View Full Version : paper patch template 577 snider

03-28-2018, 09:15 PM
I want to paper patch the 577 mini GG bullet anyone have the template dimensions, try to get it up to around 590 thanks for any info.

D Crockett
03-28-2018, 11:12 PM
I don't have one but if you send me 3or 4 of the bullets I can make you one out of aluminum easy enough D Crockett

03-29-2018, 02:48 AM
you can't just give dimensions, because different stretching techniques will require different size patches.
different types of paper stretch differently.
different thickness papers require different sized patches.
wet patches stretch more than dry ones.
you need to make your own.
keep safe,

Don McDowell
03-29-2018, 09:55 AM
Just take a strip of your patching paper, wrap it around your bullet twice. Make a small mark with a sharp edge where the beginning end of the paper is at the second wrap. Then unwrap that strip mark a 45 degree line where you marked the strip, and bingo you have a pattern.
Or you can apply a bit of geometry figure the circumference of the bullet, double it, than make a parallelagram on a piece of cardboard, cut trial patches until you get the length required to fit your bullet.

country gent
03-29-2018, 04:14 PM
The wraps of paper D.M. describes works well for me also. I cut it to the parallel shape then another .020-.030 off the edge. This allows for the radious where the over wrap and edge met making for a very round bullet.

03-30-2018, 07:25 AM
ALL patches need to be tailored to a specific cast bullet. you need to do this yerself using the triple wrap, not double, because you want a final double wrap and it takes more than two wraps to *begin* to find the optimum parallelogram patch length - and you will need to tweak that length dependent on the length cut grain of the paper and how it stretches dry (good) or wet (no thanx). their is a craft of sorts to making good consistent patches. i never use a patch template, they're not as consistent for me as using a cutting board. ymmv.