View Full Version : Optics suggestions plz Lithgow LA 101 22LR

03-15-2018, 05:37 AM
Considering scopes for a LA 101. So far it has a 36x Weaver benchrest scope while I figure out what it is capable of and the ammo it likes, but then something smaller and brighter that is more enjoyable to look through is desired. Mostly I shoot off a bench at 25, 50 and 100 yards.

The LA 101 is a pleasure to use. The first groups out of it were exceptional for my skill level. A good scope would increase the enjoyment. I can live with 4 to 9x, would really enjoy 20x or more capability but don't want a huge scope on the rifle. Money is always important, but I would rather cry one time when I pay for the scope than cry every time I use it.

Other than the max 9x of this VX-Freedom Rimfire 3-9x40 its reticle offers considerable flexibility and is cheap enough that if it is not good enough it can be moved to another waiting to be scoped rifle. If there is something better my budget can expand and a scope that could be moved to other centerfire rifles when desired also had considerable value to me. My main complaint with Weaver scopes is they are not bright enough to make the world sparkle when looking through them.

Thanks in advance

03-15-2018, 09:12 AM
I wasn't familiar with the Lithgow LA101, thanks for the tip. It looks like a very nice rifle.

Your question is still kind of wide-open. Optics is an area of huge choice and variety. If you can narrow it down a bit by answering a few questions...

Just how much power do you think you'll need? How much more money than a VX-Freedom Rimfire 3-9x40 are you willing to go? What objective size are you willing to put up with? 40mm, 50mm, ???. Do you plan to crank on the zoom and adjustments constantly or set and forget?

When it comes to brightness, it's hard to beat the middle and higher end Leupolds. From the competition set I hear that Leupold is not the best for constant knob cranking. I haven't had any problems with that with any of mine, but I'm just a weekend plinker, target shooter and hunter. Maybe if I was employed 8 hours a day cranking on scope knobs, I would be dissatisfied.

03-15-2018, 02:14 PM
Weekend target shooter and plinker mostly from a bench and occasionally from the shoulder aiming for targets between 25 and 200 yards with the majority at 50 or 100 yards.

Power range of 6X to 20X or more should accomplish goals. The plan is not to have to crank away counting clicks for distance but to use marks on the reticle to accomplish this. The variable is mostly set for the activity at hand and not cranked back and forth much.

The total size and weight of the scope is to be as small as possible within satisfying my goals. After writing this it is odd to say a 50mm objective could be acceptable if the rest of the scope is right. The Lithgow has a 60 degree bolt throw making it easy to accommodate most scopes on the other end.

My competition is only against myself. The clarity and brightness makes a huge impact on my enjoyment of the total package. I am assuming that any scope looked at will have satisfactory tracking ability and quality.

Price that so far appears my budget is $1,000 maximum. If something extraordinary turns up I'll try to stretch the budget. The LA 101 is a very enjoyable rifle which I don't want to diminish by compromising any more than necessary by the scope.

Other than an Annie for 3x the money or a Vudoo at maybe 4 or 5x the price the LA 101 seems about as good as one can do for a non custom made rimfire. It may be almost as good as an Annie or Vudoo, but I don't know.

Now to scope it : ) .

03-15-2018, 10:16 PM
Lots of choices in the 6-20x40-50 range, but the only thing I have I can't recommend, the Simmons 44 Mag. Neither the brightest nor most repeatable.

Perhaps someone else can weigh in.