View Full Version : scrap yard haul

03-17-2018, 01:45 PM
This what I came home with last weekend.The large soil pipe joints is what i had a problem with mentioned in another post.Burried in the pile a quite a few stink pipe roof jacks and some sheathing. I dont think there will be any problem with any of that.Not to bad on the pice 60cents a lb.Thought maybe i was done collecting lead not so it is very habit forming.Casting and shooting friends keep telling me the house will tilt of sink soon lol.Happy lead hunting to all.



03-17-2018, 01:52 PM
That is a very nice haul!

03-17-2018, 01:52 PM
That a load of soft lead, 60 ¢ per lb is a good price.
I would separate them and smelt by type for consistent alloy

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03-17-2018, 06:48 PM
There you go
Always impressed with your finds. Your house is going to start leaning and sink!

country gent
03-17-2018, 09:05 PM
Come on Mitch your in the black swamp, you need the weight for ballast and to keep the house from floating. LOL

03-18-2018, 09:07 AM
Nice score! Quite a load of soft lead!

Oklahoma Rebel
03-24-2018, 05:42 PM
what does your average grey water lead pipe, like from under the sinks and in the walls, come up to when analysed? I know people say it is close to pure, but I wasn't so sure about that. ps I know that the joints are high in tin, probably 50-50 solder, so I am mainly asking about JUST the pipe, without the soldered joints added. thanks a lot!

D Crockett
03-24-2018, 07:24 PM
I just don't get it. every scrap yard I go to I get the same answer we do not sale to the public then I see pictures of people with truck loads of lead in other states I just don't get ins co here in Florida in my county and the next county to the south of me I can not buy a thing from them now D Crockett

03-24-2018, 09:11 PM
The big city yards around here won't sell to the public either. You have to hit up the small places, the mom and pop places.

03-24-2018, 10:03 PM
Good score. Keep up the luck, one of us has to have it.

Same here. Its hit or miss, i found a scrap yard that will sell to me but the others wont. Same with tire shops around here having contracts and not selling to me. Everytime some post about what their friend of a friend gave them from their tire shop i get a little jealous and little sad.

03-24-2018, 10:53 PM
Oklahoma Rebel
The pipe i have seen is anywhere for pure to close to it.by close to it 2 batches i had tested by a member here were around .5% or less of both antimony and tin> so for most of boolt casting close enough.testing with my LBT hardness tetser show BHN of 5 for pure and 6 to 8 for the allmost pure.If you look at the rotometals site it gives you a bhn of 8.6 to use for pure lead.The reason for this is the hardness curve for antimony and tin alloys are very fast with the fist little bit of alloy.When you get to ( bhn the curve flatens out.The lead calculator here on this site uses the same formula and works very well from what i have found.Ps the solder joint can be melted off the pipe with some time and care< there is just enough temp differance to get it done with out meltine alot of pure into the solder.spme of the lager pipe with big joint might be worth the time.

I live in small town USA and am a small town kind of guy.I dont go to the big city for many things includeing lead.that said I do not find lead like this every day or every month.This is a very good find in this area.Most of the time it is 10 to 30lbs.I would say that about 60% of the scrap yars close by me sell to the public why i do not know.I woud gess some are into makeing money and others are not lol. Some here have a hard time believing that there is a scrap yard out there with an XRF gun.LOL yes there are plenty of the with out the hi tech xrf.I have found the same thing about tire shops again the smaller mom and pop shops are more likely to sell or give you ww.

Happy hunting to every one just be persistant i have been hunting lead for about 7 years now and have a good plenty.the oly thing i can tall you all is keep looking tell everyone you know you are looking for lead.Some times it comes from strange places.keep beating the bushes and see what come out.Ihave had a hader time finding lead the last few years than i did 6 or 7 years ago.But it is still there and can show up in volume like 800lbs worth just no as often and you need to bee persistent good luck to all!!!

I big thanks to all that have given me help weather is was castin or what i was looking for huntin lead.


03-24-2018, 11:28 PM
This is some I picked up at the yard last August.

03-24-2018, 11:39 PM
Those buckets must weigh close to 300lb each

03-25-2018, 03:31 PM
Those buckets must weigh close to 300lb each

Not really. About 1500 lbs total there. A good haul just the same.