View Full Version : Tinsel fairy came around

04-07-2018, 09:19 PM
Well did it once again. Never fails when ever I get in a hurry and say I am just doing a few I really dont need both gloves I regret it. Casting some 310 grain 44s water quinching quess some water splashed up into the mold cavity when lead was poured the fairy played me a visit . looks like I will have a pretty good scar on back of hand and fore arm to remind me not to be so foolish again. Hope I rember but can't be sure as this is not the first time. But maybe if you read this you wount make the same mistake.

04-07-2018, 09:27 PM
I was casting some 38 and 9mm today and dropped a bad bullet back into the pot, and for the first time, got lead splashed on my glasses. It was pretty surprising! I do have lots of historical burns though; need to keep all protective gear on, no matter how confident. Yes, I'm hypocritical, but I'm trying to learn. I hope we will both stick to what we know is safe!

04-07-2018, 09:29 PM
That is one Fairy I hate nothing good about her . Hope you get well soon!

Arkansas Paul
04-07-2018, 09:46 PM
That is surprising that it didn't evaporate before you poured the next.
Glad you weren't hurt any worse.

Most of us have had a visit or two from the tinsel fairy. It's never fun.

04-08-2018, 01:42 AM
Sad to hear of the visit, but glad you were not hurt too badly. Watch out for infection.

Walter Laich
04-08-2018, 11:46 AM
as said above infection can be common with burn injuries; actually worse than damaged skin many times

course when you get to 6th* degree burn infection is probably no longer a problem

*6th degree burns are the most severe burns which have charred bone. (reminds me of my Dad's BBQing)

04-08-2018, 05:32 PM
Been keeping plenty of antibiotic on it. But still may need prescription of antibiotics as I do get infection easily . as for everporating you would think it would but this is not the first time this has happened. Had two welding gloves right there and used one on mold hand but not the pouring hand and when it went off it must have startled me and spilt what was in ladel because it went everywhere. But this to will pass. Being on back of hand at least can still use it for most part.

04-08-2018, 06:01 PM
Sorry to hear of the TF visit....get well soon. Burns are tough on us .
I never tried water quenching , always was afraid of getting water into the pot. Just keeping that drop of sweat off your brow out of the pot is hard enough. 50 years ago, when I started , the process wasn't popular , so I never got into it.
Thanks for the warning, take care of the hand and arm.

Drew P
04-08-2018, 06:13 PM
I’ve found it quite easy for a droplet to stay in the hot mold for a long time. When the surface is hot enough to cause a vapor barrier it will protect the water droplet from wetting out on the metal and flash off. So I try to keep an ear tuned to it because I find that I can hear it dancing around in there. I also roll my wrist around to try and shake it free.

04-08-2018, 06:40 PM
The Tinsel Fairy is like an ex wife. You know she is out there somewhere, waiting to see you in pain. Then as soon as you forget about her for a split second.... GOTCHA!
Hoping you heal up soon,

04-08-2018, 09:11 PM
Sorry to hear this but glad it was not worse. Also glad to hear that you are taking the follow up care seriously. Burns are dangerous, and painful. Hope you recover quickly.

04-08-2018, 09:52 PM
Thanks for all the well wishes. As with all things this to shall pass