View Full Version : The load we bear

03-28-2018, 11:01 PM
Thankfully the Lord never gives us a heavier load than we can carry. (maybe with a little help) It seems that a week before the accident in which I lost my wife I had a "silent" heart attack, she was going to drive me to the cardiologist. Finally got in to see him, said I appeared to have a clot. Sent me for a heart cath last Monday, I've got one 99% blocked, and another 40%blocked. Gonna treat them with meds. No stents at this time, something to do with blood thinners vs. my age. I'm not skeered, but I'm darn concerned, got too many things left to tend to. I leave it all up to the Lord, He has blessed us with skillful doctors to help with our problems. Thank you Lord. GW

fast ronnie
03-28-2018, 11:09 PM
Several years ago, my wife went to get a physical for her racing license. They found she had cancer that had started into the lymph nodes. Her regular doctor had ignored telling her for at least FOUR mammograms even though it showed up clearly on the x-rays. If it hadn't been for her going for a racing physical, she would have been gone. God sees things we don't know about and makes a way for us before we even know there is a problem.

03-28-2018, 11:11 PM
Will pray the Lord uses the Dr to bring you completely back to health.

03-29-2018, 05:50 AM
I'm still praying for you so will increase them . Goatwhiskers we will all leave this place with what we think of as unfinished business . I have thought about that a lot and decided it will not matter . I'm pretty sure everyone that went home thought the same thing .

03-29-2018, 08:28 AM
We are praying for you Goatwhiskers, May God be merciful to you.

03-29-2018, 07:45 PM
Don't know your age Goatwiskers, but I just turned 63. Had a triple bypass 4 years back, then started having pain again. Doc put me on some new meds that seem to be working. Good docs and good meds these days. Just remember, though, that you already have a relationship with THE Doctor and He has the situation in hand. And Boaz is right - we think of it as unfinished, but to God, nothing is unfinished. I'll be praying for you.