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Christian for Israel
09-03-2008, 01:48 PM

Why are we here?
In February of 2007 long time gun writer Jim Zumbo posted his opinion of so called “assault weapons” on his blog. Zumbo stated his belief that such firearms were little more than terrorists weapons and wholly unsuited to any sporting purpose. Within hours his sponsors, editors and advertisers in the magazines he wrote for were deluged with emails decrying Zumbos stand and demanding action. Zumbo was soon humbled into making an apology and is still trying to right the wrong he did to Americas gun owners who saw the damage he did and recognized it affected more than just “assault weapons”.
As I watched these events unfold I witnessed the first successful, though unorganized and unplanned, gun rights battle involving the internet. I was amazed at the results and inspired to follow this fight up. At my “home” website we discussed it and many agreed that we should use the momentum of this battle to build on and that we should try and establish a website devoted to organizing all the various firearms related websites in the fight for gun rights. By having announcements posted at the ‘sites by Administrators or Moderators urging the membership to email, fax, write and call their elected officials, the media, industry and their family and friends a truly massive grassroots campaign could be waged. By making simple and quick to use links to politicians and providing form letters and other information the membership of the websites would have no excuse not to participate. There would be no phone calls or letters coming to their homes, no pleas for money, no distant organization that responded slowly to their concerns. It would be personal, simple, cheap and effective. But most importantly the politicians and media would for the first time get a real sense of the number of concerned gun owners who had the power to reach out and say “ENOUGH!!!”

So this website was established and many ‘sites Administrators and Moderators were contacted. Response was slow in coming, so the idea was posted in the public section of some boards. Replies started rolling in and the word spread. It soon became apparent that people were interested in the idea, but it was also seen that there were far more boards on the web than we had realized. Where it had been thought that there might be 50-60 sites and a few thousand people, we realized some boards had 20, 30, 40,000 members! We’ve only scratched the surface.
So here we are. Word is getting out, but not fast enough. We need to spread the word and get this organized and made more efficient. We need your help. Please look through our forums and offer suggestions. Pass the word to your friends, family, club members. Help us make this work.

09-03-2008, 09:57 PM
We are suppost to own weapons comprable to any the government troops own, read the constitution. Its they we will have to fight one day, anyone that says any different hasn't done his home work. Guns arn't for any sporting purpose they are for protection, as I read it from enemys foriegn and domestic. Just my thoughts.

09-04-2008, 06:15 PM
We are suppost to own weapons comprable to any the government troops own, read the constitution. Its they we will have to fight one day, anyone that says any different hasn't done his home work. Guns arn't for any sporting purpose they are for protection, as I read it from enemys foriegn and domestic. Just my thoughts.

Agreed. The "sporting purposes" argument has been used so often and for so long that people now believe it to be valid. The 2nd hasn't got a damned thing to do with sport, and never did.

Southern Son
09-05-2008, 06:25 AM
They used the "sporting purpose" angle over here when they bought in the last lot of new laws. The new laws were basically no magazine of more than 10 rounds and nothing over .38cal. The only exemption was to the caliber clause, and then only if you shoot Metalic Silhouette or Cowboy Action, then you can have the larger calibers (I had to hand in my 1911A1 Springfield, it was aginst the rules in one and useless for the other). The bit that really gave me the $h!t$ is the fact that a large portion of the pistol shooting community did nothing. The Silhouette crowd didn't mind, neither did the cowboys or the bullseye shooters, it did not effect any of them, they either could keep the pistols in question or had no use for them. Unfortunately, IPSC type shooting was hurt (I think that was what the government wanted anyway). No more race guns or .45 single stacks, you can have a Glock, but only with a 10 round magazine and only in 9mm or .357Sig. With so many having to either hand in the gun because of the caliber or being forced to use 10 round mags in a gun made for 18, IPSC went from being quite popular to kind of rare. I don't know if Oz was ever particularly competitive on the international stage in IPSC, but I can't see us ever getting competitive now that anyone who shoots it has to practice with guns that just won't cut it at an international level. Dummy spit over.