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View Full Version : Citigroups, new gun policy

03-22-2018, 05:47 PM
Talking about over reach, this stuff is getting serious.


03-22-2018, 05:56 PM
I'm surprised they just don't stop doing business with any firearms related sales.
Seems they want to, but don't want to lose all the money.
This way, they can make like their on both sides.
citi has always been anti. Always will be,

03-22-2018, 05:57 PM
I wish I could drop them, but I don't have anything with them. Bank of America is in talks with gun companies...Now that bank will lose my business if they go this route, guaranteed.

03-22-2018, 06:08 PM
My mom does business with citibank. uses their nasty piece of plastic extensively. I've been in the process of helping her decide what card(s) to pay off and cut up. This just made that decision SO easy...

03-22-2018, 06:52 PM
I have two cards.
NRA first bankcard
Costco citi card.
first bankcard is out, so I'm stuck with the Costco card.
My bank uses first bankcard, so their out.
Credit union is giving me a hard time getting their card, so I gave up.
I wonder how long it's going to take the NRA to get a new card??????

03-22-2018, 06:57 PM
I wish I could drop them, but I don't have anything with them. Bank of America is in talks with gun companies...Now that bank will lose my business if they go this route, guaranteed.

Yup on BoA....

03-22-2018, 07:07 PM
Only have their CC (for over 10 years), well I guess I can switch to any other institution w/o any major headache - it's just CC.

03-22-2018, 07:38 PM
Looks like Citigroups is being a Dick.
Ole Jack

03-22-2018, 08:37 PM
Ya see, it is that firearms owners & Pro 2A folks are now a "minority" & the Anti 2As are a majority, so these companies can get away with this sort of policy BS...

Slow boil to leftist ways... The US Constitution is getting attacked & there are too few to stand up to the assault now,IMO.

It is coming to a head though. Either with a "bang:" or... most likely.... it will just go away in a whisper, silently like those trains that took the European holocaust victims away & the Soviet ones who were sent to Siberia, Maos chinese "re-education" that killed millions, or the "killing fields" of Cambodia, etc...

03-22-2018, 08:46 PM
It is not that the anti 2A is a majority, the thing is the anti 2A is much more vocal.

03-22-2018, 08:57 PM
It is not that the anti 2A is a majority, the thing is the anti 2A is much more vocal.

I am not so sure of that. If there are 330,000,000 folks in the US, and there are only 25-30,000,000 ( approx.10%) firearms owners, it seems to me that there is a majority over a minority. Of course not all of the non firearms owners are anti, but it sure seems to be a majority.

I am open to knowing more accurate figures than what I "guessed" at...

03-22-2018, 09:03 PM
We may be the minority, but it is the most vocal that wins, when was the last time you saw an organized walkout or parade or anything of the sort by gun owners?? Heck even if we were the majority, we do not all stand for the 2A to start with, as long as it doesn't affect our muzzle loader, or glock or shotgun, or etc, etc.

03-22-2018, 09:16 PM
“But we want to do our part as a company to prevent firearms from getting into the wrong hands.”

Seems that would be the job of the branches of government and the alphabet boys. Not a banking institution.

A poor excuse at best. Now where is that Citigroup credit card I’ve got laying around somewhere......can always use a different target.

03-22-2018, 09:18 PM
We may be the minority, but it is the most vocal that wins, when was the last time you saw an organized walkout or parade or anything of the sort by gun owners?? Heck even if we were the majority, we do not all stand for the 2A to start with, as long as it doesn't affect our muzzle loader, or glock or shotgun, or etc, etc.

I understand what ya are saying..
" A house divided will not stand"...

Their united front against is up against a splintered group of diehards & Fudds..

Not gonna be pretty.

03-22-2018, 10:51 PM
no one knows how many gun owners there really is. the numbers being bounced around are just a guess.

03-22-2018, 11:23 PM
I found figures that show 25% of American adults own at least one firearm. With the majority of firearms owned by about 3% of adult population. I think it was 17% own at least three firearms.

So yes gun owners are a minority, reloaders a minority of gun owners, myself I prefer rare to minority. Bottom line is we can only impact change by getting at least some of the non-gun owners to support the position or by focusing all gun owners into a limited number of issues.

For those of you planning to drop a credit card, rolling any balance to another card then letting them drop you should avoid any negative impact on your credit score. One can drop the credit limit on the card you are letting go of if having two cards with high limits skews your potential debt to income ratio. Dropping a credit card, especially one that you have a long payment history with can ding your credit score. Better to let them drop you for inactivity and zero balance.

Citibank jacked my rate up while upping my credit limit despite being informed that they were not to increase my limit without my written consent. They had a habit of doing that and I would call and have it rolled back, about the third time I demanded written confirmation that they understood my wishes. Essentially they tried to make my limit high enough that the potential debt would prevent me from getting another card and rolling over the balance when they jacked up my interest rate from single digits up to the teens, I didn't catch it until the second month because I was paying off a purchase by sending extra which covered the higher minimum payment.

So if interest rate is supposed to reflect risk what kind of bone head would decide the "risk" required 70% increase in interest rate while extending a few thousand more in unsecured credit? Yep Citibank was on my list of companies that should have their entire board and management team from VP on up sent to Singapore for a good caning before this latest double talking pile-o-manure, is just providing reinforcement.

I went to Credit Union got a card that was 2% lower than Citi was before they jacked my rate, rolled balance, called and dropped available limit with Citibank to the minimum for the card. After about 6 months of no balance and no activity they dropped me. Credit score didn't take a hit.

03-22-2018, 11:52 PM
I have read a couple of times since the Florida shooting where people that do not own a gun, nor have any plans to have joined the NRA.
Just because folks do not own a gun does not mean they do not want to see our rights preserved.
I don't have a clue how many gun owners there actually are , but I can't think of anyone I actually know that doesn't own one.
The problem is there is not enough of us, more like we don't stick together, have way too many individual interpretations to the 2A, and do not protest.
Homosexuals are way fewer than gun owners, and they get everything they want and every company they have threatened for the last forty years has either caved to their desires or helped to finance their cause.

03-23-2018, 12:30 AM
The analogy about homosexuals while not accurate do highlight a point. They are a minority BUT they have the support of all their friends and family and co-workers which turns them into if not a majority a very large minority and that is why they gained recognition of their rights.

Which only took them around 60 years to achieve a rough legal parity in some parts of the country with strong resistance to that parity still existing.

However there is a lesson there in both persistence, such as the resistance to over regulation of gun owners that has been going on since 1968 and a lesson in finding ally's to allow a minority to protect their rights. Ask yourself who really benefits from getting us to divide into clans and tribes that won't work together and dislike or distrust each other.

03-25-2018, 06:51 PM
I believe from what I have read over the years that a much more realistic number of gun owners is closer to 100 million. Keeping in mind that many of the 300 million or so in the population are young kids we're not that big a minority. I think the problem is complacency. Not voting because my vote doesn't count or the good old nothing will change excuse both of which you'll even hear at this site. The last election has proven we can elect anyone and over come all those "polls" that showed Hillary a winner. I'll keep up my mantra.....the midterm elections are EXTREMELY important. If we become complacent now and the Dems win the house and Senate you will see such an erosion of your rights and gun control legislation that will make the assault weapons pale by comparison.
We need to come out in full force and let them know the silent majority is no longer silent. The Dems run a great machine and they are getting all revved up to win. We need to stop them again.

03-25-2018, 06:59 PM
What these kids (and the D's by using the kids as pawns) don't realize is that not only are they engaging the D base but they are also giving the R's motivation to go vote. Without this the R's were becoming a little complacent.

I have also known many D's that are staunch 2nd Amendment supporters and will not support someone who tries to erode those rights.

03-25-2018, 07:50 PM
We may be the minority, but it is the most vocal that wins, when was the last time you saw an organized walkout or parade or anything of the sort by gun owners?? Heck even if we were the majority, we do not all stand for the 2A to start with, as long as it doesn't affect our muzzle loader, or glock or shotgun, or etc, etc.

anyone willing to hold a bet on how the medias would cover a massive gun owners gathering?

they first would send us an anti group of protesters hired to instills some sparks, then if ever it would turn into an head bang it would be the gun owner group who would be the culprit......that is the left weapon of predilection : medias. most are sold to the left,except fox and some other alternative medias,and most are willing to spit any lies to keep conservative views at bay,even lying to the point where we're ostracized.

still, the left owns many lenght on us. they have the medias on their side ,and they go out to be heard. gun owners are staying home, shy to regroup.

03-26-2018, 12:10 PM
Talking about over reach, this stuff is getting serious.


My daughter works in one of their call centers. She said the girl next to her took a call from a NRA member who wished to cancel his CC. She was hollering out to a supervisor and kept repeating that the man was "an RA member". My daughter, who's a Life NRA member got a good chuckle out of that.

We ALL need to get more involved because the bedwetting progressive liberals are winning. From our public education system, entertainment industry, mainstream media, etc., our children are being taught to be clueless sheep.

They don't understand the significance of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. They know nothing about why they were written or what the words actually mean. They learn nothing about history. They follow the crowd. Just like the clueless protestors over the weekend who were unable to explain in any logical detail what they were protesting against.

04-02-2018, 07:47 AM
I cut up my Citi card last week. Here is a petition on Whitehouse.gov regarding Citi being the preferred credit card vendor for the US Government.

