View Full Version : Old style Lyman handles vs. new

09-03-2008, 06:34 PM
I have an old 429421 Lyman hold whose handles have the pivot point on the "far" side of the mold block and a new 452630 mold with the pivot point on the "close" side of the block. Are there any advantages to one style over the other or is it just personal preference? I don't use the 429 mold anymore and am thinking of switching it over to the 452. The one advantage I can see to the old style is that you can open the mold blocks to a straight line which makes it a bit easier to "Bull Plate Lube" the pins.



09-03-2008, 07:01 PM
I have the old style handles on my 358429. But my other three lyman four-cavities have the new style handles. I think a lot depends on what you get used to. One reason I like the old nutcracker handles is you can open them up to a straight line as you said and lay the mold across the top of a box, then tap the handles to drop the bullets out. No danger of hitting the mold as they drop out.

As I get older, the old style handles remind me too much of my H&G ten cavity, which I never use any more. It wears out my arms before I get done. I bought a set of Lyman four cavity handles about six monthe ago. Obviously, the finer points of handle making are lost on the Chinese. I had to do surgery on them with my grinder so they would open up far enough.

09-04-2008, 11:33 AM
I use the old nutcracker style handles since the couple of the new pliers style I tried were poorly made and didn't even let the blocks close. Just my luck?
With other brands of gang molds I prefer the pliers style for one handed ease of use.