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View Full Version : Hello Shooters.new here, and willing to learn more ...

09-07-2008, 01:02 AM
Hello CB members THE CAT here
I"m fairly new to casting ..Two years, got started when my friend asked me to go BP hunting with him in NM where we work, and i moved here to keep my jog. another story.. i've never went BP hunting before.I had so much fun those 5 days :Fire: that i made a deal with him I worked on his ranch for a few days to buy one of his 54cal rifles... TC Renagade and thats what i started to cast Maxiballs :castmine: and i've bought some balls also . then some for my 45 colt, 44 mag. 357, well you know the rest I'm hooked .. as you can see i don't talk much... :?:
been reading about HTW and I would like to know how do you Heat Treat wheel weights I'v droped some out of mould into a 5 gallon bucket and that but do you heat treat in a oven .. worked in Huston in a heat treating plant for Maint. TRW misson CO.. for two years a few moons ago .. 28 years back.... just one of my first questions for now .. enjoyed the visit.. hope to here from ya soon and enjoyed the company and reading the stories.... THE CAT

09-07-2008, 03:16 AM
Welcome to the forum; Cat.

The quickest method I know to harden WW material is to water quench straight from the mold.

From what I have read here; to heat treat the boolits you need to heat them up to a temperature just under where the metal softens enough for the boolit to slump under its own weight then quench.

Other members here will have more detail than I can provide.

Again, welcome and see you around the forum.


09-07-2008, 04:07 AM
Thanks for the info. from down under.. I think that will be too much trouble to try for now with the little i have to work with and all and the Miss'es :roll: would be a little mad if i took the stove over :) have a good day and catch ya later

09-07-2008, 06:45 AM
Welcome CAT,enjoy the forum.

09-07-2008, 09:52 AM
Welcome to cast boolit heaven Cat... :drinks:

Down South
09-07-2008, 10:19 AM
It hasn't been too long ago that I was new here too. I've learned a lot about casting since then. Welcome to the forum.

09-07-2008, 11:19 AM
Welcome to the board/hobby/addiction, Cat.

A lot of folks heat-treat by dropping their newly-formed castings directly into a bucket of water, right from the mould. I'm not a heat-treater, but I pay CLOSE attention to dimensional integrity between boolits and throat/grooves. Plain old air-cooled wheelweight metal has worked quite well in 38 Special and 45 ACP loadings to full caliber pressure potential. If I move up to Magnum pressures, I use Taracorp alloy AKA 92/6/2, and this stays together to 1200 FPS in 9mm/357/41/44 and nearly 1400 FPS in the 7.62 x 25 Tokarev. Somewhere around 1300-1400 FPS I start using gas check designs, esp. in rifle-length barrels.

Lead melter
09-07-2008, 11:40 AM
Just jump in where you can and hang on. Welcome!

Just one word of caution; with some of us more outlandish and politically incorrect members waltzing around, you might want to rethink the handle.:twisted:

09-07-2008, 01:19 PM
Lead melter,

Could you possibly be thinking of me? :)


09-07-2008, 02:02 PM
CAT welcome
for your blackpower use soft lead maybe a SMALLamount of tin to make casting easier
for the ohers i use aircooled wheel weigtswith no problems but the choice is up to the gun
not the shooter

09-07-2008, 06:19 PM
Welcome, CAT!

Rather than take over your wife's kitchen for heat treating, look around at yard sales for a used toaster oven which you can probably pick up for $10-15. It'll do the job, is cheap and can be taken to your man cave for use, with the wifey none the wiser. If you can't find one at a yard sale, Wally-World has new Black and Deckers for $30.



09-07-2008, 10:41 PM
Black & Decker Toaster Oven is NUMBA 10! We have one (present from family member) and I certainly would not trust it to be reliable enough for boolit heat treating. It doesn't even do toast right. HT in the family oven after Sweetie has gone to bed - in for 30 minutes @450, out immediately into cold water, you're out of there in less than an hour. Tell Sweetie you couldn't sleep, and did some chores...