View Full Version : Leaving illinois

03-23-2018, 01:23 PM
I saw on FOX today that someone leaves Illinois every 4.2 minutes, and they are leaving for good. It went on to say that 80% of the counties are loosing population with Cook county leading the way. I can't help but wonder why.

03-23-2018, 01:44 PM
Why? Cause this state sucks!

The entire state government is run by mike madigan a corrupt democrat career politician who continually screws the people/state for to line his own pockets.

The only good thing that comes from living in Illinois is that moving out of state will make for a Really sweet retirement!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro

03-23-2018, 02:48 PM
Epd, I actually know all too well the problems with Illinois. I was born and raised on the Missouri side of the river 30 miles from Cairo and learned early what that state was about. My father was in the trucking business and he hated to drive into that state. He frequently drove to the coal mines with a large truck to haul the coal back to Missouri. The highway patrol lay in wait for out of state trucks and it was almost impossible to get back across the river without a ticket. The problems include much more than speed traps. Everything about the stat was corrupt. There was gambling, prostitution, crooked police just to name a few.

Don Purcell
03-23-2018, 05:17 PM
I'm waiting for my 4.2 minute.

03-23-2018, 05:28 PM
I have a friend of my in Cook county and trying to get him to move out of there.The way it looks that when he have some thing take care of that he will move out of the state and come here to Iowa the way it looks. He come to see me once in awhile and also another of his friends that live south of me in Iowa. I can not wait till he is out of there.I left MA ,that was in 1995 and glad I left there.

03-23-2018, 05:31 PM
Epd, I actually know all too well the problems with Illinois. I was born and raised on the Missouri side of the river 30 miles from Cairo and learned early what that state was about. My father was in the trucking business and he hated to drive into that state. He frequently drove to the coal mines with a large truck to haul the coal back to Missouri. The highway patrol lay in wait for out of state trucks and it was almost impossible to get back across the river without a ticket. The problems include much more than speed traps. Everything about the stat was corrupt. There was gambling, prostitution, crooked police just to name a few.

Are you sure it was Il. and not NY? Sure sounds a lot like NY!

03-23-2018, 05:36 PM
whyare they leaving ? freedom.

white eagle
03-23-2018, 08:05 PM
sure wish they would head south

03-23-2018, 08:37 PM
Are you sure it was Il. and not NY? Sure sounds a lot like NY!

No, it was Illinois, remember it was that state that made JFK the president. When the party asked Mayor Daly for Cook county tally of votes, he asked, how many do you need.

03-23-2018, 11:17 PM
I escaped from Illinois 2 years ago. After almost 60 years of living in that corrupt, tax happy state, I'm free!

03-24-2018, 08:32 AM
I escaped from Illinois 2 years ago. After almost 60 years of living in that corrupt, tax happy state, I'm free!

I have family in central Wisconsin...all moved out of Illinois some years ago and not one regret it. I noticed they take some pride in their new state. I remain here in Illinois for the time being. I never see that same feeling from folks that live here. Have other relatives in Minnesota..they think their state is paradise.

03-24-2018, 08:41 AM
Just head east to the Hoosier state. We can take some more freedom loving individuals.

03-24-2018, 08:41 AM
We have our 56 acres with turkey, deer, fruit trees, our garden and a modular on the old home place. 7 generation of my people have made it here. There are enough woods to hunt and cut deadfall for auxiliary heat. Not paradise but it will do.

03-24-2018, 11:39 AM
It's funny how people who left Illinois think Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa are paradise.

My grandparents and dad moved here from Wisconsin in 1946. I moved to Iowa in the 90's and met my wife. Lived there for nearly a decade and swore I'd never go back.

The small town corruption, gossip, awful weather, awful smell, gross and muddy environment, bugs, awful hunting, muddy water... Just hated everything about the Midwest.

I was fishing a couple of years ago on a small local lake with my nephews when some guy from Wisconsin whose kid was going to college here rowed by. We started chatting and he said he couldn't believe the lack of bugs. He said it was 80 degrees and no humidity; said it was absolute paradise. I told him that I used to live in Iowa and totally understood his disbelief.

In my area, we have the Californians that are flooding into the state and turning it slowly blue. They have ruined Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and Texas is expected to turn blue within a decade or so.

Leftist ideology and attitudes are a cancer. And what's really sad is that a lot of those fleeing liberal cesspools bring along the same beliefs and attitudes that caused it in the first place without even realizing it.

I've seen so many "conservative" Californians move here, then start supporting "common sense" changes like a new recycling program, a new multi-million city park, traffic circles, etc.

Now, they want all of these new shiny things that they considered normal things in California and don't care how they are paid for. So city fees go up, taxes go up, regulations increase, and soon they are living in a place that they have directly caused to be higher cost of living and less free.

They are an ignorant cancer.

03-24-2018, 12:48 PM
I would be very happy if bugs and humidity decided to leave Illinois.:bigsmyl2:

03-24-2018, 12:57 PM
What Idaho45 said .
You hit the nail square on the head Pard .

03-24-2018, 07:16 PM
It's funny how people who left Illinois think Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa are paradise.

My grandparents and dad moved here from Wisconsin in 1946. I moved to Iowa in the 90's and met my wife. Lived there for nearly a decade and swore I'd never go back.

The small town corruption, gossip, awful weather, awful smell, gross and muddy environment, bugs, awful hunting, muddy water... Just hated everything about the Midwest.

I was fishing a couple of years ago on a small local lake with my nephews when some guy from Wisconsin whose kid was going to college here rowed by. We started chatting and he said he couldn't believe the lack of bugs. He said it was 80 degrees and no humidity; said it was absolute paradise. I told him that I used to live in Iowa and totally understood his disbelief.

In my area, we have the Californians that are flooding into the state and turning it slowly blue. They have ruined Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and Texas is expected to turn blue within a decade or so.

Leftist ideology and attitudes are a cancer. And what's really sad is that a lot of those fleeing liberal cesspools bring along the same beliefs and attitudes that caused it in the first place without even realizing it.

I've seen so many "conservative" Californians move here, then start supporting "common sense" changes like a new recycling program, a new multi-million city park, traffic circles, etc.

Now, they want all of these new shiny things that they considered normal things in California and don't care how they are paid for. So city fees go up, taxes go up, regulations increase, and soon they are living in a place that they have directly caused to be higher cost of living and less free.

They are an ignorant cancer.

It has always amazed me that many move from a blue state to a red state and then slowly push a liberal agenda. As you mentioned Texas will most likely "convert" as will Florida. For years I had dreamed of retiring to New Mexico or Colorado, but they are too far gone.

03-24-2018, 07:17 PM
I would be very happy if bugs and humidity decided to leave Illinois.:bigsmyl2:

I agree..can they take some of the politicians that ruined the state with them..please?

03-24-2018, 07:18 PM
Just head east to the Hoosier state. We can take some more freedom loving individuals.

I am looking into doing just that...

03-24-2018, 07:49 PM
Would the last one to leave please turn off the lights? Don't bother locking the door.

Outer Rondacker
03-24-2018, 08:32 PM
Are you sure it was Il. and not NY? Sure sounds a lot like NY!
NY is great. Who am I kidding.

I would jump for joy if half of my state would walk out. Starting with the ones attacking my gun rights.

03-24-2018, 11:57 PM
My wife and I have been wanting to go to Missouri for some time now. It's still the plan we just have to work out the details. I keep fantasizing that people down state will get so fed up with Madigans machine and we would turn Illinois red! :-o

03-25-2018, 08:10 AM
^^^ Do yourself a favor and come down to the Ozarks
I loaded up the truck, so to speak, and fled California.
I like living in the State with the most freedom and us hillbillies just mind our own business. Check the demographics on the area you are moving to.

Outer Rondacker
03-25-2018, 08:22 AM
^^^ Do yourself a favor and come down to the Ozarks
I loaded up the truck, so to speak, and fled California.
I like living in the State with the most freedom and us hillbillies just mind our own business. Check the demographics on the area you are moving to.

You know I have been loads of places in the usa. Never been to the ozarks. So I typed it into google. Wow nice looking pics. Water mountains woods. Even the wife walked by the TV screen and said lets move there.

oh for those of you who need (,,,) think that covers it.

03-25-2018, 08:30 AM
Like I said, do yourself a favor, move to the Ozarks
Maximum freedom, bar none. I prize freedom.

03-25-2018, 08:37 AM
You know I have been loads of places in the usa. Never been to the ozarks. So I typed it into google. Wow nice looking pics. Water mountains woods. Even the wife walked by the TV screen and said lets move there.

oh for those of you who need (,,,) think that covers it.

Thanks! LOL

03-25-2018, 10:04 AM
Like I said, do yourself a favor, move to the Ozarks
Maximum freedom, bar none. I prize freedom.
Wife and I were looking to move to Mo for quite some time.
Finally just before retirement we found a place.
Hills, trees, water, and a lot of things to do here in the Ozark foot hills.
Beautiful area.
The people take a little getting use to, very laid back.
But a heck of a lot better than Il

03-25-2018, 10:20 AM
^^^ do the people take getting used to, or do you and your wife take getting used to???
Seriously, you inflict yourselves on us and we are the problem???
Move away. Yes, if you like freedom, the Ozarks are unequaled.
Tip, hilbillies like to be left alone. It is not a numb-nut laid back.
It is a mind your own business deal.
Want a lot of friends, join your local Church.
Want to be left alone, no problem.
If you come to change to maximum level of freedom, do not move here.
Simple deal.

03-25-2018, 10:57 AM
I prefer bugs and humidity to liberals.

03-25-2018, 11:00 AM
I hear gun fire day and night
I like it
Even at 10pm
No building codes
Cool fireworks
Burn piles
Off road vehicles
No smog checks
Lowest tobacco taxes
Best gun laws, yes that is true
Our CCW permits were uninvited from a few States
19 year old concealed carry, constitutional at that
Go to So Cal and see how laid back people are there
Lot of hostility
I hate being at a four-way intersection and trying to force other drivers to go and take their turn and they insist I go ahead
This is Bible Belt

03-25-2018, 11:02 AM
I prefer bugs and humidity to liberals
Pretty much

03-27-2018, 07:56 AM
I prefer bugs and humidity to liberals.

I prefer to live where there is neither...


03-27-2018, 11:38 AM
When Dad was alive, he got hired to drive a load of hogs to Chicago. The owner of the truck was to take another semi to, so he thought that dad should go get his semi drivers license first. They drove to Sioux City and parked downtown across from the DMV. The other guy went for coffee down at Kerskee's and dad went to be tested. He passed the written test so the ISP Trooper came out to do the drivers test and saw the two trucks parked there. Before he got in the truck, he asked dad who drove the truck here and where was he. Dad told him that he was down having coffee. The trooper asked a couple of other questions and figured out that dad drove the truck up there. The trooper signed off on the form, saying that anybody that could drive that truck into Downtown Sioux City could pry drive the truck any where.
Any rate they drive to the stock yards in Chicago or close to it. They got lost in south Chicago, and spotted a Chicago LEO. They stopped to ask for directions, and they could see the yards from were they were at. The Cop started to give them directions several times, but stopped short of giving them all. Finely he told them that you can't get there from her, and left.
Don't know if dad was telling the truth or if he stretched it some, but he claims it happened. It could have gone either way knowing dad, but I always remembered that story.

03-29-2018, 11:39 AM
What is it Dr. Phil says . . . "I don't ask myself why, I ask myself why not?"

I really do feel for the good and honest citizens of Illinois . . . the rest of them . . . corruption breeds corruption. And let's not forget who the last President from Illinois was . . . .