View Full Version : Holocaust Rememberance (Yom HaShoah)

04-12-2018, 01:46 PM
Today is Holocaust Remembrance. This is a Video (https://www.facebook.com/TheJerusalemPost/videos/1795407553914242/) from the Jerusalem Post that shows the moment they pause in Israel. Everything just comes to a stop as they pause and remember.

Please pause, pray, and remember today.


04-12-2018, 04:46 PM
Although I am not of Jewish fath I am a Polish American. I too feel the pain! Least we forget it was not just the Jewish who were murdered. Rot in hell Hitler. Along with all your evil followers!

04-12-2018, 06:15 PM
I'm proud they honor the ones who died and think about it . Thank you Knightflyer .

04-12-2018, 06:28 PM
Although I am not of Jewish fath I am a Polish American. I too feel the pain! Least we forget it was not just the Jewish who were murdered. Rot in hell Hitler. Along with all your evil followers!

Yes, another 2 million that the Nazis didn't like. It's hard to imagine two million people just...gone. :(

04-12-2018, 06:41 PM
To All,

Despite the fact that I'm a Southern Baptist, I remember YOM YIPPUR & the many millions of dead, as my boarding school roommate of long ago lost all but 4 members of his large family. - About an equal number were slaughtered like cattle by the Nazis & Stalin's thugs.
(ONE of those was his great grandfather, who was a German WWI flier & was awarded The Blue Max for valor in aerial combat.)

yours, tex

04-12-2018, 07:24 PM
25 million Russians, mostly innocent civilians, during WWII! The loss of life during Hitler’s siege on the world is truly insurmountable ! I truly hope his hell is 10 times worse than what any of his victims felt.

04-12-2018, 09:12 PM
I am not Jewish, but I remember.

I remember the stacks of body's like cordwood.

Terribly thin emaciated body's.

I remember the look in the eyes of the survivors as they saw USA servicemen liberating the camps.

I remember the tears.

I remember the Medics talking about how they struggled to bring them back to life.
They could not allow them to just eat and drink. They'd of died. They had to slowly bring them back one day at a time, one morsel at a time.

I remember. It was not my generation, but I remember them.

My dad is gone now, he was the youngest of his family to serve. They dropped the bomb or he would have been in the first wave to parachute into Japan.

Who will remember after me?

Tell the story's, write them down. Film them. Teach the children. Teach them to remember, to honor the fallen.

Pine Baron
04-12-2018, 10:08 PM
My Father was one who witnessed the liberation of a camp in southern Germany. He could never talk about it, but boy did he hate Nazis.

04-14-2018, 06:56 AM
Good Morning
I have seen the ovens. I have seen the mass graves while in Germany. No we should not forget the vile, God less who have done all to eliminate God lovers from the face of the earth.
Stalin was no better. Communist followers still carry the same hate for God. Liberal socialists are no better. The villages in Ancash, Peru were decimated because they "called on the name of the Lord". But only by the scores or hundreds.
Islamics carry on the work of satan. China and North Korea do not lag behind much.
Yes we should remember... and see how only in the numbers our world is still the same.
Mike in Peru

04-14-2018, 07:43 PM
In about 1982 my Jr High history teacher showed an hour long film that was a compilation of the videos made from the various camp liberations. Should be a regular part of all history educations.