View Full Version : Knee operation.

03-06-2018, 02:27 PM
I humbly come to all of you, my friends, and members of the family of God, asking for prayer for me tomorrow on March 7th, as I go in the get a knee replaced.

Prayer availeth much, and I want God to be glorified by all your prayers. What better help and care could I ever hope for![smilie=s:

03-06-2018, 02:36 PM
Prayers sent.

Slow Eddie
03-06-2018, 02:45 PM
Payers sent! Be sure to do your exercises as that is the key for your recovery!

03-06-2018, 02:53 PM
Saying a silent prayer for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.


Preacher Jim
03-06-2018, 03:17 PM
Hickok may the Lord guide those doctors and heal you quickly. My brother do everything they tell you and do not undo what Lord does as the therapy more important than actual surgery.
You will be in my prayers everyday.

03-06-2018, 03:39 PM
you'll be fine...but

DO THE THERAPY ...its gonna hurt like hell...BUT DO IT!

i had my right totally replaced one year ago...i get my left done in 34 days...i can't hardly wait as the pain now is almost unbearable!

03-06-2018, 03:54 PM
Lord be with our brother through this surgery . Speed his healing and recovery to bring him back here . Thank you for all you do in his life . Amen

03-06-2018, 04:00 PM
Before I had my right knee replaced a year and a half ago, I told my daughter that I would treat each pang of pain as a stepping stone to new strength. I post-op therapized myself enthusiastically and am walking like a man again. It's a cool way to get a little younger.

03-06-2018, 04:11 PM
Hope all goes well Hickok !!
Your a tough bird, no problem.


Pine Baron
03-06-2018, 04:57 PM
Prayers for a successful procedure and a speedy recovery. May God Bless you my brother.

03-06-2018, 06:15 PM
Father please be with Ken as he undergoes knee surgery. Please guide the medical team that will perform this procedure and then with the team that will take care of him after surgery. Pleae be with him as he goes through therapy and lastly I am asking for removal of pain. Father, Ken is a faithful follower of You and I humbly request Your blessing upon Ken, his family, and the medical teams that will work with him. AMEN

03-06-2018, 06:28 PM
Prayers for your safety, health and a full and speedy recovery.

+1 on do the rehab. If possible set up your first rehab appointment dates as soon as surgery is done for when the doctor thinks you can start. Sometimes it can take a week or more to get an appointment from when you go to make the first appointment and that can allow things to start healing tight or binding up.

Sister had that with her knees, I had it with a shoulder. Both of us waited to set up rehab appointments until doctor said it was time to start rehab. After a few weeks of rehab we both had to go back to be put under so they could break everything free and start over. You better believe I asked before that second go how long before I could start rehab and had an appointment set up before the second trip to the surgery. Having them break free the healing scar tissue was not fun, no way I was going to do it twice if I could avoid it.

Wayne Smith
03-06-2018, 08:11 PM
Prayers sent for you and for your doctors. God is the healer, but he created MD's as well. If you have avoided exercise recovery is harder, if you have continued to exercise the muscles around the knee recovery will be easier.

03-06-2018, 08:38 PM
Just before I had one done (in 2006) the doctor came into the prep room where they were getting me ready to go into the O/R and he said ..."you seem awfully calm"...I told him I'd given it all to God and God gave it to him and if it got screwed up he could deal with God...

He laughed long and hard and did a beautiful job...the exercises are the key to a successful recovery...you will call your "physical therapist"...a "Physical Terrorist" before you are done but it makes the work the Ortho all worth while...So I'll ask my God to look in while you are getting the work done and I'll bet things go fine...best wishes...for anyone that has not seen one..I'll put in a pic....I'd not go to you tube to see a replacement being done, however...probably better to read a reloading magazine, etc.


03-07-2018, 08:48 AM
Good luck............it's not as bad as some make out. Had both done four months apart.


03-07-2018, 09:47 AM
Always on our prayer list, God will be right there with you guiding the surgeon.

03-07-2018, 11:08 AM
you'll be fine...but

DO THE THERAPY ...its gonna hurt like hell...BUT DO IT!

i had my right totally replaced one year ago...i get my left done in 34 days...i can't hardly wait as the pain now is almost unbearable!

This is the very best advice anyone can give you.
Any pain you have after your surgery will be good pain, because with each passing week it will get better.
If you never get the knee replacement all pain hence forth will only get worse.
Do you exercises until tears come and you want to cry, it's the best thing you can do.

03-07-2018, 09:00 PM
Ken, How did the surgery go brother? Praying for comfort and healing! Paul

03-08-2018, 10:41 AM
Sorry, I just saw this but will say a prayer for a fast recovery.

03-08-2018, 08:51 PM
Friends, operation on Wednesday, overnight stay and just got home on Thursday.

Thanks so much for prayers offered up on my behalf. Go to rehab tomorrow.

It was real. It was fun. But it wasn't real fun!!!:bigsmyl2:

Really not too bad, as I worked out with leg weights for nearly two months. It is uncomfortable, but not unbearable.

Rehab promises to be a thrill!!!:shock:

03-08-2018, 09:02 PM
Ken, Glad you are doing well....like mozeppa said: DO THE THERAPY and you will be good to go before you know it.....Paul

03-08-2018, 09:02 PM
Oh boy ...too late i was going to talk to the big guy for you lol im finally getting things lined up for my knee been a long fight but I see lite at the end of the tunnel so any pointers im all ears ...hope every thing went as planned for you ..GUYS HOW MUCH DID YOU GUYS WEIGH ? IM NOT A LITTLE GUY BY NO MEANS

03-08-2018, 09:19 PM
So glad it all went well and your out and back home ! Seems you have many friends around here brother .

Again ......I'm glad your home !


Pb Burner
03-08-2018, 10:00 PM
Hickok, just saw this thread, I'm glad your surgery went well. My prayers up for you for speedy recovery.

03-09-2018, 06:53 AM
Father God. Thank you for the good word from Hickok that all went well with the surgery. Continue to heal his body and make him strong. Be with the physical therapist as they help him to recover and get stronger. In the name of your Son , Jesus Christ , I pray. Amen

03-09-2018, 08:33 AM
It truly means a lot to me that I have such good friends who have lifted me up in prayer.:bigsmyl2:

03-09-2018, 08:45 AM
So happy to hear that you are doing good, Praise God!

Preacher Jim
03-09-2018, 06:19 PM
You are going to be behind the pulpit and running the woods quickly, remember
Philippians 4: 13.
Still praying for you