View Full Version : Thank you for today

03-12-2018, 05:32 AM
Lord thank you for guiding us to this place where we of common and combined faith come to give praise to you . Where we seek your intervention and relief for others in their lives . Where we enjoy the fellowship of one anther through our like faith .

Thank you for the blessings we have received . Thank you for all given as we realize that all is given by you through your love for us . Thank you for tempering us in our lives through trial to build us and help us understand the pain of others . Thank you Lord and continue to work in our lives to help us glorify you . Amen

03-12-2018, 08:26 AM

03-12-2018, 08:28 AM
Lord thank you for this weekend.

Sat my new neighbor Jean came over. Jean was a Ranger for 14 years, did 5 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Jean is also originally from Haiti and quite black.

I truly believe the Lord put him in front of me as a test. I think I passed.
He'd had a run of bad luck. An 1800$ dealership bill for a cracked power steering unit on his Hummer. So they impounded it until he could pay it off. It sat there with 2 flat tires for that month. Left him with 2 tires with broken beads that would not hold air on same hummer and no money to replace them. He was walking to work a couple of miles each way.

Well we couldn't have that, so I gave him 500$ and told him not to worry. I had things he could do on weekends to work it off.

2 days later he has a hummer that runs, and he wants to know the year and make of my car parked in the snowbank. He was going to go buy me a battery to get me a car that runs.

Well I opened the garage and showed him the other car that does run. And convinced him to save his money. Then he gave me this fancy set of headphones for the range that let you hear what people are saying, but cuts out the big stuff. They sell for 500+$. So I told him we were square. He did not owe me anything.

He has helped me blow snow twice now, plus hauled a bunch of junk out of the house.

He has taken me to the range twice now. Does all the hard work, totes the rifles and the big heavy range bag. He's a fair shot, working hard at getting better. I manage to do a smidge better most days so far, but I can see that is not going to last. He has gotten interested in the single shots, one shot one kill philosophy.

He had an absolute blast with my Win 94 lever gun in .30-30. Ran 50 rounds of ammo through my 9mm Hipoint carbine with a huge grin on his face. And felt like a secret agent man shooting the little phoenix arms .22lr pistol.

Thank you Lord. I do not deserve all that you have laid on my table.

Next visit it is "teach me to cast" and reload.

Ok son, can do. Can do.

03-12-2018, 08:50 AM

03-12-2018, 09:35 AM
Amen to that.

Pine Baron
03-12-2018, 10:56 AM
Amen Boaz and thanks Ghost for putting a smile on my face.

03-12-2018, 09:49 PM
Charlie, It is late in the day and yet your prayer was point on for us.....thanks....Paul