 10:58 AM
This is a subject that is being avoided and sidestepped by politicians , church leaders , Christians and everyone in general . It's hard to believe and frightening but our brothers and sisters in Christ are being tortured and killed by all extreme Muslim groups . Trump used it as a talking point about a year ago but the liberals put him down wanting the travel bans to be lifted requiring vetting . They only tried to lump all who lived in the Mideast together when Christians were the ones being targeted .

People don't like to talk about it but it is a reality right in front of us . The news doesn't mention it anymore , it's too upsetting and 'distasteful' .

Just one site , if you don't like Breitbart then look at other sites ....it's there .


04-15-2018, 12:08 PM
we are being persecuted here at home more and more, I have a feeling "something wicked this way comes"

04-16-2018, 07:17 AM
As Christ tells us in Matthew 24, Things will get worse and worse until all things come to an end.

04-16-2018, 07:38 AM
People don't like to talk about it but it is a reality right in front of us . The news doesn't mention it anymore , it's too upsetting and 'distasteful'.

Evil prospers when good people do nothing.

04-16-2018, 08:18 AM

Good to see you posting!

Our pastor talked about this about three weeks ago. It is either not reported or underreported by MSM. It is part of the path we will travel to Revelations. Our next stop will be One World Government. I will not live to see it happen, but I see it will happen. The trashing of our Constitution is essential for that to happen....but it has started and will continue to escalate.

04-16-2018, 09:13 AM

Good to see you posting!

Our pastor talked about this about three weeks ago. It is either not reported or underreported by MSM. It is part of the path we will travel to Revelations. Our next stop will be One World Government. I will not live to see it happen, but I see it will happen. The trashing of our Constitution is essential for that to happen....but it has started and will continue to escalate.

unfortunately, it's the sad truth.

04-16-2018, 09:15 AM
To the above two posters, #6, and #7, this is The Christian Chapel sub-forum. Both of thses posts are inappropriate here. This is not the Pit. Why not do us all a favor and remove them. What is worse, aside from the disrespect, is the lack of any relationship to the original post.

From the Moderator

"Chapel is a place for all to bring their needs.
This is not a place to debate theology.nor is it a place were what church you attend is important. Here all are equal and welcome. All of us who love the Lord will be neighbors in heaven singing praises to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
No one's opinion is more important than yours. Remember we need each other for fellowship, prayer, and community of believers.
If we stand together, pray together we will see many miracles happen.
Will you help us build the chapel into a place of prayer, help for those in need and a place of peace?"

04-16-2018, 09:18 AM
we are being persecuted here at home more and more, I have a feeling "something wicked this way comes"

The New Testament idea of persecution is losing your job for being a Christian or being arrested or being murdered for sharing your Christian faith. We do not have this issue in the United States.

What we see here is people challenging Christians over their influence on American culture (e.g., holidays and religious symbols). This has very little to do with individuals practicing their faith.

We also see push back on Christian attacks on others' lifestyles (i.e., those outside the Church). This never ends well (e.g., John the Baptist) nor are people won for Christ.

In the United States, we have a church on every street corner. We can share our faith openly. We are not persecuted, but could probably use a little bit. Persecution is what caused the spread of the Gospel in the 1st Century and made people more serious Christians.

04-16-2018, 09:28 AM
The persecution is world-wide
Pray for the Body of Christ and for the protection of the Body of Christ

Here are a couple good charities to help in this cause

Preacher Jim
04-16-2018, 11:02 AM
This is chapel not the pit.

04-16-2018, 02:30 PM
I guess the MSM figures this is just "too gross" to air???? Or maybe .... just maybe .... it doesn't serve their agenda, which is remarkably similar to (the same?) as the Democratic party's leadership's agenda????

As Shaun Hannity has said, "journalism is dead," and now, it's ideology against ideology. Not what freedom of the press was designed to be for but .... it seems to be the only game in town these days. I truly feel sorry for those who get their "information" (disinformation?) from the MSM. Fox News is the only source I can stomach watching these days, and they present "both sides" of the issues, which wastes about half my time even there.

Truth is a fatal victim of "modern journalism," where "opinions" take precedence before facts! And as Sonny and Cher sang, "The beat goes on."