View Full Version : Neighbor lady

03-16-2018, 01:58 AM
Ok I have a neighbor lady that likes guns, she is a lot like I am in that regard because she just likes them all, even junk wall hangers.
Last summer she came up with an old waffletop in 32 win, no wood on it and pretty much just junk iron, it is rusted so bad.

A couple of days ago she showed me an old junk 95 in 30US. Now this rifle is basically junk, but it is all there even the wood. I do not know how the wood got in this bad of shape though, it is not rotten, but dried out so bad it is strictly junk and it does not look like there is any remnent of finish of any kind on it. I mean it looks like it never had any.

The metal is solid rust, the action will not open at all, but it is not actually pitted. I didn't look at the bore, but the rest of the metal actually looks like it could be refinished very nice. I am thinking this one could actually be brought back to life , with new wood, even if the barrel needs religned.

03-16-2018, 04:10 AM
Is she a scuba diver?

03-16-2018, 05:50 AM
Ok I have a neighbor lady that likes guns, she is a lot like I am in that regard because she just likes them all, even junk wall hangers.
Last summer she came up with an old waffletop in 32 win, no wood on it and pretty much just junk iron, it is rusted so bad.

A couple of days ago she showed me an old junk 95 in 30US. Now this rifle is basically junk, but it is all there even the wood. I do not know how the wood got in this bad of shape though, it is not rotten, but dried out so bad it is strictly junk and it does not look like there is any remnent of finish of any kind on it. I mean it looks like it never had any.

The metal is solid rust, the action will not open at all, but it is not actually pitted. I didn't look at the bore, but the rest of the metal actually looks like it could be refinished very nice. I am thinking this one could actually be brought back to life , with new wood, even if the barrel needs religned.

Maybe she is wanting to spend some time with you.:bigsmyl2:

03-16-2018, 07:59 AM
Not to discourage you, but if it's rusty enough for the action to not open, there will be pitting under that rust. I worked part time in a rebluing shop for over 20 years, had a lot of experience with rusted guns. That was well before the baked on finishes existed, but from what I've read, they can cover up a lot of pitting.

03-16-2018, 09:17 AM
You wont know for sure until you get it apart. Half the fun is taking it apart.

03-16-2018, 03:35 PM
Maybe she is wanting to spend some time with you.:bigsmyl2:

Nah, just good friends, same with her husband. lol She has her guns and he has his though, then they have some they have bought each other. lol

I know the inside will be worse that the outside, and like I said I didn't even look at the bore.

I have a left handed 308 that came out of the dump, it was in one of those fake sheepskin lined cases that had got soaking wet and rusted to it, but the bore was fine and the rest cleaned pretty good, I just need a stock for it.

03-17-2018, 09:48 AM
“she likes guns ..... “

If you like freedom and you have a brain ..... you have to like guns!

Somebody I know found an M1 carbine in the dump several years ago. He put it in his closet and forgot it.

One day they were moving and he stumbled into it again. He brought it to me ... we had a rainy day on the ranch so I sequestered myself to my man cave and turned-up the radio and the heat!

I never have been much of a fan of them but I was just wanting to do a favor .....

The gun looked like hell but curiosity kicked in.

As the owner and I worked our way into it things began to look up and my understanding of the rifle increased.

He left and I started scrubbing.

Another friend loaned me a GI magazine and after firing a round without a Mag I tried a short string .... flawless!

This “dump gun” turns out to be an early Inland, it is still not pretty but is fully functional. The owner indicated he wanted to sell it.

His price: $150

I did not elaborate on what it could be worth but did indicate that with some TLC it would be worth more but he stuck with his price even after I let him soak for 24 hrs.

So I bought it!

Now for the frosting .....

I put it on targets and the rascal is a tack driver!

Color me happy and a fan of the M1Carbine!

..... and dump guns with the “right stuff” .......


03-17-2018, 03:29 PM
You wont know for sure until you get it apart. Half the fun is taking it apart.
The gun or the lady?

03-18-2018, 02:40 AM
The gun or the lady?

Did I mention, that her husband likes guns too. lol
I was getting the shower key and towels at a truckstop, and the lady ask if I wanted two towels. I told her yes and she handed me one, then tried to hand a nice looking younger lady standing in the line next to me the other one. The young lady stepped back, but didn't say anything, so the gal took the towel back, but when the young lady stepped back to the counter, she tried to hand it to her again and she stepped back again, I told the older lady, that I sure wouldn't mind, but I was pretty sure she was going to have to throw that gal in the shower with me.
She got so embarassed that she had a hard time finishing waiting on me. lol