View Full Version : Mercy Me!

04-02-2018, 07:37 PM
We just came from seeing "I can only imagine". That is one awesome movie and story. If you haven't seen it yet you should, you won't be disappointed. Be prepared some parts will break your heart, but it is well worth seeing this movie.
This story shows the awesome power of our God and prayer.

04-02-2018, 08:17 PM
Thanks for the recommendation....I will take my better half on a date!

04-02-2018, 08:41 PM
I saw it opening weekend...its really a good movie. My wife wept through it...I have to admit...I got a little choked up at times as well. Its hard to imagine living in a family like that. I grew up a Preacher's Kid...so for me...life was good....I'm not perfect...just forgiven.

Anyway...anybody on the fence about it...just go see it...its worth the price of the admittance....and its one of the more positive things Hollywood has put out in a long time.


04-02-2018, 09:22 PM
I'll try to see it , you got me interested . Thank you !

04-03-2018, 08:56 AM
We here want to see it too.

04-03-2018, 07:00 PM
Excellent movie, highly recommend it!