View Full Version : Does anyone know?

04-06-2018, 01:34 PM
Where can I get a nicely shaped custom stock for a #4 Mk I Enfield??? I've searched the internet and cannot for the life of me find anyone who produces nicely done walnut stocks for the #4. If you know where I can get a good, decent sporter stock for the #4, please clue me in. I CAN miss things sometimes, but I've really searched everywhere I can think of and cannot find anything near what I'm wanting, and I don't want to have to make one from scratch. Not even sure I'm up to that anymore. Thanks for any tips you can provide. This is a pet project of mine, and it seems I may have made some premature assumptions about what I could find to fit it out like I want it to be.

04-06-2018, 02:14 PM
Best guess would be an old one from Fajen, Bishop, Herter's etc on Ebay. They show up from time to time from guys who are trying to "restore" an old sporter. Not sure anyone currently makes them as a production item.

Der Gebirgsjager
04-06-2018, 02:40 PM
Will these work? www.boydsgunstocks.com Item # 1438329151ZZ buttstock $69, Item # 1438329091ZZ forestock $69.

04-06-2018, 03:13 PM
Thanks, DerG, but I'm wanting a classic design, with hopefully, a bit of a British flavor to it. I saw that one, but I can't help but doubt that the pic of that forend is wrong. The cut for the magazine port seems far too short, but .... ya' never know. I think I would prefer a monte carlo with a cheekpiece, but I'm about ready to accept whatever I can find at this point. I wish my old gunsmith buddy in SC was still alive. He had a wonderful pattern stock in the Brit/German melded form, that was a real beauty, and that I believe would have been a very great handling stock in the field. Sadly, that stock has probably gone to either some dullard, or maybe even burned as firewood. Nobody in the family had any idea of what nice rifles really were, or their intrinsic and spiritual worth. I guess I've got a bad case of bad timing??? But it's amazing what the folks on this forum come up with sometimes. I'm just hoping for a miracle, or what has to serve as close to one, in this case. Sporterizing the Enfields isn't nearly as "in" as it once was. And I can't stand much of the newer stuff coming out! Just me, obviously, but .... a man's gotta' have the kinna' rifles he LIKES, doesn't he? Old knuckle draggers like me just have to make them up themselves these days, unless they're better heeled than I am. C'est la' vie?

Preacher Jim
04-06-2018, 04:22 PM
Blackwater I use walnut grove for my blanks and sometimes inletted stocks.
They are great folks to deal with and might have one on clearance that is cheap.

Wayne Smith
04-07-2018, 11:08 AM
Have you checked with Treebone?

04-09-2018, 12:08 PM

Besides military stocks, Bob's Gun Shop also has sporter stocks for the Enfields: http://www.gun-parts.com/militarystocks/


04-10-2018, 09:31 PM
Thanks! Will try Bob's tomorrow. Great American Gunstocks used to offer some very nice Enfield stocks for both #1's and #4's, but when they sold out to Walnut Grove, WG apparently chose not to continue offering those inlets, and that has me really sad. I'd been counting on getting a nice stock from them, and then was shocked to see the only Enfields they now inlet for is the P-14. I may have to call them too, and see if they can be sweet talked into cutting me out one. Wish me luck. I may well need it!

I'm wanting to make this gun up into a nice sporter that any Brit would have been proud to take to Africa for his "light gun." The .35/.303 Imp. has some very nice ballistics, and would STILL make a good light gun for most African game, or most game anywhere else. I wouldn't hesitate to carry it for elk in the woods. And it ought to make short work of our smallish Southern whitetails here, too. And for large hawgeaux, it ought'a be just right. Good penetration, no matter the angle. Shades of Elmer Keith! I've always been a Jack O'Connor/.270 affectionado (though NEVER fool enough to discount Elmer's views!), but in my old age, I like to carry something with style and character. If I'm not as quick or as accurate as I once was, at least I can still LOOK stylish! ;^)

Thanks, guys. I've always liked those old SMLE's and #4's, but always went with something flashier. Now, I'm more sedate in most everything I do, and this ctg. and rifle suits me very well .... IF I can just find the right stock for it! I'm going to make/have made a really good, solid scope mount for it. Will grind/file off the "ears" that stick up forming the stripper clip guide and serving to mount the fold down peep sight. With that mod, it ought to make a fine rifle for the woods. And if I can do a good job of the stock work, and get the metal finished right, I may even look decent doing it! That's about as good as it gets for an old geezer like me! ........... And the work keeps me out'a trouble, but don't let that get around, will ya'?