View Full Version : Does anyone else make home-made sausage rolls?

Reverend Al
04-11-2018, 03:17 PM
From time to time I like to make a batch of home-made sausage rolls. They're handy "finger food" and freeze well so that they're available for quick snacks.

If I'm being lazy I use ordinary small pork breakfast sausages, cooked, and then cut them in half before covering them with the home-made dough, but if I'm feeling energetic enough I really like to make my own home made savory sausage filling from scratch. I mix pork and beef at about 70 / 30 and season it with salt, pepper, garlic, herbs, and some sage or savory. I form it into long round "logs" and pre-bake them most of the way in the oven on flat pans, then roll the raw dough around them, cut them into suitable lengths, and then finish baking them until they are golden brown. I usually like to add some sesame seeds sprinkled on top of the dough, but that is just my personal preference.

I've used my cornbread biscuit recipe, my buttermilk biscuit recipe, and my sourdough biscuit recipe for the dough covering, all with good results.

So, does anyone else make their own home-made sausage rolls?










Idaho Mule
04-11-2018, 10:46 PM
Not yet, but after seeing those I think I'm gonna start!! Looks like a pretty flexible idea there and I like it, thanks for sharing. JW

04-11-2018, 11:40 PM
I M beat me to it...not yet.

04-12-2018, 02:52 PM
Early West Virginia miners created one of the state's best-kept secrets. https://marioncvb.com/pepperoni-roll/

A Marion County Original - The Pepperoni Roll


Unless you’ve been to West Virginia to try a pepperoni roll, you probably don’t know what it is. It was first created in Marion County in the 1920’s, and it is virtually unheard of anywhere else. But they’re such a staple here, even convenience stores entice us with them at the checkout line. We West Virginians love them so much, we’ve named them the official “State Food.”

Sticks of pepperoni and bread was a staple for miners to take underground for their long days. It wasn’t long before Giuseppe “Joseph” Argiro, an Italian immigrant coal miner seeking a convenient lunch decided to bake the pepperoni in the bread. The classic pepperoni roll is made up of a soft white yeast bread roll with pepperoni baked in the middle. During baking, the fats in the pepperoni melt resulting in spicy oil infusing into the bread. The pepperoni roll became so popular with his fellow miners that Giuseppe quit the coal mines and opened Country Club Bakery in 1927. That little bakery is still pulling fresh, warm pepperoni rolls out of its oven each day.

“We’re the original, so we take pride in our product,” said Chris Pallotta, current owner of the bakery. “We make sure we make them all day, every day. Every pepperoni roll you buy from us is made within the hour.”

It was a true WV innovation— a snack that needed no refrigeration or heat, but hearty enough to be meal. Something we can pack with us to take out into the scenic WV mountains, and even camping for a few days.

As simple as it seems, the flavor of a pepperoni roll is deliciously memorable. The cravings for its gooey goodness call out to first-timers so intensely, Chris said they sometimes call immediately after they leave to order a supply to be sent home. The Country Club Bakery ships out orders several times a week, sending the treat to avid fans across all 50 states.

Other restaurants in Fairmont and Marion County also serve up their own variations on the state staple. You’ll find them spicy, bite-sized, double-filled and stuffed with unique ingredients.

WV Pepperoni Roll Recipe - Makes 20 traditional pepperoni rolls

- 5 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 cup water
- 3/4 cups sugar
- 2 tsp salt
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup butter, melted
- 1 tbsp dry yeast
- olive oil
- 20 3-inch pepperoni sticks

Preheat oven to 350°.

Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon sugar in warm water. Add yeast and let sit 5 minutes.

Mix flour, sugar and salt. Stir in yeast mixture, then eggs and butter. Knead until smooth.

Lightly coat with oil, and let sit 2 hours.

Pinch off 1 1/2-inch balls and flatten. Roll dough around pepperoni stick, and close ends. Place on a baking sheet.

Bake about 15 minutes, until tops begin to brown.

Let cool, and enjoy while pepperoni oils are still warm and fused with bread.

Store in air-tight container or freeze.

(Frozen bread dough may be used in place of dough recipe.)


MT Gianni
04-12-2018, 04:53 PM
Both those look good but I have to try the pepperoni rolls first.

Reverend Al
04-12-2018, 06:39 PM
Have to admit that I'd never heard of "Pepperoni Rolls" either ... but I'll try them now!


04-12-2018, 09:51 PM
Either one would make a great BBQ party appetizer! Finger food but meat... maybe smoke the sausage fist then bake it in the Traeger...

04-13-2018, 12:32 AM
Just before Easter one of our local groceries ran a sale on picnic hams for $1.29/lb and pork loins for $1.69. So I grabbed a couple of each and made them into breakfast sausage that I think came out extra nice. Now I really have to try these sausage rolls with sourdough biscuit and my new sausage. Thanks for the fine idea Al!

Walter Laich
04-21-2018, 04:24 PM
we've done it a few times. Need to plan for it as it does take a bit of time but worth it in the end

MT Gianni
04-27-2018, 03:35 PM
I made a batch with the West Virginia recipe that was posted. Good stuff indeed. I had leftover pepperoni from the grandkids pizza party so I rolled it instead of sticks for some and used sausage for the others. I would cut the sugar back from 3/4 cup to 1/2 cup as it was a tad sweet.

04-27-2018, 04:35 PM
Reverend Al, Looks great, and good. What kind of beer do you want me to bring? :smile:

05-04-2018, 07:16 PM
Would love to try these...long ago when I still could walk the woods, my wife would cook up some Italian sausages and then bake them into some home-made french bread--man a pocket full of those could really keep a man going! Always had a sack full for the gang in Elk camp..but somehow they never lasted the whole season!

05-04-2018, 08:13 PM
US Special Forces has been testing a new MRE plan for over a year . Each bag is now to cover a whole day. One of the items is a pepperoni roll
Its pretty good too. I will try to post a pic in the next few days

05-05-2018, 09:44 AM

Top left of bag contents .. Italian Style sandwich is the Pepperoni roll